Belittling accomplishments

"Evelyn are you okay?" came the soft tender voice of Asher after the English teacher had exited indicating the end of his classes, his face filled with the expression of concern as he stared earnestly at evelyn.

Three days had long passed with Evelyn skipping the day's classes still trying to adjust to the unforeseen revelation from Leonard about the existence of the supernatural during which time she had checked on Annabelle's health which to her delight and relief was fine with Anne forgetting what had happened, still she couldn't help but fear what was to come for the brown haired girl.

with each passing day her roommate Matilda had gotten closer to Liam fooling the delinquent boy into thinking she was interested in him, unbeknownst to him of her ulterior motives, turning her gaze toward him she forced a smile as she replied

"Yes I'm fine." her mind however was the complete opposite, she had finally summed up the courage to resume classes however she still wasn't ready to meet with either of the supernatural students roaming the premises of St Donavan, thankfully the arrogant pretty boy chose to not attend classes today alongside his henchmen.

"I can tell you are lying," Asher said with a chuckle taking a seat next to her, the once filled classroom had now reduced with few students staying behind after the teacher had exited, "Leonard told me what don't have to be scared of me evelyn, I'd never hurt you, you know that right?." he questioned with a softened gaze.

"," she said truthfully with a stutter feeling her cheeks heat up with the proximity they shared and his kind-hearted words, deep down she pondered on if he had feelings for her judging from his every behavior towards her.

"It's just a lot to take in"

"I know, I'm sorry you had to find out this way."

"Did you know what happened exactly that Leonard had everyone's memories erased? it's strange that no one remembers my scream at the cafeteria, almost like the day's event was wiped off clean," she said in a whispery tone her eyes darting around adorably every once in a while to check on any listening ears.

"He didn't tell me exactly what it was, but he assured me it would erase everyone's memories of what happened that day, I couldn't refuse knowing it was an opportunity to wipe off everyone's memories of what happened with you at the cafeteria," he said with a smile basking on the perfected radiated beauty in front of him, though Leonard had openly told him about what she meant to him, his love stricken self still deluded himself with the thought of the mate bond only affected Leonard which mean he still had a chance with her, he simply would not loose to Leonard.

"You did it for me?." she asked with wide doe eyes

"Sort of," he replied with a dashing smirk "you should stay away from Leonard now that you know what exactly he is, the lycans are feral and brutal creatures, do not let his outside appearance fool you." the angelic-looking boy corrupted with his devilish jealous thoughts spewed words with the intent to corrupt Evelyn's mind, he knew she wasn't interested in Leonard, still he needed to take necessary actions, with Leon's insanely erotic looks he doubted she would last long in rejecting his advances.

"Hmm" she nodded before asking "Have you seen Leon? he wasn't in class today," she asked with a glint of concern to Asher's disappointment, her words of concern earning a jealous reaction from him as he spoke

"Well last I heard he became the Alpha to a small insignificant pack in school, so I don't know probably is busy with his alpha stuff," he said with a shrug his words worded with the intent to belittle Leonards accomplishment which unfortunately didn't seem to work as Evelyn's eyes lit up in awe and curiosity at his words.

"Leon's an Alpha? I thought he was a gang leader or some....oh, I see the gang is the pack?." she questioned though her question rhetorical already knowing the answer, it was starting to make a lot of sense as to why he was so intimidating, from the mythical books she had read she learned that Alpha's were naturally intimidating and imposing a trait shared by Leonard.

"It really isn't a big deal to be an alpha though, anyone can become one," he said waving his hands with a scoff escaping his lips

"Why do I feel like you are jealous Asher?." she asked with a mocking smirk, judging from his reaction she could discern the beautiful boy was indeed jealous of Leonard's accomplishment however it begged the question why?

"Why should I be?, I hold a title much bigger than some raunchy sleazy alpha to an insignificant pack."

"Okay now he's jealous" was the thought that crossed Evelyn's mind as she let out a slight chuckle before asking with a raised brow.

"Oh! yes and what is that class rep to the senior year one class?." she asked making both of them burst out in laughter

"No." he said with a smile as he continued "I'm the future heir to the witches, the future ruler of the witches." his words made Evelyn's eyes bulge out in shock, and before she could properly process his words she heard a masculine voice from behind her.

"So what?, the witches are our subjects, peasants under the lycan rule, and guess whose the future absolute Alpha to the lycans?....Me." came the confident mocking words of Leonard who stood with a widened grin on his face, his gaze fixated on evelyn.

"shoo away with your broomstick young witch, go mix your herbal potions I have something important to discuss with my little kitty."