The spell (1)

"Where the hell is he? it's been what? like twenty minutes now." deep inside an empty eerie looking forest where the trees were castles of the forest with mushrooms growing under the shady roof and berries lay ripening under the leafy dome of the forest with well trimmed grasses soothing and comforting ones feet was a white haired boy pacing impatiently in distress.

His stumping feet created loud creaking noises in the quiet forest where only the sounds of chirping birds and climbing squirrels could be heard, glaring at the white-haired boy was scarlet who was visibly upset with his endless tantrums and compliant ever since they had arrived here as Leonard had instructed them over twenty minutes ago saying It was an urgent call.

it was already closing in on sunset which made the red haired witch suspect Leon might no longer be coming.

"I don't think he'd be coming," she said with a sigh, she would have tried calling him, but being that their phones were temporarily confiscated during their stay in school, there was no way of reaching him.

"Do you think this was some sort of prank?." Questioned Asher placing both hands on his hips his eyes fixated on his sister

"Leon isn't one to prank," she said with an eye roll and slight chuckle, spending an extra ten minutes waiting with no sign of Leonard Asher was about to call it quits when he heard the creaking noise of a broken branch.

"What the hell took you so long?." He asked angrily

"I had to make a few preparations." came his nonchalant reply

"For what exactly?" questioned Scarlett

"A spell."

"What do you mean?." she asked confusticated

"I need your help to cast a spell, it's an extremely powerful one that would require your skill," he spoke calmly, minutes after he had left evelyn he quickly made way towards the principal's office which to his delight and relief was empty meaning the creepy elder was probably in a council meeting, with the realization his distraught self could finally breathe in relief knowing he could still protect evelyn from Alexander.

"what spell? I don't understand." Asher asked with a frown confused at his sudden request, he had earlier been surprised when scarlet had told him about Leonard wanting to meet them for something urgent just a day after he had gotten into a fight with him, never would he have expected the reason being Leonard requesting a favor.

The boy before him was simply too weird and complicated to understand, no ordinary person would get into a fight with someone and ask for a favor than after "And why should I help you?." he added

"I don't have the time to explain, but it concerns evelyn." he said earning a dangerous glare from Asher and furrowing brows from scarlet as he continued "I need to cast a spell that erases everyone's mind, I can't do that alone I'll need two other powerful witches with me."

"Does this involves what happened in the cafeteria?." Scarlett asked with her hands placed akimbo, the talk spreading like wildfire about Evelyn's screaming had become the latest topic of interest around St Donavan, she had heard about how her screams were able to vibrate the translucent glasses as well as affect the people present in the cafeteria which of course seemed unnatural to her.

She wouldn't have believed it if Asher who had witnessed it hadn't confirmed it himself, she couldn't help but grow suspicious about Evelyn, judging from how Asher had described what transpired she showed some of the qualities belonging to the mythical extinct race the banshees, with the thought she slowly trailed her sight towards Leonard, it couldn't possibly be true, was Leon perhaps wanting to erase everyone's mind of what happened because she truly was a banshee? it was so unlike Leonard to go this far for someone except that person was...

"She's your mate," she spoke firmly holding back a fit of surging anger as she her whole being was suddenly flared and engulfed with hatred and jealousy towards evelyn

"She's what now?." Asher asked with widened eyes

"She's his mate, and Evelyn is a banshee."

"IMPOSSIBLE!" Asher yelled out in fury not wanting to believe even a little of it, it was simply absurd, still, the fact about Evelyn being a banshee was something he had concluded on being that he had witnessed the whole thing however the fact about Evelyn being Leon's mate was something he could never bring himself to believe even though it made sense and clarified Leon's strange interest in the girl.

"Why is it impossible Asher?," he asked with a scoff "Any way you can argue and fight over her all you want later but for now we have to complete the spell before Alexander gets back and get wind of Evelyn's situation, like us it wouldn't be hard for him to figure it out, and when he does he wouldn't hesitate to kill her."

"He wouldn't not in school, it's against the rules."

"And who do you think made the rules genius?." he asked for Asher to turn speechless at his question "You know for someone whose a straight A student, You're quite dumb." he taunted with a crooked smile coming to settle between his lips.

"Fuck you Leon." he cursed harshly at Leonard, though he wanted nothing more than to smack that annoying smug smile off his face he couldn't deny the truth behind Leon's words about Evelyn being in grave danger, he loved her too much to put his selfish needs before her, if joining forces with Leonard was something he needed to do to save evelyn then so be it, he would deal with Leon soon after it is done, her safety was paramount.

"I'll help you, not for you but for evelyn," he spoke with a glare

"Not that I care," he said nonchalantly with a shrug

"And what makes you think I'll help you?." Scarlett spoke coldly earning a mischievous grin from Leon

"Simple, I'll kill you if you don't, you do not have a choice."