Looks can be decieving

"I'm sure you have lots of questions little kitty, ask away, I'm all ears," Leonard said with a smile taking a seat by the window side, his gaze fixated through the windows overlooking the serene scenery of the school premises, like the floor below them, the floor they were in now which was the uppermost floor was empty with nothing but a pile of rubbles scattered around, walking next to him and placing her hands on the window railings she spoke

"What did Asher mean when he said he was the future ruler of the dark witches?."

"The first question you ask is about him?," he said in a disappointed tone clicking his tongue in distaste as he continued "In our world, there are two types of witches Evelyn, the white witches and the dark witches, the white witches although less powerful than the dark are skilled in healing and creating antidotes for illnesses, in a sense, they are more like healers, while the dark witches are well versed in dark magic or witchcraft as you'd call it, Asher is the son to the current dark witch queen which makes him their future leader."

"Asher's a dark witch? there's nothing dark about him," she said, her face contorting into a frown if anything shouldn't Asher be a white witch instead? his beautiful appearance simply did not give up anything dark about him, he was like an angel whereas Leonard was the devil.

"Looks can be deceiving little kitty, it's as I said before things are never what they seem," he said in a whispery tone

"What about you? what did you mean becoming the absolute ruler of the lycans?." questioned Evelyn at Leonard who drew himself closer to her, his face a few inches away from hers, feeling his warm steady breath on her face, that for a moment she felt enchanted unable to pull her gaze from his deep blue eyes that seemed to lure and drown her mind in them, completely pleased with her reaction he slowly pulled himself away returning back to his original position with Evelyn's face flushed red.

"You were lost again little kitty." he teased

"You know not every girl gets smitten by your appearance, you should stop thinking that you are some kind of trophy every girl wants."

"oh but I am." he said with a chuckle "I mean just look at me Evelyn," he said running his tongue over his lips, his seductive act making Evelyn's legs wobbly from weakness, he was too hot, too hot she felt it would burn her and the building along with it.

"You're a narcissist," she said with flushed cheeks turning her face away from him to the outside view

"Not a narcissist but a truth-teller." he said with a smirk before answering her earlier question "to answer your earlier question, I'm a Donavan, a powerful family that rules over all lycanthropes," he said making Evelyn turn back her gaze towards him in question

"What do you mean?."

"Morbius Ragnar the first of our kind was an original who turned my forefather Luke Donavan responsible for spreading the lycan genes to humanity with his being the strongest."

"what about Morbius?." she questioned in curiosity, a part of her excited and enthusiastic learning about lycan history, something most people would view as myths and legends.

"Hmm Morbius wasn't able to turn anyone until Luke came along, Morbius was cursed to become a monster by the skinwalker a notorious powerful dark witch from the past, whenever Morbius would bite a human, the human would eventually turn into a lycan but would end up being nothing but a mindless lycan raging beast unable to retain his humanity or a sense of rationality, they would always go on a Killing spree, killing everyone and anything on their path, leaving behind nothing but destruction," he said calmly staring earnestly at Evelyn

"What made your ancestor so special to survive his bite?."

"No one knows little kitty, luck maybe?." he said with a grin "My ancestor Luke Donavan became the first pure lycan, unlike Morbius whose lycan form looked far more feral and beastly in comparison to his, the Donavan Descendents, my humble self included," he said in a confident tone "Are the most powerful lycans simply because we share the purest gene of Luke Donavan, which makes us the absolute Alphas over other insignificant alpha's."

"But you have an older brother, doesn't it make him the next Alpha?." she could now begin to understand where his sense of superiority over all others stems from, being a Donavan not only meant he was rich beyond comprehension but it seems his family is of the most powerful lycan race in history which makes them not only kings of the human world but the supernatural realm as well, but still shouldn't he be a little humbled knowing he had an older brother who would undoubtedly become the alpha?.

"As both sons of Donavan, when our dear father passes away, we would have to battle each other until one either surrenders or dies to become the next absolute Alpha of the Donavan pack, being a half-witch it gives me a far greater chance of victory something my brother is greatly threatened by and have nightmares about," he said nonchalantly with a Chuckle escaping his lips

"Wouldn't some lycans dislike you for being a half-witch?."

"So many questions little kitty, don't you think I deserve some sought of reward for being so patient with answering them?." he said with a smirk drawing closer once again towards her hearing her increasing erratic heartbeat of anxiousness with each of his approaching steps.

"Like...wh..what," she managed to say stuttering her words, her face craned up to meet his piercing gaze

"Use your imaginations," he said with a slight chuckle gently picking her hand and drawing it closer to his lips

"stop! stop! you have to stop him." she screamed inwardly at herself however to her body's betrayal she stood motionless watching Leonard part his sexy lips and place her index finger into his warm mouth running his tongue over it, though her mind fought rigorously to regain her composure and remove her hands from his she found her self staring blankly at him with her gaze fixed on his lips which gently sucked on her index finger.

"We are all alone Evelyn, just me and you, we can go as wild as we want with no one to disturb us, Let me quench the burning flames of want you have towards me, let me take you on a journey to the world of pleasure, the ride starts from just a little kiss."

How could someone have way with words like he did?, she questioned, almost like it had been rehearsed, with her cheeks burning red she watched him Lean forward, his lip approaching hers, instinctively she closed her eyes unable to resist his charms, her defenses crumbling to dust as she awaited his impending kiss, a kiss however that never came, as they were suddenly distracted by a loud banging voice, Liam's

"What type of shit have you gotten yourself into this time, Leon? you're, no we're fucked big time, like hardcore fucked." he said in a panicked voice after forcefully breaking down the steel doors

"What do you mean?.", Leonard asked visibly annoyed with his sudden intrusion

"Alexander's here, with two fucking council members, and they look even more scary than usual."