The pope (1)

"I'm okay now, umm I should get going," she said in a hurry as she quickly got out of the bed with Leon's smile widening even further, she could feel her knees wobble from weakness and her resolve from not giving in to his advances crumbling apart, she knew she needed to escape his hellish seductive clutches before it was too late.

with Leon's looks it wasn't hard to guess he was a certified player who used, played and toyed with women's emotions to his delight, she couldn't and wouldn't let herself become another one of his many conquests, judging from his flirtatious behavior lately it she could tell he wanted nothing but to sway her into sleeping with him.

Leonard on the other hand with a grin on his face sat up with both feet on the ground below, his gaze fixated on evelyn who staggered back towards the entrance.

"Why do you keep resisting evelyn?." he asked clicking his tongue in disappointment, it seemed getting her to like him wouldn't be as easy as he had thought, but why? he questioned, he hadn't had anyone reject his advances until now, they usually would be the one to even flirt with him and not the other way around, so why was evelyn different? perhaps could it be because of the white-haired dark witch Asher? was she growing feelings for him instead? he speculated with a frown.

"Don't be scared of me evelyn, come over here and taste me, let me take you into the paradise of your wildest dreams." he continued with his flirtatious words, with Leonard having zero experience with wooing women as he had never had to flirt in the first place he resulted to using Liam's lines he used when flirting hoping it would work on evelyn.

He had initially thought Evelyn would swoon over him just by seeing his physique alone just like most other women did, however to his dismay it wasn't so, with this failed expectations he had then resulted in trying to seduce Evelyn into sleeping with him hoping it would help change her heart, still, he could see the faint but noticeable stirred up emotions Evelyn was starting to have towards him, a spark he was willing to ignite into flames, being that he wasn't someone who showed emotions he didn't exactly know how to act to make Evelyn like him but to seduce her.

" thank you, I'm sure you would find many other girls who would love to taste you," she said stuttering with her back against the door, she was about to turn and open the door to leave when Leon spoke out

"You seriously want to leave without finding out what exactly you are first, hmmm little kitty?." he asked with a smile halting evelyn in her tracks as she turned backward to meet his gaze with a doubtful expression etched on her face.

"What I am? what do you mean?."

"Doesn't it ever occur to you why you have this strange ability to predict death?." he asked placing his both hands on the bed as he leaned backwards with his feet now dangling in the air, "Hmm little kitty?."

"I..I...I'm cursed," she murmured stuttering feeling her eyes starting to well up in tears with her memory wandering off to the dreadful night she had first screamed at the age of 11, a night that preceded the hellish and torturous life she has since had until now.


The night expands as black angel wings, protecting the earth as she dreams, the dark city set aglow by the bright lighting of the city and the beautiful illumination of the moonlight.

The atmosphere was cold due to the approaching winter season and the barking noises of stray dogs echoed through the sub-urban neighborhood where a white-haired girl could be seen peeking through the slightly opened doors of her bedroom prying her eyes into both her parents who were having a serious discussion with a man she recognized as her church pope who listened in on their words with a grim expression.

Just this morning the white-haired girl had let out a loud bone chilling scream in the kitchen so loud and high-pitched it had completely shattered the glasses in the kitchen, shortly following her screaming was the girl crying to her parents about their neighbor next door having a car accident which resulted in his death, what came after that she couldn't remember as she had passed out immediately only to wake up during the night to hear whispery muttering sounds of her parents having a serious discussion about her with their church pope in the living room.

"And you are saying your neighbor, Mr Adams right?" he asked to which her father nodded "died two hours later in a car accident as your daughter had envisioned?." he asked leaning forward in his seat with a frown, at his side was a holy bible placed at a side stool.

"Yes father, at first we dismissed it to be probably her imagination or sickness, which was why we took her immediately to the hospital." an average-looking woman with blonde hair and blue eyes which she recognized to be her mother said with a teary eye, her eyes reddened from crying profusely, she didn't know what to think of her daughter anymore, how could someone possess such an ability?, was it a gift from God or perhaps the devil himself, was her daughter possessed? her mind stormed with thoughts.

"What did the doctors say?." The pope inquired, he was a bald man, with a pair of translucent eyeglasses settled on his face which appeared grim and serious.

"They couldn't find anything wrong with her, they said she was perfectly fine and couldn't find what had caused her to suddenly collapse, please father, what is wrong with our daughter Evelyn?." Asked a gentle-looking man with short black hair and black eyes, his face equally concerned looking as the woman who sat beside him, his wife.

"I don't know yet Mr Carter but do not worry we are going to find out if she has been possessed by an evil spirit," he said with a sigh standing up and taking the bible at his side alongside a black bag, opening the bag he reached into its content to pull out a holy cross, white powder, and holy water before he spoke.

"Show me to your daughter's room."