The Alpha title (3)

"Acknowledge your Alpha." Came the deep masculine voice of Liam who gazed at the triumphant figure standing tall and proud over the battered and defeated Adrian with a look of awe and admiration, with the echo of his voice the students present including Philip and Jeremy got down on one knee as they bowed their head in total submission.

Being that Leon was currently naked as his clothes had been ripped from his earlier transformation Liam quickly pulled out a pair of new clothes from his bag and briskly made way towards Leon to hand over the clothes.

"Hmm." Leon nodded his head in appreciation as he wore the clothes taking a blanket from his side he gently covered Adrain who had passed out from exhaustion.

"You fought well," he whispered in an audible tone placing his hand on Adrian's chest before standing to direct his full attention on his new pack members, the expression written on their faces wasn't unprecedented as it was one he had already expected.

Like many other lycans, it seems most of them weren't pleased to be ruled by a half-breed lycan, while a few mostly the females couldn't hide their flushed faces from not only getting to see the pretty boy daily from now on but having seen his broad masculine bare back and butt a while ago.

"If you are expecting me of giving you the neutral option of leaving this pack if you are unsatisfied with having me as your new alpha..... then you are fucking wrong," he said with his lips pulling upwards as he elegantly pulled out a cigarette from his pockets bringing to settle between his seductive lips before snapping his fingers lighting up the cigarette With magic which made the pack members furrow their brows even deeper, it was almost like he was purposely taunting and mocking them.

"I'm not nice, nor neutral, nor willing to accommodate bullshit, I'm your new alpha and being that I'm I demand your total submission, you'll do as I say, when I say so, I will not hesitate to gut a traitor's stomach open, those who have a problem with me are either free to challenge me for the alpha title or suck it up and deal with it, anyone who decides to leave will be dealt with.... permanently," he spoke softly yet daintily before bringing the cigarette back to his lips.

"Wow just wow..nice talk..... Leon is so good at making new friends." Liam muttered with a chuckle.

"Hmm, no wonder he has so many friends." Jeremy chimed in sarcastically, the lycan shifters present who had wanted to leave the pack could only gulp down in nervousness and fear at Leonard's words, they had thought his psychopathic brother was the most intimidating lycan they had ever met, apparently they were wrong as Leonard's aura and demeanor was even more overbearing than his brother's.

"Do we have any questions? or perhaps a contribution?." Leon asked with a smile pulling the cigarette from his lips and holding it firmly, placing it between his fingers, after a while of total silence as students who were even ahead of him in the class year were afraid to speak he nodded his head.

"Good, it seems we are all done here....Oh before I forget, are you two interested in joining the pack?." he directed his question at Liam and Jeremy.

"I will if you make me beta," Liam said with a wink earning an eye roll from Jeremy and the students present who hoped that the annoying delinquent-looking boy would turn down his offer, they already had the overbearing brooding Leonard to deal with they weren't sure they had much mental capacity left to handle the loud annoying delinquent looking boy Liam.

"you are more than welcome to challenge Adrian for his beta title," Leon answered with a shrug earning a sulky exaggerated disappointed gaze from Liam who knew he would more than likely lose to adrain.

"Yes, we are Leon," Jeremy answered in his stead for both of them

"Good," Leon nodded in acknowledgment "How does the pack make money?," He asked Philip

"We don't," he answered with a sheepish smile, being that the pack was a new pack they it still had a long way to go in getting recognition and money, most of the lycan packs in the school primarily made money through drug dealings and in some cases prostitution.

These packs would usually wage war against upcoming packs who decides to also go into the drug business and would most time get them to pull out by either threatening them or killing a member of the pack, being that the silver crest pack was small with only adrain as a powerful lycan shifter the pack had decided to stay away from the drug business knowing it would attract bigger predators from larger packs with no means besides adrain to protect themselves, with the largest being Raphael moon night pack.

"That changes today," he spoke firmly earning a questionable gaze from his pack members including Liam, Jeremy however stood unfazed with his eyes locked on Leonard with his lips parting to reveal an enthusiastic grin knowing full well were Leon's smart thinking was heading to.

"What do you mean?." one of the pack members asked

"We'll be going into the drug business." he spoke nonchalantly earning a wide gasp from everyone but Jeremy

"we....we can't..the larger packs especially Raphael's wouldn't hesitate to crush us to dust" came a feminine frantic voice of one of his pack members.

"A dog would not challenge a wolf, I'll handle Raphael and put him in his place," he spoke rigidly with a serious gaze sending shivers down the rigid spine of everyone

"But we don't have a supplier." Philip voiced out his distressing thoughts.

"That wouldn't be a problem, I have a supplier, her name's evelyn." he lied casually making Liam choke on his own spit in shock knowing he was Leonard's supplier.

"What the fuck?." he whispered to Jeremy staring wide eyed at the brown haired boy who chuckled with his sudden reaction

"Too slow to grasp?." Jeremy taunted with a smirk "Leon knows what he is doing, trust him"

"Being that Evelyn is my supplier, her protection is of the utmost importance, she is to be watched and protected 24/7 cause she would undeniably be the target from the other packs trying to halt our business, failure would not be tolerated, the monetary success of the pack depends on her," he spoke firmly making Liam gasp in shock as he gazed at Leon in disbelief and admiration at his wittiness and cleverness.

with the lie he wouldn't have to be worried about Evelyn's safety, this way he could protect evelyn from afar without having to involve himself directly, this way people would assume Leon's interest in evelyn is probably because of their illegal ties to drug supplying, it would completely derail suspicions of evelyn being his mate, fuck Leon was a genius he praised inwardly, however, the question still remained how was he going to convince Evelyn to pretend being a drug supplier? he asked himself.