The two councilmen (2)

"What about that door where does it lead?." Alexander asked pointing at a black steel door at the far end of the room, he could already guess it lead to the uppermost part of the building where Leonard currently was.

"I don't have time for your games Jeremy." he said with a callous smile before turning his gaze at Liam who shuddered in trepidation with its intensity "Liam go get Leon, I'll kill every one of your pack members if he isn't here in 30mins." he said glancing through the pack members who wanted nothing more than to disappear and sink completely into the ground from fright before he added, "Don't test me."

With Alexander's words and seeing no plausible way in fooling Alexander into believing Leonard wasn't in the building Jeremy slightly nodded at Liam to carry out Alex's orders which he immediately did without hesitation as he dashed towards the doors leading to the uppermost part of the building.


"What do you mean he's here with the councilmen?." Leonard asked with knitted brows approaching Liam who stood panting by the door.

"it's councilman John and Laura Leon, what the fuck have you gotten yourself into dragging the councilmen into it?." Liam asked perturbed at their unexpected situation awaiting Leon's reply which never came as the pretty boy instead turned his gaze to Evelyn who had been too quiet since the mention of Alexander's arrival, was she in shock? he questioned.

"Evelyn?" he spoke gently walking towards her in slow calculated steps as the white-haired girl stared blankly at the paintless walls, her eyes blank almost like she had been entranced "Evelyn are you okay?" he spoke again his voice more gentle than before as he gently gripped her shoulders which strangely she still didn't react to.

"What's up with her?." Liam asked with a scowl

"Fuck!." Leon cursed all of a sudden able to discern what was about to happen, somehow he could guess she was currently having a vision of an impending death, which meant she would scream anytime soon which would in turn give her identity away to the old creep of a man downstairs.

"Did Alexander threaten to kill anyone?." he asked, his question directed towards Liam who stood rooted in bafflement at Evelyn's dazed look.

"Yes the pack members," he answered quickly "He threatened he would kill them if you don't show up in or before 30 minutes."

"hmm, you can go back now, tell the old idiot I'll be there shortly," Leon said to Liam before conjuring a bubble like a forcefield around Evelyn, and with the flicker of his hand, the bubble levitated.

"What are you doing Leon?." Liam questioned with furrowed brows and a few seconds later the beautiful girl let out an ear-piercing scream which was absorbed by the force field conjured by Leon with the bubble-like force field vibrating roughly sending a bolt of shockwave around them sending both boys flying in full force a few meters away crashing into the brick walls which collapsed during impact with the lycan shifters.

"What the fuck!" Liam exclaimed with a loud groan feeling his dislocated back bones rejoining in it's original positions while Leon quickly stood up and rushed towards Evelyn who was about to crash hard against the floor as the forcefield suspending her had disappeared into thin air, luckily Leonard was quick enough to catch her. his spell protection seemingly worked as her scream was absorbed by the field which only sent a jolt of shockwave to disperse the energy.

"Evelyn are you okay?" he asked calmly with his hands placed on her forehead checking her temperature which to his relief was stable, "Evelyn tell me what you saw." he inquired staring intently at Evelyn who was slowly slipping away into an unconscious state.

"Death," she said weakly

"Whose death little kitty?" he inquired with a softened gaze, his hands gently stroking her long white hair.

"A man and a woman, I couldn't recognize them, I haven't seen them bef...." her voice trailed off as she succumbed to her drowsiness falling unconscious.

"What the fuck Leon, is she what I think she is?." Liam said with his eyes widened in shock having witnessed everything, from her screams and her vision about an impending death, it didn't take even someone as dumb as Liam to discern what she was.

"Watch her Liam, I'll go deal with Alexander," he said gently placing Evelyn on the ground before standing up, his once beautiful blue eyes now changed into bloodshot red.

"Watch a banshee? no fucking way, haven't you heard about how they can bring death just by being close to th..."

"SHUT UP AND DO AS YOU ARE TOLD!!" Leonard yelled out enraged gripping Liam tightly by the neck with his feet dangling in the air

"o..okay..okay I'll." Liam managed to say before Leon loosened his grip as he walked away toward the entrance

"Leon." Liam called out coughing out loud trying to regain his breath "I know she's your mate which would make it difficult for you to see and reason things through, but trust me you are going to get yourself killed if you keep protecting her, she's a banshee, she's beyond Saving." he said calmly.

"If anything happens to her when I get back, you'd be the one beyond saving." came the threatening words of Leonard before departing the floor and heading towards the lower floor where he found Alexander sitting with his legs crossed with a smile on his lips and beside him the two Lycan councilmen.

"Leon, what took you so long?." questioned Alexander his words seemingly gentle and harmless when in truth his intentions were the complete opposite.