Messengers of death

Fluttering her eyelashes and eyelids open, evelyn with squinted and obscured sight indolently darted her eyes around the familiar-looking room, the infirmary, feeling a slight tingling headache she gently massaged her temples as she tried recollecting the thoughts of what had earlier transpired that made her collapse and end up in the school infirmary, after a few seconds of straining her mind she gasped out loud at remembering what had happened, she had a vision of Anne's....

"Oh my God, Anne." she half yelled frantically jumping down from the bed, her foot landing against the smooth yet cold marble tiles which made her shiver on impact.

"Where do you think you are going?." she heard a deep yet familiar masculine voice of a boy behind her just across the other side of the clinical bed, slowly turning backwards she found the person she had earlier worried about sitting comfortably at her bedside with his eyes closed and his legs crossed elegantly looking as Impossibly handsome as ever.

"Leon?." she asked with disbelief which was replaced with relief with droplets of tears rolling down her cheeks, gosh she didn't even realize how worried she had been about him until now, she had initially thought something bad might had happened to him, seeing him sitting across her bed being his usual arrogant self sent a wave of relief around her.

"Go back to bed." he spoke fluttering his eyelids open revealing his beautiful blue eyes which of course had an effect on evelyn who felt her cheeks flush red from remembering the 'alone time' they had yesterday before they were abruptly interrupted

"what's wrong with you, why are you even thinking about that." she scolded herself inwardly before slowly getting back sitting on the bed facing him, though it still begged the question what he was doing here?, how long had he been here?, they both stared at each other in silence for seconds until evelyn finally spoke breaking the awkward silence.

"how did you get away unharmed fighting over ten boys yesterday and bringing me all the way back to my room?." she asked

"Hmm who knows," he said with a shrug with a crooked smile forming on his lips as he stared intently at evelyn, earlier about an hour ago he had heard the latest gossip in school about a girl screaming and collapsing in the cafeteria, at first he shrugged off the talk having no concern with it until he heard the collapsed girl was taken to the school infirmary by Asher.

Knowing how Asher had taken a keen interest in what was his he could already guess the girl to be evelyn and without wasting a second further he had dashed for the infirmary not caring the consequences if he were to be seen with evelyn at the infirmary, luckily getting to the infirmary the room was only occupied by miss Joan the school nurse and evelyn.

staying a few hours with her with each second feeling like an eternity to Leonard he was beyond glad and relieved when she had woken up however he kept on a calm and collected facade not wanting to give away his emotions to evelyn, to someone as violent and distant as Leonard showing emotions was a sign of weakness.

"You know." evelyn said with pouted lips

"I do?" he asked tilting his head to the side earning an eye roll from evelyn who could already guess he wasn't going to answer the question but would rather derail and turn the question directed at him back to Evelyn.

"Were you worried about me?." he asked with a smile leaning forward

"Yes...I mean no...I don't know maybe a little." she stuttered avoiding his gaze which earned a slight chuckle from Leonard

"Don't you think you are forgetting something?." he asked

"Forgetting what?." Evelyn spoke with furrowed brows

"Hmmm let's see a thank you maybe? I mean it's not like I saved your life or anything." he said nonchalantly clicking his tongue in disappointment.

"Thank you." evelyn said meekly before adding with a frown "Even though you are the reason why i needed saving in the first place."

"Was I? I didn't know that, anyway you are welcome." he said simply making evelyn furrow her brows deeply holding back the urge to smack that pretty lips of his, gosh how can someone be so annoying she asked herself.

"What happened earlier in the cafeteria?, students say they heard you screaming." she heard him ask which dampened her mood, arguing with Leonard had helped divert her thoughts from the gruesome vision she had seen, however with the question Leon asked the memory of the gruesome event came flooding back making her shudder uncontrollably.

Leonard seeing her reaction couldn't help but suspect something was wrong, he had heard from the students how her screams were able to vibrate the glasses with its loud frequency and students leaving the cafeteria with bleeding ears, to make it worse a student had even passed out, he couldn't help but wonder what type of scream was loud enough to cause such effect.

So far the only reasonable explanation he could think of it couldn't be he told himself, their kind hasn't been heard of for over a millennium that the supernatural world had since concluded they had gone extinct, still, with what had happened he couldn't help but wonder the possibilities, soon after his suspicion was confirmed when he heard Evelyn inaudible broken voice.

"Annabelle." he heard her say, with her demeanor and saddened expression almost like recollecting a gruesome vision alongside the screams he couldn't help but wonder about the possibility of her being one of the long extinct race of the messengers of death, the race that once existed only to bring forth sorrow and pain with their tormented screams, the banshees.