The rouge huntress Natasha (1)

Warning this chapter contains some explicit scenes, readers discretion is advised.

It was a dark gloomy dungeon filled with nothing but the scattered bones of the unfortunate lives that had been subjected to endure its horrific experiences, with a little small barred window to illuminate the dungeon the stench of the decayed bones filled and suffocated the air around adding to the gruesome torture the prisoners were forced to endure.

The ear-piercing skirling screams of a man being tortured echoed through its thick walls, screams which would send shivers down the rigid spine of someone humane however to the feminine figure standing with an evil grin plastered on her face it had the opposite effect, it was to her a scream of pleasure, one able to take her sick twisted mind to the seventh heaven of orgasm.

"Please enough, I have told you all I know, I swear, I swear to God, please just make it stop, kill me if you have to." The bruised blonde-haired man strapped to a chair cried out in agony, his skin melting like it had been poured acid, however in this case it wasn't acid but wolfsbane, a white crystal like powdered substance known as the greatest source of pain and weakness to the Lycanthropes, a substance able to have an effect on lycans similar to acid on humans, as it was able to melt a person's skin on impact, it was simply torturous and gruesome, an experience an unfortunate lycan was currently enduring in the hands of the infamous notorious Rouge Lycan huntress Natasha ivanov.

"We are going to keep having our fun sessions if you keep saying that baby boy." came the soft seductive Russian accented voice of Natasha her long wavy hair at waist length black and dark as charcoal and her eyes grey in color, she was a lady of average appearance, tall built naturally endowed with seductive womanly curves capable of luring most men into lust and hunger for its touch, the black haired woman with wolfsbane on her hand stared down at the tortured lycan with a mischievous grin.

"I swear that's all I know, arrgh..." he screamed out loud as the huntress had heartlessly pierced his right eye with her fingers with blood gushing out almost immediately.

"Just tell me what I need to know and I can make this stop," she said softly cleaning her bloodied hand on his hair while the man continued to trash scream and wail in pain, lost in the beautiful screams of the tortured man she momentarily was distracted by the voice of one of her assigned guards

"Huntress you have a visitor," he spoke politely with a bow

"Who is it?." she asked impatiently wanting to get back to her 'fun activity' with the unfortunate soul strapped up on a chair

"It's Jared huntress, Jared Donavan," he replied earning a widened grin from Natasha as her cheeks heated up in excitement at the sudden unexpected arrival of Jared Donavan, the first born son and heir to the Lycan throne.

"Where is he now?." she asked sounding more enthusiastic than usual

"Inside ma'am, in the living room."

"Quick tell him I'll be there in ten minutes," she said waving her hands in dismissal which the guard quickly obliged to

"We'll continue later." she directed her gaze towards the lycan whimpering and sobbing in pain and without warning, she emptied the contents of the Wolfsbane's bottle on his groin area earning a loud ear piercing outcry of agonizing pain as his groin area had been melted by the cold-hearted huntress Natasha.


"Jared I wasn't expecting your visit," she said softly with a seductive gaze, with her face beautified with makeup and her womanly body curves exposed by the thin layer of black gown she wore she swayed her hips elegantly with each step toward Jared who sat majestically with his legs crossed, his eyes however to her disappointment weren't on her but a picture frame of a small village currently hanging on the walls.

"Beautiful picture," he said, his voice sounding as emotionless as ever with his gaze captured by the strange-looking piece of art on the wall, the imposing figures Jared Donavan was the first son of Richard Donavan, a psychopathic cunning dangerous, and conniving evil man hungry for power and dominance, like his younger brother he was an insanely good-looking man with the darkest of hair and sky blue eyes, with his tall masculine built he was dressed in a long red sleeve unbuttoned at the top to reveal his masculine toned broad chest muscles and black pants with red pair of shoes, he was simply breathtaking which he could be in its literal sense.

"yes it is, it's the village my ancestors settled on thousands of years ago, it's located in a small town in Russia..."

"I didn't ask," he spoke curtly before turning his gaze at her, this time his cold aloof expression was replaced with a dangerous smirk seeing her seductive body

"Hmm...I like what I see," he said making Natasha's cheeks flush red as she walked seductively towards him crouching down between his knees, exposing her mouth-watering boobs to him.

"Do you now?." she muttered seductively

"We can have our fun later Natasha, I'm here for something else... There's blood on your hands," he spoke softly, and like the psychopath he was brought her bloodied hand to his lips, licking it fondly savoring its taste, a move of course which reddened the huntress already flushed cheeks even further

"Is he still alive?... he tastes delicious," he asked with a smile

"Yes do you want to play with him?." she asked

"Maybe later, for now, I need you to do something for me."

"Anything" she replied firmly

"I need you to assassinate my someone," he spoke with a cold smile running his thumbs over her cheekbones

"Who is it?."

"Who else but my dear little brother, Leonard"