More that meets the eye

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"Well here I am" Came the carefree words from Leonard, his gaze fixated sharply on Evelyn who gazed back at him with an expression of relief and hope.

"Please Leon help me!" she half yelled at him trying to free her wrists from Alexander's tightened grip which she felt was going to snap her wrist in two if he exerted a little more pressure, she couldn't comprehend how someone could be so strong with grip, first it was the black haired girl now the principal Alexander, she couldn't help but suspect that there perhaps was more that meets the eye with these people.

"You'd be fine evelyn, he's not going to hurt you, not while I'm here," he spoke reassuringly to Evelyn

"So confident," Alexander said with a chuckle as he exerted a little more force on Evelyn's wrist snapping her bones in two with the loud snapping sounds of dislocated bones echoing through the dense silent forest.

"Arrgh!" she screamed out in agonizing pain with tears gathering on the surface of her eyelids

"ALEXANDER!" Leonard screamed outraged by his actions however knowing it would be impossible to get to evelyn on time before the elder snaps her head in two he had to restrain himself from charging blindly toward him.

"Aww look what you made me do Leonard," he spoke in an exaggerated saddened tone gently stroking the silky white hair of evelyn trying to soothe her pain "There, there, it's okay, it's okay no need to cry, I'm here I'd protect you from the big bad wolf Leonard," he spoke softly loosening his grip on her wrists as he stared mischievously at Leonard with a smile.

"Please...please just let me go, I won't say anything or tell anyone what I have seen today, I swear to God I won't," she said haltingly between sobs trembling heavily from every Alex's touch on her head, she was like a scared little kitten held hostage by a big bad wolf, playing and preying on its weakness and vulnerability which infuriated Leonard beyond words as he wanted nothing more than to claw Alexander to death, elder or not, he no longer fucking cared.

"Shh I know, I know, you are a good girl after all, unlike the big bad wolf over know you can learn a thing or two from evelyn Leon," he said with a taunting smile

"I'll fucking kill you, I'll rip every flesh and bone from your skin till you beg me for death," Leonard spoke coldly at Alexander making even Evelyn shudder in fright from his words, there was something completely off about Leonard at the moment, especially with his now reddened eyes which she had failed to notice before now, his aura was so overbearing that she felt it suffocated the air around them, she couldn't understand why the principal seemingly wasn't affected by it.

"Don't be silly Leon, don't go spouting nonsense like a child," Alexander said with a slight chuckle

"Release her and let's find out if what I'm saying is in fact nonsense."

"And expose our secret to her? no thank you" he spoke softly pulling evelyn in for a tight embrace which made Leon's heart skip a bit, he had never felt as powerless as he did now, he would have long gone on an offensive if Evelyn wasn't been used by Alex as a hostage, a cowardly move from someone regarded as an elder in his opinion.

"What is it that you want?." he asked with his eyes all the while locked on Evelyn's trembling body

"Why did you decide on erasing everyone's memory? what hideous act did Evelyn commit?." Questioned Alexander with a smile rubbing Evelyn's back in a circular motion with his hands taunting Leonard, he could already conclude Evelyn was in fact his mate, judging from his every reaction.

"What makes you think it's because of evelyn?." he questioned back with a raised brow

"Well for one it couldn't be for you or anyone else, after all, you could care less about anyone or anything besides... Evelyn, also you managed to get Asher involved, and from what I have heard he seems to have taken quite a liken to evelyn, the both of you share the same interest evelyn, which would make sense that she is the reason behind all of this, I can't think of any other reason why Asher would agree to help you when just yesterday you had beaten the crap out of him, are my assumptions correct Leon or should I....."

His words were left hanging as Evelyn had unexpectedly kicked him as hard as she could in his groin area which momentarily immobilized him giving Leonard more than enough time to launch in lightning speed at Alexander pulling evelyn away and throwing Alex like a rag doll a few feet away.

"Evelyn are you okay?." he asked frantically his blue eyes darting around her whole body to see if there were any other injuries sustained

"How did you do that?." she asked still in shock at how Leonard had seemingly disappeared and reappeared before her

"I'll explain later for now you need to run towards that direction, as fast as you can, you'd find Asher and Scarlett there," he spoke hurriedly.

It had been a few minutes since the spell was completed and after it was both witch siblings had collapsed from energy drain and total exhaustion from having to cast such a powerful spell, luckily due to his lycan side, he was still able to stay conscious even though at the moment he was immensely drained of energy.

It was during the time he was trying to rest and recuperate he had heard the mumbling voices of his mate with Alexander and had immediately dashed towards them.

"It's been five minutes they should be awake by now," he added knowing his mate would be safe with Asher even though he hated accepting it, knowing how weakened he was at the moment he doubted he would be able to hold Alexander for long before he catches up with evelyn, still he was willing to buy enough time necessary for her safety, he has earlier seen the hungry look of curiosity Alexander had on evelyn, a look he recognized to precede evil intent, for her safety it was best she was far away as possible from him, at least for now, still the thought of killing Alexander ravaged his mind knowing if Alexander managed to get to evelyn, she was as good as dead.

"There's no need to get all violent Leon, I can tell you are weakened already, fighting with me would be the same as signing a death sentence.....and well the last thing I want you to be right now is dead, you are more useful to me alive than dead," Alexander said with a creepy smile his eyes holding a glint of mirth as he stared intently at evelyn

"How about this, you give me both a drop of yours and Evelyn's blood and I'll let you both go."