The spell (4)

Music recommendation: Middle of the Night by Elley Duhè

Evelyn had purposely decided on staying back at the school's infirmary for the past few hours knowing what the student's reaction were going to be on sighting her, the insults and harassment that were going to be thrown at her, still even with the distressing thoughts of the hell to come she couldn't help but feel worried about annabelle who had an impending inevitable gruesome death according to her visions.

Earlier when miss Joan the school nurse had walked in she had questioned her about Annabelle's wellbeing which to her greatest relief was fine, miss Joan has assured her there wasn't no real damage done to Anne who had left the infirmary a few hours before she woke up.

initially she planned on spending the whole night at the infirmary knowing the stupid girls were probably waiting to poke endless fun at her at the girl's domitorium, unfortunately she wasn't allowed to as miss Joan had informed her no student expect when necessary were allowed to spend the night at the infirmary, still it was already passed seven and she had hoped the girls were back in their rooms.

The journey back home was as nerve-racking and hellish as she thought it would be with students most especially the females constantly poking fun at her and harassing her with various insults, to make it worse she had been completely drenched from the sudden and unexpected heavy rainfall which had attracted lustful gazes from the boys completely smitten by how entrancing and beautiful she looked soaking wet however even with their lustful gaze not one of them dared make a move on her which of course was strange to her, unbeknownst to her there was a presence following her every move warding off the lustful gazes she got from the boys.

"Oh look everyone speak of the devil." she heard one of the six girls present just inside the entrance of the school auditorium say, "Fuck." she cursed inwardly knowing what precedes, couldn't everyone just leave her in peace in this fucking school?, she asked inwardly

"I don't have time for this just let me pass." she said hoping it would help ward off the girls which had the opposite effect as the black haired girl had continued taunting her pulling her hair back so forcefully with her hands she felt it was going to pull out her hair.

"It seems you need to be disciplined bitch." she said with a cold smile as the five other girls surrounded her with murderous glares

"You think you can do as you please because of this pretty face?." she continued gripping Evelyn's cheeks firmly

"Let me go." Evelyn tried to wiggle herself free which was futile as the girl before her strength was almost like a grown man's, it made her wonder how a slender looking girl could have so much power.

"I wouldn't resist if u were you, don't want your hair being pulled out now would you?." she taunted with a wink, unknown to evelyn and the other five girls that the girl was infact a Lycan shifter, the girl slowly removed her grip from Evelyn's hair bringing to settle between her lips feeling the softness of her lips against her finger.

"Suck it like you would suck Leonard." she said with a laugh bringing her index finger towards Evelyn's mouth

"Fuck you!" Evelyn cursed out in anger by her shameless words earning a hard slap across the cheek

"Shut up bitch." she cursed out

"Okay that's enough." Came the voice of a large dark skinned boy with a serious expression etched on his masculine face, seeing the figure the five girls shuddered in fright recognising who it was.

Adrain the notorious final year student with a gang of notorious students, this was the impression adrain had on the humans however to the lycan present she knew there was more to adrain than a gang leader, he was an Alpha, with shaky hands she immediately freed her grip from Evelyn's face as she staggered backwards avoiding Adrian's piercing gaze as she gulped down in nervousness.

"Senior Adrain." the black haired girl spoke respectfully which adrain ignored as his eyes were fixated on Evelyn who was felt a little intimidated by his presence along with the fact that she was soaked wet with her clothes clutching her body tightly revealing portions of her womanly figures.

slowly she lifted up her hands up to her chest area feeling at unease with his firm gaze unknown to her that he had been responsible for warding off the predatory gazes from the boys who had immediately stepped back on seeing the figure behind her, the white haired girl's mind had been so distraught to notice a presence behind her.

"Are you Evelyn?." he asked calmly wanting to introduce himself to the insanely beautiful girl before him, he had heard about how beautiful this Evelyn was from other students, seeing her in person he could confirm that she infact was truly a beauty, noticing her wary aura he immediately softened his gaze not wanting to intimidate or give her the wrong impression of himself.

"Yes." she replied curtly

"I'm Adrian nice to....." his words were left hanging as his eyes had suddenly turned as pure and white as snow with his whole body unmoving seemingly paralysed startling evelyn who immediately staggered backwards in fright until she accidentally clashed backwards against one of the girls behind her.

"I'm sorry I..." her voice trailed off in shock at the very sight before her, the girl behind her like adrain had a completely white eye with panting breath she turned around to find the other girls experiencing the same as well as they all stood motionlessly almost in a tranced state like they had been possessed.

"Oh my God!" she exclaimed in shock and fear at the eerie unexplainable sight as the sky thundered heavily with heavy rainfall.

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