Dirty little secrets

Music recommendation: Salt by Ava Max

"Tsk, what do you want?" Asher Questioned in an irritated tone gleaming daggers at Leonard who trialed his gaze towards evelyn.

"You haven't been in classes Evelyn, I have been so worried, I thought you might had caught a cold from running under the rain the other night with me." came his teasing remarks as he outrightly ignored Asher's earlier question

"I'm fine but thank you so much for your concern." Evelyn decided to play along with her exaggerated statement and a lopsided smirk

"You are always welcome my dear Evelyn, I mean what are lovers for?." he said nonchalantly making Evelyn choke on her spit at his casual words before glaring adorably at him.

luckily there weren't many students in the classroom or anywhere near them to hear his earlier statement or else she would definitely be dead by the evening hour she thought with a chuckle.

"I have been such a good lover that I was even willing to give you my shirt to shield you from predatory eyes like the white-haired brat over here." he said pointing at Asher who was beyond stunned at how arrogant and shameless Leon was and greatly angered by the fact that he has shared an alone time with Evelyn under the rain and had even lent her his shirt, while he continued "and run around half naked under the freezing temperatures of the rainfall if anyone should have been sick don't you think it should be me?." he said tilting his head with a smirk.

The whole conversation was strange to Evelyn who was beyond convinced the pretty boy must had hit his head or something, still, she felt her cheeks heat up by being referred to as his lover "get a hold of yourself Evelyn." she scolded herself "If there's anyone you should crush on it definitely shouldn't be him."

"Enough Leona..."

"Whose talking to you jealous witch?." he asked through narrowed gaze at Asher "What are you still doing here?, are you deaf or something that you didn't hear me the first time when I said I needed an alone time with my little kitty?." he asked with a smile of mischief.

Evelyn sensing Asher's flaring anger quickly spoke out afraid a second fight might break out between these two which would only draw her more unwanted and hateful attention, the last thing she needed.

"Asher it's fine, I'll see you later at miss Laura's class in an hour time," she said with a reassuring smile gently placing her hands on his to soothe his anger an action of course which angered Leonard immensely, thankfully he was able to keep his emotions in check.

"what are you waiting for? run along little witch," he said with a smile gesturing his hands in a shoo away motion while Asher stood up hesitantly from his seat sending him a glare before leaving the classroom

"Come with me there's some good people I want you to meet," he spoke after a few seconds of awkward silence with both of them staring at each other

"Why should I meet them?." she said with a frown, she could guess these 'good people' were members of his gang, a gang her roommate Matilda was still willing to join all for her obsessive desires to get Leonard unbeknownst to her only lycans were allowed into the pack.

"You'll know when we get there," he said walking away

"I'm not going," she spoke firmly with a frown

"My! my! my! the little kitty has become a fiery tigress....it's not a bad look on you though, certainly a turn on," he said with a smirk crossing his hands over his chest.

"Are you always this shameless?." she asked with her cheeks flushed red

"only with certain people.... I'm loving the defiant act little kitty but I'm afraid you don't have a choice here."

"How so?." she asked with a raised brow to find his lips part ways into a devilishly handsome grin, it was still a mystery how someone could be so insanely good-looking as he was, probably must had inherited from his parents, mother perhaps? good genes she complimented inwardly

"Cause I know your dirty little secret, or have you forgotten little kitty?." he spoke in a whispery tone before walking away not even turning backwards to check if she was trialing behind him already knowing what her decision was going to be.


it was an abandoned three-story building, filled with rubles debris of broken bottles, and cigarettes scattered all over the floor, the walls unpainted and the place giving such a creepy eerie vibes as Evelyn walked silently in hesitant steps alongside Leonard towards a steel door.

"Remember you are my dealer," he said casually placing his hands against the doorknob and twisting it about to open it when Evelyn with a shocked expression quickly halted him in his tracks placing her hands over his wrists.

"What do you mean dealer?" she asked with a narrowed gaze as Leonard slowly trailed his hands towards her petite slender hands on his wrists, Evelyn realizing her actions briskly withdrew her hands

"Sorry about that." she apologized

"I told my pack you are my dealer."

"Why...why would you do that?." she asked with a frown, her body trembling with the thought that Leonard had successfully associated her with his gang, she was starting to really believe the pretty boy was sent to earth to torment her and make her life a living hell as he always seemed to find joy in putting her in uncomfortable situations and troubles.

"Cause you did such a good job of delivering drugs the last time even bringing in an extra few cash, you are a natural born dealer, it would be such a waste to let someone with your talent go just because we are of a different race don't you think? that would be racist," he said with a smile

"What a sick twisted jerk." she cursed him inwardly with furrowed brows her face contorting into a frown knowing she couldn't refuse his orders with the secretive information he had about her, an information she was still curious as to how he got hold of.

"Are you going to force me to join your gang? isn't it a pack of wolves?." she questioned as Leonard ran his hands over his hair slowly and seductively before trialing his sight at Evelyn who he could see for a second was smitten by his earlier action, he smiled with the thought.

"Who knows," he said with a shrug before turning the door knob and opening the doors, stepping in Evelyn was greeted with an unexpected sight, a loud crowdy noise cheering for the friendly fight between maltida and Liam who were having a spar at the center stage surrounded by the people she knew where lycans, sighting Evelyn and with a look of perplexion Matilda asked

"She knows?."