The Alpha title (2)

Warning this chapter contains gore contents

Serious, nerve-racking, and intense, It was dead quiet as a graveyard with a tensed atmosphere which some felt suffocated the air around them with students clenching their jaws and fist in anticipation and anxiety, their attention unyielding, unmoving, and undeterred giving their full undivided stares at the two imposing figures standing at the middle preparing their mind mentally and body physically for their impending battle for the Alpha title.

Their hostile gazes locked at each other with Leon staring through his beautiful blue eyes at Adrian's ink-black eyes akin to an abyss luring one into the depths of hell with a glance, standing between the two figures ready for their showdown was the beta of the group Philip, an averaged height boy with short blonde hair and hazel eyes.

"Jeez is it just me? or is it extremely hot in here?." Liam asked out of the blue fanning his face dramatically with his hands breaking the intense stares and atmosphere as all attention was now directed at him.

"Don't you ever shut up Liam," Jeremy asked with a frown before giving the intense glares a pleading look

"What did I do? I'm just trying to lighten the mood." Liam said with a shrug

"Don't mind my dumb ass friend here please continue," he said before their gazes were directed back to Leon and Adrian

"You both know the rules so there's no need to go much into it, whoever wins by the opponent either surrendering to him or... Dying becomes the next alpha of the silver crest pack." his voice echoed through the walls of the abandoned building which was located far away from the school learning premises.

It was a territory known as the west mill which excluded itself from the school premises by the large gigantic steel gates surrounding it, making it near impossible for students to jump over, it was one of the most isolated and prohibited places in the school to human wanderers being that it was a place frequently used by the lycan for their recreational purposes most of which included training, due to the fact that no human student wanders here lycans were permitted by Alexander to use the forbidden area as they pleased.

"Please surrender Leon I don't want to be doing your brother a favor by killing you," he said with a chuckle

"How thoughtful of you." came his nonchalant reply, Philip nodding his head to adrain to signify respect slowly backed away giving the stage to Leon and adrain.

"Begin." the voice of Philip echoed signifying commencement and not a second later the gruesome sounds of cracking and breaking sounds of bones could be heard, with their teeth becoming fangs followed by an undescribable rage making both of them let out a powerful and dominant roar of fury which immediately made everyone present bow their heads in fear as every element and fiber of their being screamed at them for submission to the two powerful boys.

Both sizes of the boys increased gradually with the sounds of shredding and ripping clothes following shortly, their transformation was followed by the rapid growth of fur and change in eye color into the eerie color of red almost like it was blood circulating its eye socket and not a color itself, the two ferocious beasts towered astonishingly, however on closer inspection Leon's white lycan towered a little above Adrian's brown lycan still it did little to nothing in reducing its monstrous sight.

To everyone besides Liam and Jeremy who had already seen his transformation a couple of times Leon's lycan beast eyes morphed from the color red into the beautiful color of radiant golden irises, and the furs on its hands and legs turned golden as well in color making the ferocious beast appear beautifully royalty and at the same time terrifying.

"So this is the famous lycan beast of the Donavan family." said one of the audience in awe at its radiance and beauty, the white golden lycan color represented the Donavan family, it was a color only found among the Donavan family, without a moment notice everyone felt a gush of heavy wind as the two beasts collided in the middle with their claws clashing against each other with loud growls.

"It's finally begun," Liam said enthusiastically as he saw the white golden lycan swing its long claws at the brown lycan who skillfully evaded its claws and in lightening speed limped over Leon slashing his head in the process with a gush of blood following soon after.

"Whadafuck!" both Liam and Jeremy exclaimed in unison seeing Leon bleeding profusely from his forehead as he staggered backward, this was the first time they had seen him take such a huge devastating hit.

It seemed the rumor about Adrian's strength was no joke they thought, however, the planes were once again even as Leon launched himself at Adrain wrapping its hands around its neck and slamming him hard on the concrete floors, slashing its face repeatedly leaving behind horrific looking claw markings on the brown lycan, exerting it's last bit of strength the brown lycan kicked Leon away from him before sinking it's elongated fangs into Leon's neck swinging the white golden beast around before throwing it a few meters away with Leon crashing hard against a wall which immediately broke down with Leon going through it upon impact.

Adrian not giving Leon a chance to recuperate from his ferocious attacks launched aggressively with a bone-chilling roar at Leon, picking the battered white golden furred lycan he was about to sink its ferocious teeth into its neck when with a surprise attack Leon limped over adrain and with a twist in the air slashed the brown lycans neck deeply with blood gushing out almost immediately, and as he landed pierced his claws through the brown Lycan's abdomen making the brown lycan roar in pain and slump down dejectedly to the ground with Leonard shifting back soon after.

"Do you surrender or do you choose death?." he asked coldly pointing his elongated claws at the brown beast's throat, slowly and painfully the brown lycan beast shifted back to its human form making Leon's deep claw markings more evident on his throat.

His pack members seeing their alpha on the brink of death had to exert much mental and emotional strength not to pounce on Leonard, there was absolutely nothing they could do this was the brutal way of their world.

"You don't have to die, Adrian, you can become my beta and can challenge me as much as you want to regain the alpha title," he spoke noticing the unwavering will to surrender in Adrian's eyes, he didn't plan on killing the stubborn alpha.

luckily his words seemed to have helped the Alpha reason things through knowing the truth behind Leon's words, dying now would be pointless, it's as the saying goes 'it's better to live to fight another day and with that thought in mind he nodded his head slowly to the relief of his pack members who didn't want to see their former alpha dead, though adrain didn't look like it he was a deeply protective and just alpha willing to do anything for the safety of his pack, he was someone who they just hadn't grown fond of but equally respect as well.

"I surrender." came the defeated lol the defeated words of adrain, and just like that with their intense battle only lasting two minutes Leonard Donavan became the new alpha of the silver crest pack.

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