Unromantic and wicked

It was 8:30 pm when her eyelids fluttered open, glancing around nervously trying to take in the blurry fuzzy sight of her unfamiliar surroundings, it was warm, unusually warm particularly for this time of the year, feeling a warm placement on her forehead, she slowly roamed her hands to take off the warmed soaked towel placed firmly on her forehead.

Lifting herself with the support of her elbows and her blurry sight now becoming clearer the once unfamiliar room now appeared familiar as she had been here before, it was the place where she had delivered drug money, Leon's room, at the far end of the room was burning firewood which explained the warm temperature, still she wondered how he got the management of the school to let him use firewood at his quarters.

"You are finally awake little kitty, you've been slipping in and out of consciousness for the past two hours." from within the shadows cast by the nonpenetrating illumination of the moonlight came a deep masculine voice, his voice soothing and calming as the wave of the ocean hitting the shore, the figure she knew was Leon was nonvisible with Evelyn only able to gaze at his silhouette resting at the far end of the walls.

"Leon?, what am I doing here? what happened?." she asked tiredly, her memory a little mixed up, the last thing she remembered was seeing a vision of a forthcoming death of two people she hadn't seen before, what came after that she couldn't remember, had she perhaps fainted like she always does after a vision? she quizzed herself.

"You collapsed after your vision little kitty, you have been unconscious for hours, as for your vision it has already happened so you have nothing to worry about." he spoke casually as he continued, "I brought you here to rest, such a caring loving lover aren't I?." he teased making evelyn cough out loud from embarrassment, gosh couldn't he go a day without throwing teasing remarks? she questioned.

"Who died?." she questioned wanting to divert his naughty topic

"Hmm just two insignificant old people, who has nothing better to do than to question an innocent schoolboy," he said with a chuckle, minutes after alexander had left and he had returned to check on evelyn both boys left behind Jeremy and Liam had immediately buried the two councilmen in a hidden territory of st Donavan, Leonard had also threatened them not to mention a word of Evelyn's true identity to anyone and for the meantime to keep a watchful eye on Alexander who he felt was up to no good, stirring up something deadly in a pot which could be ready at any moment from now.

He couldn't also possibly return evelyn to her quarters, he didn't trust Matilda while she was unconscious knowing the stupid obsession she had with him, and besides how could he leave his mate unconscious knowing Alexander was inquisitive with her?

"What did the principal and the councilmen Liam mention want with you?." she questioned earning a devious look of mischief from Leonard, judging from his look she knew he was able to throw in one of his crafty mischievous remarks.

"Are you worried about me little kitty." he teased slowly stepping out of the shadows

"Classic Leon," she said to herself with an eye roll, she was about to reply when she suddenly jolted up in alarm at Leon coming out of the shadows, revealing his bare mouth drooling godlike perfected toned chest with his seductive abs which were bare naked as he was only wearing black pants as coverage.

Though she tried hard to tear her gaze away to her dismay she couldn't as evelyn couldn't help but gawk at his physique, snapping her out of her daze was the masculine voice of Leonard.

"wet yet?." with his shameless words Evelyn sent a hard glare at Leonard before turning her gaze towards the window that revealed the tranquil view of the full moon.

"You are so shameless," she said with a grimace staring outside the window view with flushed cheeks and Leon laughing out loud with her words as he walked closer to the bed.

"I could say the same thing for you little kitty, shamelessly staring at my body without my consent, if I was to do the same to you wouldn't that be..... harassment?" he said clicking his tongue in distaste making evelyn snap her head towards him with a frown, she didn't remember asking him to go naked, he did it out of his own free will.

"You harassed me, Evelyn," he said with a chuckle stepping on the bed with his knees drawing closer to evelyn who felt paralyzed not able to move with her heart pounding rigorously that she felt it was going to explode.

"What are you talking about?." she managed to say as Leon drew his face closer to hers, taking her petite hand and placing them on his sturdy chest, whimpering and jolting in shock she was about to withdraw her hands when Leon tightened his grip on hers making it impossible to.

"Don't evelyn, I can tell you've got your mind on my body and my body on your mind," he said with a smirk gently removing his hands from his hold on hers, Evelyn with reddened cheeks couldn't help but trail her hands from his chest towards his firm abs, she had never had any experience with men in terms of pleasure so this was a first making her extremely curious that she couldn't keep her hands to her self.

"I... can't.." she shook her head vigorously about to remove her hands when Leon spoke

"Shh little kitty satisfy your curiosity, go ahead I won't bite." gosh she felt so powerless so helpless when it came to resisting his advances, with other boys she had never really had trouble with rejecting or turning them down however with Leonard it was different, though the boy was an arrogant, selfish, and prideful prick he nonetheless was extremely magnetic, pulling women towards him that makes it impossible for them to pull out, even with her mind all distraught from today's event, the feel of his body on her smooth hands swayed her mind, lost in the feel of his body.

Leonard on the other hand felt sucked into the realm of paradise with the feel of his mate's hands against his skin, he had envisioned this moment since the very first time he had laid eyes on her at the bus, he knew it was going to be heavenly nonetheless he never expected it to feel this heavenly as he ran his hands over his hair and subconsciously let out a soft sexy moan followed by a low growl making evelyn retract her hands in shock.

"How unromantic and wicked little kitty, I was just seconds away from having my release."