Claudia Jeanne Olivia

"Evelyn tell me what happened," he inquired with a frown, his usually calm collected demeanor crumbling apart with the realization of what his mate might be, if she was what he suspected her to be then her life was jeopardously in grave danger, the banshees were not only feared but haunted as well, the most powerful banshees in the past were not only able to prophesy a pending death but were able to cause death as well.

Claudia Jeane Olivia was an infamous banshee the first of her kind able to cause death on someone, she was such a dangerous menace that she had once prophesied death on a whole village that had refused to submit to her tyrannical reign which came to pass by the villagers turning crazy as they ate themselves till the last surviving person set himself on fire.

with a growing cult of followers with the name 'Claudia banshees,' the Lycanthropes alongside the witches aligned themselves In order to defeat the banshees ruled and led by Jeanne Claude, and after a long decade, the horrific battle which claimed countless lives on both opposing sides finally came to an end with the death of Jeanne Claudia betrayed by her own daughter Mary Jeanne who had aligned herself with her lover, a Lycan by the name Adam who at the time was a council member.

years after the death of Jeanne Claude the council reaching an agreement decided best to wipe out the entire banshee race in fear of their tremendous power which they deemed "Too dangerous and unstable' which Adam of course blatantly disagreed and disregarded knowing full well the lycans chose to wipe out the banshees due to their powress and threat they hold to achieving their supremacy over the supernatural world.

Driven by intense greed and knowing how council member Adam might expose their mischiefs to his wife Mary the ruler of the banshees they assassinated him alongside his wife who at the time was pregnant with a child which greatly weakened her from defending herself.

And after her death with no powerful ruler to rule over them the banshees were haunted down like dogs by the lycans and killed horrifically and indiscriminately including both women and children until they were sure they weren't any banshees left, their evil genocide seemed to have worked and had its advantage as there were no recordings of any banshees as well as the Lycan rise to undisputed supremacy over the supernatural world as well the physical.

However the existence of evelyn changes everything, if her existence of being a banshee goes public the council wouldn't hesitate to eliminate her permanently which was something he possibly couldn't allow, she was his mate, his everything, his reason to live, losing her would mean losing himself as well.

"FUCK!" he cursed inwardly, it wouldn't take long for the news to spread around the school and if it reaches Alexander if it hasn't already then Evelyn is good as dead, Alexander being an elder as well as a council member wouldn't hesitate to end evelyn who he would definitely see as a threat to his race.

Leonard's mind was in turmoil as his mind raged with thoughts on how to protect evelyn and prevent Alexander from finding out what happened, there was only one plausible way, to erase everyone's memory, a high grade spell which he hadn't tried before knowing the risk it comes with, he wasn't sure he would be able to pull it off alone, however with Scarlet's and Asher's help who he had surprisingly just discovered was Scarlet's brother as Scarlett always kept her private family life a secret he was sure they would be able to pull it off.

Still, it's a long shot as it would only work if Alexander hadn't already heard of it cause if he had it might be impossible to erase his memory being that he was an elder and one of the strongest lycans, still trying was better than doing nothing afterall the life of his mate was at stake here.

"Leon?, Leon?," Evelyn called out repeatedly trying to snap Leon from his thoughts, he had earlier asked her what had happened which she replied lying it was just an episode, however, the arrogant pretty boy seemed to had been lost in a trance.

Hearing her voice he slowly turned his gaze towards her having a look of worry and perplexation which of course confused evelyn, "Why is he looking at me like that?." she questioned inwardly.

"Leon are you okay?." she asked softly

"Yes," he replied curtly before standing up, knowing how urgent he needed to find scarlet and Asher to complete the spell before it reaches Alexander, luckily unknown to Leonard, Alexander was currently away from school as he had attended an urgent council meeting during the early hours of the day which meant he might get back to school during midnight or the following day giving Leonard more than enough time to complete the spell.

"You should get some rest I'll be back in a few hours."

"Umm okay," she replied meekly which Leonard nodded to before walking towards the entrance

"Leon," she called out halting him on his tracks

"Yes," he asked with his back still facing her

"Thank you for yesterday." she thanked him

"I didn't do it for free, I'll collect my debt someday." he said with a grin before exiting the room as Evelyn stared at the retreating figure pondering on the question 'What debt?'.