make a run for it

"And why should I?," Leonard retorted with a scoff "You should know by now you don't scare me, Alex, your words, your fucking threats mean absolutely nothing to me."

with Leon's harsh words Liam couldn't help but gaze sharply at him with his whole body shivering from fright sensing death lurking around the corner, Jeremy, on the other hand, couldn't help but grin widely at Leon's words, like Leon the brown haired boy feared no one and was in some cases suicidal perhaps even more than the aforementioned Leonard.

"Hey, Jeremy," Liam whispered to Jeremy to redirect his gaze from Alex who had his attention on Leonard locking his intense gaze with him, "It's not too late for us, we can still make a run for it while Alex's is still being distracted by Leonard."

"Coward!" Jeremy cursed at him with a slight chuckle receiving a glare from Liam.

"Fuck Jeremy now is not the time to get suicidal, Leonard is fucking fucked and so are we, let's get the fuck out of here while we still can," he said with a frown trying to convince his stubborn best friend from diving straight at death, seeing how pointless it was to convince his suicidal friend he was about to make a run for it when alexander spoke.

"move an inch from your spot and I'll be taking those legs." his gentle voice made his words sound more deadly and scary that Liam with a sweaty forehead felt his whole being freeze from intense fear.

"What do you think is going to happen to you when the council finds out you killed two of their members?" he asked with a smile making Leonard grit his teeth in anger at his deceptive words, "think about our sweet evelyn, what do you think would happen to her when the council finds out a human knows of our secret?." he said shaking his head in disappointment.

"what is it you want?." asked Leonard with a glare knowing Alexander had purposely set the whole thing up to get what he wanted, knowing how powerful Alexander was and how hated he was in the lycan world it would be pointless to try convincing the council of his Innocence and Alexander's involvement in the councilmen's death, still he might have been willing to take the risk however due to Evelyn involvement with it he couldn't take any chances.

Alexander with a smile on his lips sensing he was just a few more steps ahead from getting what he wanted pulled out a small bottle from his pocket tossing it in the air over for Leon to catch

"What am I supposed to do with it? jerk off into it? Is it my seeds you need?." he teased with a raised brow for Alex to reply

"I need a few drops of your blood," he told making both Leonard and Jeremy knit their brows in confustication, somehow they could tell the crafty clever fox had an ulterior motive in needing Leon's blood, the reason however they couldn't tell.

"What would you need it for?." Jeremy questioned for Alex to reply

"Leonard is special Jeremy, no child born from the union of a witch and a lycan has ever survived birth until now, I want to study why, what makes him so special and his true potential," he explained, a feasible lie which both boys could easily see through, they both knew he needed it for something more inauspicious.

"I'm not dumb enough to buy that." Leonard said with a chuckle "And I'm also not dumb enough not to know how pointless and stupid it would be to expect an honest answer from you." he added before elongating his claws and slashing his left palm with it, the seeping blood running from his palm poured into the small bottle glass and when it had gone halfway through he closed the bottle before throwing over to Alexander which the elder caught carefully with a wider smile on his face, like a child getting his Christmas gift, in this case, however, Christmas came early.

"You made the right choice." Alex praised with a grin before adding "As for the councilmen you don't have to worry, I'll let the council know that they were attacked on the way here by rouge witches."

Though both dark and witch witches were subjugated and governed by the lycanthropes there were still some witches comprising mostly of the darks that broke out from the Lycan's rule in search of freedom and would occasionally launch attacks at the lycans most especially the council members, these group of witches were referred as the 'rouge witches'.

glancing at the three boys one last time with a smile on his lips he walked towards the entrance before exiting leaving behind the three boys with the two dead bodies to bury. Not a second later alexander exited, Leonard quickly dashed for the upper floor to check on Evelyn however, not before ordering both boys.

"Find a place to bury the bodies, make sure no one finds them," he said before sprinting for the upper floor.

"Are you seriously fucking okay with all of this? there are two dead council members right in front of us." Liam said to Jeremy after Leonard had left.

"So?." he asked tilting his head to the side earning a sigh of frustration from Liam

"Do you know that Leonard had our minds erased?." he asked for Jeremy to nod slightly "Do you also know his mate is a banshee?." he asked, his words making the usually composed and collected Jeremy gape wide-eyed at him with a stunned expression.

"What do you mean?." he asked through narrowed gaze, it all made sense to him now, why Leonard had suddenly erased everyone's memories, she probably must had screamed in public, and in fear, for her safety, Leonard must have decided on erasing everyone's memories to prevent it from spreading, yet, he couldn't help but be surprised from the discovery of Evelyn being a banshee, a race that has been long thought to be extinct.

"I saw her scream and predict the death of the councilmen, she's Leon's mate which is why I understand why he isn't thinking clearly and refuses to do what's necessary."

"And what is necessary?." Jeremy inquired with furrowed brows already knowing the answer

"Eliminating her of course, she's deadly, a curse sent to earth to bring about death like her race had done in the past.". he said with a frown, his words as a result of the brainwashing done on young lycans by the older generation who had lied to them about all branches being curses and death bringers hiding the truth of the atrocities they the lycanthropes had committed in eradicating the whole race, this was one of the major reasons why Leonard had refused in telling them both of evelyn's true identity, knowing how the recent generations of lycans were brainwashed he knew their reaction towards Evelyn would certainly be negative.

"let her be Liam, she's Leon's problem not ours, besides I don't really buy much into history books, for all we know it might had been modified and changed to fit into the lycan positive perspective," he said with a chuckle before walking towards the dead councilmen to carry Leon's orders in removing and hiding the bodies with Liam trailing behind him rambling incoherent words with a frown on his face.

"Maybe joining Leon's pack was a mistake, it hasn't even been up to a week, yet we discover Evelyn's a banshee, Alexander obviously Is going to fuck us, there two dead council members in our building, oh and the most important I got played by a girl," he said with an exaggerated frown trailing behind Jeremy towards the bodies.