So what's it going to be?

The ear-piercing scream of the white-haired girl echoed through the cafeteria with the glasses including windows vibrating, resonating with its loud frequency, and students ducking under the tables with their hands placed firmly on both sides of their ears and their eyes shut tightly to quell it's adverse effects as some of the students who weren't quick in covering both ears were left with bleeding ears and a slight loss of hearing.

the bone-chilling scream lasted for a few more seconds before it finally stopped with evelyn losing all energy from her traumatic gruesome vision before slumping towards the floor luckily Asher was quick to catch her before she fell hard on the marble floors.

"Evelyn are you okay?." Asher asked frantically gently placing his hands on the surface of her forehead checking her temperature which to his relief was still warm.

The students including workers slowly got out of their shelter before slowly turning their gaze at evelyn with a look of perplexion written all over their faces, how could humans produce such an intense skirling sound? was the thought that rampaged their distressed minds.

"Asher I'm sorry are you hurt?." she asked softly gazing weakly at Asher whose ears were now bleeding from being closest to evelyn when she screamed, it had been over a year since she had last screamed that she assumed perhaps her 'curse' had finally been lifted however to her dismay it seemed it wasn't, unfortunately, she saw her gifts as a curse after receiving hateful and fearful gaze from her parents who didn't hesitate to send her to a mental asylum where she had spent the most horrible years of her life, another reason being her screams were so loud that it had such an adverse effect on people who were unlucky to be near range during her 'episodes'.

"Yes I'm fine, perfectly fine, you don't have to worry about me, what happened?." he spoke haltingly

"Annabelle? where is Annabelle?." she asked weakly making Asher trail his sight towards a figure lying motionlessly on the floor, it seemed she had passed out, quickly getting up to check on her he breathe out a sigh of relief finding her vitals stable, it seemed she probably passed out from fear or extreme headache from Evelyn's skirling screams.

"is she okay?." she asked frantically seeing Annabelle lying motionlessly on the floor.

"Yes she's fine, she only passed out, she would be awake In a few minutes," he answered before walking briskly towards evelyn scooping her up in his strong arms which startled her.

"Annabelle," she spoke weakly feeling her consciousness slowly fading away

"Shh...we need to get you away from here, there's a lot of questioning looks from students right now.... I'll come back immediately for her after dropping you at the infirmary "

he replied making evelyn turn her gaze towards the students, her heart skipped a beat with the familiarity of the scenery before her, it was just like her parents and everyone else, they all had a look of fright disdain, and hostility towards her, with teary eyes she slowly turned her gaze back to Asher who gazed back at her with a serene beautiful smile.

"I'm here Evelyn, I'm not afraid, nothing about you frightens me, forget about them and focus only on me," he said with a smile, his words of comfort tugging the strings to her heart, as she felt an overwhelming warmth from his kind words.

fighting back the urge to cry not wanting to appear weak even further she nodded slightly with a smile settling between her alluring pink lips and with a widened grin Asher walked out of the cafeteria carrying Evelyn princess style all the while with questioning gazes at her which she no longer cared about as her gaze and attention was focused solely on Asher's beautiful face before slowly slipping away into the realm of dreams, falling asleep.


A few hours later

"Leonard it's an honor to finally meet you." Came a deep voice of a masculine dark-skinned boy with a neat low cut wearing a stylishly carved mustache with a pair of ink black eyes staring with a widened grin at Leonard and a cigarette settled between his lips holding two seductive looking girls clinging to him like an element of life by the waist.

As expected by the bulky boy dressed in a striped sleeve jacket revealing his huge bulging muscles and blue pants Leonard ignored his earlier statement as he stared lazily through his alluring blue eyes at him.

"I'm glad you accepted my invitation," he added, they were twelve of them including Leonard Liam, and Jeremy present on the uppermost floor of an abandoned art building, this was the meeting place of the silver crest pack with the large boy named Adrian as their alpha, he was a final year student and a naturally powerful gifted lycan shifter that he had become an alpha at the young age of nineteen with over sixteen lycans in his pack which he formed while in school, St Donavan.

" why did you want to see me?." came Leonard's nonchalant question

"Straight to business? I like that." Adrian said with a loud chuckle "Word is you messed up some of Raphael's pack members yesterday night, we both know he wouldn't take it too lightly.... revenge is certain." he said clicking his tongue in disappointment.

"So?, we both know I can handle myself."

"That I'm sure of, but wouldn't it be better if you had an extra pair of eyes and hands for protection?." he asked with a mischievous smirk grabbing both asses of the girls next to him which made them giggle before turning their lustful gaze back to Leon.

"And you are saying you can be that extra pair? what's in it for you?." he asked with a raised brow

"Well let's say you'll owe me a favor, either that or you can submit to me and become one of my pack members." he said before turning his gaze and slamming his lips with the girls on his left side, Leon Jeremy and Liam stood rooted on their spot waiting for Adrian to finish his 'ministrations' which felt like hours before he added

"So what's it going to be? your choice."