The spell (3)

"What am I to you Leon?" Questioned Scarlett with a saddened and grave expression staring earnestly at Leonard whose attention was on Asher who currently was drawing a circle with a broken branch stick writing inscriptions with it on the ground.

"Answer me Leon, did our three-year relationship really mean nothing to you?." she asked with a frown noticing the cold silent treatment Leon was giving.

"Move on Scarlett, I made it perfectly clear when we got into a relationship it was only going to be temporary, we both know I was going to leave you as soon as I found my mate," he spoke calmly turning his gaze at Scarlett who turned speechless at his words which as hard as she tried denying held some truth behind it.

Leonard had made it clear three years ago that their then relationship was only going to be temporary until he had found his mate, still, she never would have expected him to find his mate so early, and quite frankly she had hoped to find his mate first so she could eliminate her presence which she felt was a threat, if everything had worked according to her plan Leonard would never meet his mate leaving him mateless and all to herself, however, her plan had been ruined thanks to that white-haired bitch who not only stole her lover's heart but her brother's as well.


"Still what?," Leonard snapped at her as he continued "Move on Scarlett, you are free, you aren't a slave to love...if it's someone handsome rich, and powerful you are looking for I'm sure you'd find them, I'm but a fish in the vast ocean Scarlet, you are beautiful yourself they wouldn't be hard to get."

"Don't you dare disrespect me like that Leon, I'm not a whore." she glared dangerously at him her blue eyes turning shades darker until they had turned completely black with the wind becoming more violent than usual.

Asher sensing her surging magic quickly stood up and walked towards his sister, trying to intervene before she gets into a fight with Leonard which would only delay the spell to save evelyn, why did Leonard have to be so difficult? he questioned himself, couldn't he just behave himself until the spell was completed? he shook his head in disappointment as he walked towards Scarlett.

"jeez can't you two just behave?." Asher said out loud with a frown as he face palmed himself "Enough Scarlett, the preparations are completed, all that's needed now is the spell, and after that you both are free to fight yourselves as for as long as you want to your heart's content."

"But I didn't do anything." Leonard said innocently with a shrug smiling at Asher whose veins twitched in annoyance at his nonchalant words, luckily he was able to hold back retorting with a witty remark with the inward chanting of the words "Evelyn's safety comes first, you can always deal with him later."

"You know it's going to be fun watching you both tear each other's limb for a banshee bitch." Scarlet said with a smirk as her pitch black eyes returned to their original deep blue color and the violent air around them resumed its calm nature.

"Call her that one more time and your limbs would be the ones getting torn." came Leonard's cold menacing voice which immediately shut the red-haired witch as she let out a loud scoff before walking towards the formed circle.

"Humph!, let's just get this over with," she spoke nonchalantly, Leonard alongside Asher walked towards the circle with Scarlett forming a triangle around it.

"Knife?" Asher questioned Leonard who pulled out three silver blades from his back pockets throwing them at Scarlett and the white-haired boy both catching them firmly in their hands.

"Great now I have to bleed for her," Scarlett said with an eye roll which both boys present with her blatantly ignored visibly fed up with her childish heartbroken tantrums.

"I'll be the anchor," Leonard said before slashing his palms with the blade With blood immediately gushing out and flowing down towards the ground, and not a second later both witches present with him followed suit.

The three students with closed eyes started chanting spells which would normally seem to be incoherent words to the human ear, however, these words had significant meaning to their spells, seconds later the once cool breeze had suddenly turned extremely violent with a loud thundering noise in the darkened sky followed by the unexpected heavy rainfall which of course was of a surprise to the students in St Donavan as there was no indication of a pending rainfall a second ago.

"That's strange, it's like it literally rained out of nowhere, no sign, nothing." Said one of the female students hanging outside the girl's domitorium with a few of her friends

"Probably might be the doings of an evil witch." whispered one of the girls with a mischievous grin earning a loud giggle from her friends

"Maybe it's that crazy bitch who was seen screaming in the cafeteria today."

"I won't be surprised if that's true, I'm sure she also enchanted Leon with her vile witchcraft magic."

"She does look like a witch." another girl chimed in

"oh look everyone speak of the devil." a girl with long black hair said with a smirk sighting Evelyn who was currently drenched wet by the rain shivering from cold walking towards her to block her path

"I don't have time for this, just let me pass," Evelyn said with a frown tired and exhausted with the haunting stares she had received from the infirmary back to her domitorium.

"Or what? are you going to scream and curse us?" Asked the black-haired girl earning a burst of loud laughter from the others as the black haired girl forcefully pulled Evelyn by the hair making her wince in pain

"it seems you need to be disciplined bitch."