The spell (2)

"Threats won't work on me Leonard," Scarlett said with a deep frown earning a loud frightening laughter from Leonard

"But this isn't a threat Scarlett, as you said she's my mate, if I was to lose her there would be no point in living....I'll simply burn everything to the ground, dragging the whole world down to hell with me," he spoke coldly sending shivers down the rigid spine of the red-haired witch.

she had known Leonard for as long as five years to know exactly how crazy Leonard could be, she didn't doubt the gravity behind his harsh words, still, even with his words she held firmly on not helping out with the spell, and besides why should she? when Alexander eventually discovers Evelyn's true identity he wouldn't hesitate to dispose of her leaving Leonard mateless and broken which she would happily step up to fill, why should she help the girl who had come between her and Leonard? there was simply no logic to it.

"There's no need for threats Leonard, she'll help." Asher said softly gazing pleadingly at Scarlett "Please sister we need your help."

"I cannot and you know why." she refused stubbornly

"But I love her scarlet, I love her enough to risk my life over and over again without hesitation for her sake, please Scarlett I cannot bear to watch her die knowing I could have done something to stop it," he spoke gently making Leonard furrow his brows deeply with his words of profession of love towards his mate.

knowing Asher had feelings for evelyn made his skin crawl from irritation only to be soothed if he eliminates him, however knowing Asher's importance in helping alicia he had to exert much restraint in harming the white-haired witch for the sake of evelyn.

"You just met her Asher, and besides she has a mate."

"She doesn't have a mate!" he spoke firmly "do not make me force you against your will, you'll do as I say and help Evelyn," he spoke rather coldly with the temperature around them dropping drastically with the air getting chilly and layers of ice starting to surface around the green grasses, the once blooming flowers and green grasses had started to wither away with its color turning pitch black almost like it had been plagued.

Leonard sensing an enormous surge of power brimming within Asher took a defensive stance in preparation for an attack, he had heard rumors about Asher being a prodigy with unparalleled dark magical capabilities which rivaled even that of the witch queen, however, he hadn't believed any of it until now, the surge of magical energy brimming within Asher was even greater than his, it seemed the white-haired witch though he having an angelic face was a devil in disguise.

"ASHER STOP THIS!" She yelled furiously at him, and like Leon took a defensive stance

"You'll help Evelyn." he frightening voice echoed through the silent forest that had started withering away with ice particles surfacing around them.

stretching his hands forward a gush of wind blew past him towards Scarlett which Scarlett couldn't defend against as the force came in lightening speed and seconds later she dropped to her knees paralyzed with her eyes turned pure white almost like she had been entranced, Leon with furrowed brows watched as Asher made way towards Scarlett who laid motionlessly on her knees placing his index finger on her forehead.

"You will help us complete the spell."

"I'll help you complete the spell," she repeated his words in affirmation earning a surprised look on Leonard's face which he replaced immediately with his usual calm facade, it was well known that the next rulers of the witches, dark or white were all gifted with special abilities independent to them.

The current queen Sabrina was known as the seer gifted with the rare ability to see glimpses of the future, it seems like the current queen Asher was also gifted with a rare special ability, the ability to bend someone's will to his own, the gift of Compulsion one of the rarest and most powerful special ability a witch could ever possess, "Seems he's powerful after all" he said with a smirk as he gazed at Asher with newfound respect.

"How dare you compel me," Scarlett spoke in fury at Asher, he had never used the ability on her before which was one of the reasons she was taken off guard by his sudden attack.

"I'm sorry it had to come to this Scarlett, but you have to understand I'm willing to do anything to protect evelyn," he said regrettably the air around them returning to its unusual temperature as the withering of the tree leaves had suddenly stopped.

"Well well well not so goody two shoes after all huh?," Leon said with a smirk "I wonder who you are going to compel next," he said in a thoughtful manner his hand placed elegantly at the tip of his chin pondering dramatically "perhaps it might be me?, who knows with an ability such as yours, I wouldn't be surprised if you'd compel me to leave and never return so you can have Evelyn all to yourself, am I right or am I right?." he asked with a mischievous grin.

"I'm not so selfish to do something as that, she deserves to choose between us, I'll not take away her or your free will...I only took Scarlett's because it was necessary."

"Justify it all you can it doesn't change the fact you fucking compelled me," she spoke coldly at Asher making him let out a deep sigh

"Again I'm sorry sister, don't worry it would wear off soon after the spell is completed," he said gently with a pleading gaze at Scarlett.