No one's coming Evelyn

Running so fast she thought her legs were going to explode as she kept her breath steady, pushing harder and going faster with adrenaline coursing through her veins as her feet slapped against the wet grassy and muddy grounds of St Donavan sending her jetting past the various figures that blurred in her speed, these figures sharing similarities with adrain and the six bully girls having unnatural features of pure white eyes almost like they had been possessed stood motionlessly under the rain making the scenery even more frightening for evelyn as she ran into woods intending to get far away from people as possible.

Earlier when she had witnessed first hand the unnatural sudden happenings of adrain along with the six other girls she immediately sprinted to her room only to find Matilda experiencing the same thing.

with shaky breath and a panting heart she dashed out of the girl's domitorium surprised along the way to find students having similar effects, she didn't understand what was suddenly happening, all evelyn could think of at the moment was her survival, perhaps someone had cursed the students at St Donavan? that seemed plausible was the thought that rampaged her distressed mind, she ran with quick steps and her vision blurred due to the heavy rainfall towards the woods intending to get far as possible to whatever was causing this strange event.

she kept sprinting with shaky breath until she crashed into a sturdy figure, feeling a sharp tingling pain on her forehead she slowly trailed her sight towards the figure.

"Prin... principal," she said with a stutter feeling tensed from his presence, Alexander stood rooted drenched under the rain as he gazed at evelyn with a smile, a creepy smile that sent shivers down her spine, she couldn't explain it but she always felt something strange and amiss with the principal, and why wasn't he affected like the other people she had seen on the way? could it be he was the one who did this? she asked inwardly as she staggered rearwards.

"Evelyn," he said softly closing the gap between them making Evelyn's body tremble in fright "What are you doing running under the rain at this time of the day?."

"Could ask you the same thing." was her inward thought, she felt conflicted as to what to say, she didn't know if it was best to tell him what was happening or if not to, she couldn't tell if perhaps she was wrong in assuming this to be Alexander's doing, still it couldn't explain why the school principal was in the woods during late hours drenched under the rain.


"Did something happen today evelyn?." he asked calmly staring intently at her, he had arrived at Donavan a few minutes ago and was surprised to find everyone placed under a spell, and judging from their features and aura he could tell it was a spell to wipe off someone's memory.

Knowing there were only three witches at St Donavan capable of such a powerful spell he could already conclude this spell to be cast by none other than Leonard Scarlett and Asher, he could already discern something must had happened to evelyn, something Leonard intends to make everyone forget in fear of what he might do when he finds out.

Driven by curiosity and knowing where Leonard and the two other witches would be to cast such a spell, he immediately made way towards the woods only to find the white haired girl running towards the direction.

It made him wonder how and why the spell did not affect Evelyn the way it did others, only an extremely powerful lycan or witch should be able to withstand such a spell, and from what he had seen she was neither, he couldn't help but wonder what exactly the girl was to be able to withstand such a spell, a crooked mischievous grin came to settle between his lips with the thought, he knew whatever she has had everything to do with why Leonard has decided on erasing everyone's mind, something he intended on finding out.

"Do not be afraid evelyn, tell me what happened, I'm sure you are suspicious as to why am here, I am searching for the cause behind what's happening to the students," he spoke his voice soft and gentle appearing him to be the angel he wasn't "Like the other students I met along the way you don't seem to be affected, why is that?."

"You aren't affected also," she said softly with furrowed brows

"I just got back from a meeting outside the school a few minutes ago." No matter what he says or how hard he tries pretending he meant no harm she just couldn't bring herself to trust him, not with the way he had spoken to her a few minutes ago, she couldn't explain it but there was something evil and wicked with the way he talked, staggering backwards she was about to sprint away when she felt a firm grip on her wrist.

"Do not make this harder than it needs to be Evelyn, just tell me what happened to you today and I'll let you go," he said with a creepy smile as Evelyn tried to wiggle herself free from his grip

"LET ME GO!" she yelled feeling her heart beat rise drastically with his touch being that she still had not recovered from her past traumatic experiences.

"I'll if you tell me what I need to know."

"HELP! HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME" She screamed at the top of her lungs even though she knew help would never come, it never had, not since she had been at the mental institution, it didn't matter how much or how hard she screamed, help was something that never came, still she couldn't help but hope on it this time after all her life depended on it.

"No one's coming Evelyn, it's just me and you," he said with a widened grin

"Don't forget me," came a cold masculine yet soothing voice of a figure "Don't you think she's a little too young for you Alexander? Go fuck a nanny or something you fucking old man."

Hearing his voice evelyn with a teary eye slowly trailed her gaze in disbelief to find Leonard standing a few meters away with his usually beautiful blue eyes now bloodshot red in color as he glared coldly at Alexander whose grin widened even further on seeing him.

"I have been waiting for you Leonard."