Whatever the fuck I want

"Matilda's a lycan?" she asked with wide doe eyes, her gaze fixed keenly on Matilda whose fangs and claws were elongated staring back at her with a surprised expression, taken aback with her sudden unexpected presence, although they currently weren't in the prohibited part of the school, the west mill, the building they were in nevertheless was an isolated abandoned building used only by them, the silver crest pack, a pack which she had secretively become a part of for the past two days.

"what's she doing here Leon?." Liam asked with a frown, the whole crowd directing their questionable gaze at her making Evelyn stagger backwards from fright knowing they could easily kill her in seconds in the blink of an eye if they decided to.

"Don't be scared little kitty, they won't bite," he said with a grin

"Why would they? it's not like they are wolves or anything." she thought with an eye roll feeling her patience with the pretty arrogant boy fly out the window, knowing him she wouldn't be surprised if he had led her here to be killed, like a sheep to be slaughtered.

"She's my supplier," he said nonchalantly "Our operation cannot be progressive without full transparency," he added earning a slight chuckle from Jeremy who sat leisurely by the window side trying to figure out what his long-time friend was thinking, wasn't he the same person a few days ago who had told them how he wasn't planning on telling Evelyn what he was anytime soon? why change his mind so suddenly without a moment's notice? he couldn't help but suspect that perhaps something might had happened which they weren't aware of.

"That's bullshit!" The beta adrian who had been silent with a lady on his lap with her hands encircling round his neck spoke out in fury utterly perplexed as to why Leon would decide on telling the human girl their secret.

Last three nights Leonard had ordered him to keep a close eye on the girl which he did knowing how important she was to the success of the pack, still no matter how crucial and relevant she was it didn't justify why Leon would blurt out the secret of the supernatural realm to her.

Evelyn, on the other hand, recognizing the boy known as adrain furrowed her brows deeply remembering he was the same boy who had graciously saved her from the Leon obsessed bullies at her domitorium, could it had been Leon who sent him to watch over her that night? but why she questioned inwardly.

"Well..... it's my pack which dictates I can do whatever the fuck I want, whenever the fuck I want, and to whomever the fuck I want," he said simply with a shrug before turning his gaze at Evelyn winking seductively at her with a grin

"It's not too late we can still kill her, I'm sure Alexander would understand." said one of the pack member Agatha a mean looking tall built female with a short-haired brunette and lean built

"What!" both Matilda and Evelyn shouted in unison

"Sheesh Agatha you are as mean as your name sounds and your face looks, you'll scare away your mate with an attitude like that," Leonard said casually with a chuckle before directing his gaze at Evelyn whose body was trembling uncontrollably from fright sensing death hanging just around the corner.

"They are just shy puppies Evelyn, no need to be scared," he said completely unbothered by the glares he got from the pack, his words making Evelyn frown deeper, it was like the whole scenery of her life in jeopardy was simply an amusement for him, thrilling himself with the sight of her life dangling on the thin threads of life and death.

Now that she thought of it she wondered why Leonard had saved her from the predatory clutches of Alexander, for some reason that night he had shown genuine concern for her, even staying by her bedside till she had woken up, the boy before her was simply an enigma and too difficult to understand

"I...can leave, I promise I won't say anyth..."

"Nonsense." he said abruptly cutting her off with a smile "These are good people."

"These 'good people' want me dead." she deadpanned with a frown visibly upset at how Leonard seemed to derive pleasure in putting her in life threatening situations.

"They do? I don't think so," he said with a shrug directing his gaze towards his pack members, his once calm and carefree gaze and aura now changing into a cold overbearing aura sending shivers down the spine of his pack members including evelyn who gulped down in anxiety at how overbearing Leon currently was, one minute he was carefree and the next brooding.

"My authority and decisions seem to be in question here," he spoke menacingly clicking his tongue in distaste as he walked forward, each approaching step fastening their already accelerated heartbeat

"is everyone in the pack suffering from short term memory that you seemed to have forgotten who the alpha is?" he asked "It wasn't rhetorical," he added demanding an answer with a fierce gaze after a few seconds of silence with no one refusing to talk completely subdued in fear for their Alpha

"No alpha." they all mumbled in unison

"Leonard." Adrian said calmly as he continued "No one is questioning your authority..."

"It doesn't seem like it." he retorted offhandedly

"It's just this is something bigger than our pack, it doesn't affect our pack alone but our race as well, what if she decides to tell someone else our secret." he voiced out his concern collectively not wanting to anger Leonard even further

"Wow I didn't think of that, what a genius you are adrain." he gave his sarcastic remarks with a smirk earning a frustrated sigh from adrain

"she wouldn't tell anyone you have my word as an alpha, certain measures has been put in place to make sure that doesn't happen right little kitty?." he asked Evelyn who immediately replied wanting to save her neck and keep it attached to her body for as long as possible however she knew it wouldn't take long until she meets her end with Leonard hovering around her like a grim reaper.

"Y..yes," she stuttered

"Good now that's all settled, you can carry on." he said with an innocent smile not even caring for anyone's opinion "Evelyn come with me," he said walking away and without hesitation, she sprinted towards him all the while with her gaze on the ground not wanting to meet the evil intent malicious glares she got from his pack members excluding Adrain Jeremy Liam and Matilda who still had a shocked look plastered on her face at the whole unprecedented event.

"see good people," Leonard said with a chuckle as Evelyn caught up with him before walking towards the upper floor, the last floor.