The two councilmen (3)

Thanks dearies for the power stones.

"Alexander, councilmen what brings you to my humble pack?, to what do I owe the pleasure." If alexander's thought of Leonard getting intimidated by his immediate visit alongside the councilmen was bound to happen then his thoughts couldn't be farther from reality as the pretty boy with a cigarette settled between his fingers and a grin plastered on his face spoke boldly walking elegantly towards them, with zero sign of fear or intimidation.

"Dismiss your pack members what we are going to be discussing cannot be heard by them." said councilman Laura.

"My! my! councilman Laura will that be necessary? I mean some of my naughty pack members might think that perhaps you want some alone time with me as most women do." came the lighthearted teasing remarks from Leonard, his words sharp and blunt which made the councilman flare up in rage and was about to attack when John spoke

"Calm down Laura, he's just trying to rile you up," he said with a sigh already knowing how the boy before him enjoyed getting under people's skin, "Leonard dismiss your pack members don't make me ask twice," he said with a scowl

Leonard with a slight chuckle nodded his head to beta Adrain and his pack members in sign for a dismissal with them nodding back in reply before walking away leaving behind Leonard alexander and the two councilmen, Jeremy who was about to exit was suddenly stopped by alexander.

"Not you Jeremy, you stay." he said with his usual callous smile "We'd need someone to talk some sense into Leon when the time arrives."

"Well then to what do I owe the pleasure?." he asked staring earnestly at the powerful figures, somehow he could already discern the two councilmen to be the people seen in Evelyn's vision, it couldn't possibly be Jeremy or alexander as she had earlier said she wasn't able to recognize any of them, still he couldn't help but wonder what or who was going to kill them, it could possibly be him, perhaps they attacked him trying to carry out his brothers wish to have him assassinated? he thought.

"We were informed by alexander on what you did the last three nights." said councilman Laura her gaze sharp and fierce, though in appearance she looked to be one in her mid-forties, in truth the councilman was over 200 years old with the other, John being a hundred and twenty.

"Which was?." Leonard quizzed, his head tilted sidewards feigning oblivious to her earlier accusations, his arrogant attitude making Laura's vein twitch in anger. she couldn't help but wish the council hadn't agreed to spare him for the next few months as she wouldn't want anything more than to claw and shred him into pieces.

"Don't fuck with me Leonard," she said with a deadly glare

"Ewww why would I? aren't you old enough to be my grandmother?," he said with a widened grin, angered by his words and feeling her patience with Leonard thrown out the window she was about to attack him when alexander intervened.

"you erased everyone's memory last three nights did you not?." he said diving straight to the point, his words making Jeremy furrow his brows in confusion, it didn't make any sense as to why Leonard would go as far to erase everyone's memory and keep it a secret from him, and if he did what would make Leonard go as far as wiping out everyone's memory?

"And you buy into his bullshit?." he directed his question at the councilmen "Aren't you councilmen supposed to be smart?, why in the hell would I do something so stupid?."

"Are you calling elder Alex a liar? watch your tongue you fucking brat." Laura said with a frown

"We could sense and smell a very powerful magic still lingering in the air Leonard, a smell we recognize to be unique to you." councilman John said calmly, Leonard was about to retort to his words when in the blink of an eye a hand had pierced through the chest of councilman John killing him immediately, his bloodied heart held firmly in the palms of the outstretched hand.

"Eld...Elder alexander?." Councilman Laura half yelled in shock at the unexpected sight of alexander's hand bursting a hole right through John's chest with his heart held firmly, Seeing his sudden attack Leonard and Jeremy both took defensive positions.

"What the fuck are you doing?." she asked haltingly staggering backward as Alexander forcefully pulled out his hand from John's chest squashing his heart into pieces as he made way towards Laura, with his approaching steps she was about to Sprint away when she felt his hands gripped firmly around her neck raising her a few inches above the ground.

"Alexander plea... Leonard, please help me..." she pleaded weakly before her neck was snapped in two with her lifeless body casually dropped to the ground.

"HOLY SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!.." Liam yelled out loud in shock at the sight of blood, a hole on John's chest, and councilman Laura lying lifeless on the ground, earlier when he had heard screams he had immediately made way towards the lower floor afraid that Leonard had gotten into a fight with either the councilmen or alexander, never would he had thought he would see alexander slaughtering the esteemed councilmen in cold blood, he knew how creepy and crazy Alex was still he never thought he was this crazy.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE LIAM?, WHERE'S EVELYN?!" He yelled furiously at Liam, he was however distracted when the creepy elder had started humming and chanting strange words while he ran his bloodied hand over his beautiful blonde hair

The night sleeps

The morning awakes

In between both worlds would I exist

A middle man, neither good nor evil

Neither a god nor a man

swayed by fate

until I find my resting place.

with his strange words repeated thrice the three boys stared at him with a look of perplexion all the while keeping a defensive position.

"He's fucking gone insane." Jeremy said with a deep frown "Leonard what's going on?." he asked

"Now Leonard you can either choose to give me what I want, or I can do the same thing to both your friends over there and let's not forget our sweet sweet evelyn upstairs," he said with a crooked smile bringing his bloody fingers between his lips all the while staring intently at Leonard.