The two councilmen (1)

A few minutes ago

With Leonard stepping through the doors alongside Evelyn heading towards the uppermost part of the building followed by a series of incoherent muttering sounds, higgledy-piggledy Liam with a frown made haste towards Jeremy who sat leisurely by the window side sniffing in coke from the back of his palm.

"Hey, Jeremy, what's up with Leon? did you have any idea of this?." he asked in expectation of having his burning questions answered by his intelligent friend.

"Nope, I'm as shocked as you are Liam... I'm trying to figure it out, the Cocaine helps clear my thoughts," he said with a chuckle his bright green eyes now in a darker shade

"Yeah right," Liam said with an eye roll.

"Liam what's going on?." came the soft tuneful voice of a lady, turning his back he found Matilda standing just a few inches away from him her hands placed akimbo with a fierce expression, fuck she looked so hot he thought, it had been three days since they started seeing each other and sadly to him the blonde hot girl still hadn't let him hit or even do as little as kissing her, judging from her appearance and behavior he could tell she wasn't a typical goody two shoes who would be scared of as little as a kiss which made him wonder why she was so resistant and disapproving to his advances, perhaps she had an ulterior motive all along?.

"I don't know, we weren't expecting this ourselves," he said gazing in lust at her perking boobs whose upper half were exposed by the short-sleeved black t-shirt unbuttoned at the top

"I didn't take Evelyn for someone who supplies drugs, she's always been more of a loner," she said with a frown making her appear even more appealing and seductive to the boy whose eyes and attention were fixed keenly on something else.

"Fuck Matilda please just let me hit." he blurted out shamelessly with Matilda's eyes widening in shock and Jeremy giving him a hard slap at the back of his head.

"Forgive my mentally deteriorating deranged stupid ass friend." perhaps I should go for his seemingly smarter friend instead was the thought that glanced through her head.

"You should go practice with the rest of the pack, you'll be the first to know when we find anything concerning Leonard," he said with a fake smile.

"o..okay." said the blonde girl with flushed cheeks before walking away

"Jeez Liam are you that dumb that you can't see that she's playing you?, harder than a basketballer plays the basketball," he said with a loud chuckle

"What do you mean?." questioned Liam with a narrowed gaze

"It's obvious she isn't interested In you but someone else, Leonard I presume, and besides don't you recognize her to be the same girl who Leonard had ignored during the party, the girl next to evelyn."

"I do I'm not stupid, that was a long time ago, she has long gotten over him, she told me that," he argued stubbornly not wanting to accept he was being played, he was the one who played the ladies and not the other way around, what kind of playboy gets played by the ladies?

"Think Liam think, pimp don't simp." Jeremy said with a frustrated sigh "she's the daughter of Alpha Ryan which makes her a high-classed lycan, why would she join a piss poor growing pack like ours? for love? when she won't even let you hit, and earlier I had purposely told her I'd inform her about Leonard and not the girl, if she was really interested in the girl wouldn't she has corrected me instead of blushing like a twelve year old girl in the presence of her crush? think Liam fucking think."

"Holy shit," Liam said with a frown, the veil of blindness and stupidity finally coming off as it finally dawned on him that Maltilda's true motive all along was Leonard "Fuck I have been played."

"Yeah no shit, I knew from day one but decided to say nothing, I'm tired of being your father always looking out for you, I wanted you for once to be able to figure things out on your own," he said with a slight chuckle earning him a glare from Liam.

"You knew all along and you watched me suffer in deceit? what type of fucking friend are y..." his words were left hanging with the sudden mention of a name, a dreaded and feared name to the lycans

"Elder..I mean principal Alexander." stuttered one of the pack member in fear for the 900 year old lycan, to make it worse with him were two other councilmen easily recognized to be councilman John and councilman Laura.

"Where's Leonard?." demanded councilman John his old wrinkled face adding more intensity to his words.

"He's not here." came the words of Jeremy who quickly came to his friend's aid, knowing he was the smartest in the room it was up to him to get his pack out safely from whatever mess Leonard had stupidly created, slowly he made way towards Alexander and the imposing figures beside him.

"The last I saw him was in class this morning," he added politely with a bow

"Yes..yes it was this morn..."Liam chimed in only to be cut off harshly by Jeremy

"Shut up and let me talk," he said with Liam's eyes bulging out in shock, however, he quickly replaced it knowing how complex Jeremy's mind worked, he could already tell he was about to play mind games with them, and with Alexander being around he could tell Jeremy wanted no distractions or contradictions to play it safe and get away unharmed from their current predicament, for now, he'd have to shut up and trust's Jeremy's wittiness and intuitions, after all, no one had ever outsmarted him before.

"You are Jeremy?." Alexander said with a smile, Liam's earlier faith in Jeremy starting to waver knowing how dangerous cunning, and smart Alexander was

"Yes Principal, I'm honored to be recognized," he said with utmost respect bowing even deeper

"you say he isn't here, yet I can sense his presence in this building." said councilman Laura her gaze hard on Jeremy whose calm and collected demeanor didn't even falter in the face of danger.

The other pack members couldn't help but gawk at Jeremy in admiration, maintaining his composure in the presence of Alexander and the councilmen were akin to a human being collected in the presence of angry gorillas.

"it would be strange if you didn't councilman Laura, after all he is the alpha of this pack, he spends most time in the building training us, so it's only normal you sense his presence in the building, besides he's a Donavan, his presence is strong," he said raising his head to meet Alexander's gaze

"But I can smell Evelyn too." he said with his usual creepy eerie smile what excuse do you have for that smart one?." fuck he felt cornered with the question knowing he couldn't tell she also spent time in the building with them as she was human and would mean their secrets were exposed to her, the councilmen wouldn't hesitate to kill her if they found out.

"Whose Evelyn?." questioned councilman John

"A human." the smile on Alexander's face widened even further

"OUR SECRETS WERE TOLD TO A HUMAN!" Roared councilman Laura which immediately made everyone shiver in fear except Jeremy.

"No councilman Laura," he said calmly "Evelyn is both his supplier and fuck partner, she is so obsessed with Leonard like many other ladies are that she makes out with him almost every fucking day in this very building, when we aren't in of course, she also comes here to drop the drugs for Leonard to distribute, Leonard wouldn't 'Dare' go against the absolute laws of the lycanthropes, you know Leonard is smart he definitely isn't someone dumb enough to do something so stupid, and besides if he did I'd be the first to report him, I treasure the lycan law above everything else," he said confidently with Alexander's eyes narrowing further.

"He is good." he complimented him inwardly before his smile widened into something more sinister, the time for games was over.