The pope (2)

Hearing their approaching footsteps the little girl dressed in a long white gown rapidly closed the door shut and ran into her bed, wrapping herself with the thick bedsheets pretending to be asleep.

Her mother who was the first to step into her bedroom with both men a few steps behind her walked towards her to check if she were asleep.

"She's still asleep," she said faintly with the pope nodding his head in understanding before carefully walking towards her, his steps gentle so as not to wake the sleeping child, little did he know it was all a pretense as though the child's eyes were closed tightly she nonetheless could hear what was being said in the room.

"Good, I'll make this quick." The pope said dipping his finger into the bottle filled with holy water as he spoke in tongues, pulling his finger out he sprinkled the water contents on the girl's forehead while her parents stood at the far end of the entrance holding each other in their embrace with her mother sobbing mildly.

"Are you sure this was necessary? I mean she's our daughter." her mother said with worry

"Yes my love, the devil does not discriminate in choosing his victims, even the purest of families can fall victim into his evil schemes, it is our duty to God and to mankind to rid this family of all evil, don't worry dear even if she's being possessed I have faith in father, he would surely deliver our daughter from the devil's clutches." The gentle-looking man said with a serious face.

"But she's our daughter." The blonde woman said between whimpers frightened at the possibility of her daughter being possessed.

"It's as I said the devil doesn't discriminate, the devil himself was once a child of God". the man spoke firmly with a strict gaze on his daughter who feigned to be asleep.

Taking the holy cross the pope gently placed it on the surface of the girl's forehead which was wet with the holy water sprinkled on it.

"The Lord said, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you, listen to me demon of Lucifer, if thy agent has possessed this child of God I command thee be cast out."

He prayed to place the holy cross on the girl's forehead and to everyone's surprise, the little girl suddenly jolted up unleashing a bone-chilling clamor which immediately sent the pope flying a few meters away and both parents covering their ears from its loud deafening frequency, crashing forcefully against the wall the back of the Pope's skull was smashed and crushed with its forceful impact killing the middle-aged man immediately.

With an accelerated breathing rate, increased muscle tension, and goosebumps surfacing on the surface of their skin, her parents staggered backward with widened eyes and trembling feet as they stared at their daughter in horror, gazing at their retreating figure the white-haired girl with teary eyes quickly crawled out of bed

"Mummy daddy I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I don't know what happened," she said in between whimpers as she walked towards her parents with her hands stretched forward trying to get a hug from them, like them the little girl was utterly confused with the whole situation, earlier when the Pope had placed the holy cross on her forehead she couldn't explain it but she had the urge to shout as if a defense mechanism had been triggered, never had she intentionally wanted the pope dead.

"Stay away from us Lucifer!" Her father yelled out in panic pushing his wife behind him to shield her from their daughter who he now saw as a demon of Lucifer, being a strictly religious man who had witnessed the supernatural unholy power his daughter had displayed he couldn't help but conclude this to be the doings of the devil.

With his words evelyn halted in her tracks, her lips trembling from the pain she felt in her heart, stabbed by her father's words.

"Daddy!" she said softly with tears streaming down her cheeks "I'm sorry."

"I'M NOT YOUR DADDY DEMON OF LUCIFER!" He yelled out picking a lamp holder and throwing it towards Evelyn which crashed against her forehead with blood seeping through the open wounds on her forehead.

"Mommy, daddy please I'm sorry," she said with tears streaming down her delicate cheeks falling dejectedly on her knees as both parents sprinted out of the bedroom leaving behind their daughter who continued screaming at the top of her lungs for both her parent's attention which never came as both parents had sprinted from their home towards a nearby police station, luckily for Evelyn as she was a minor at the time she couldn't be prosecuted for jail but was sent instead to a mental asylum suggested by her own parents, a place where she had experienced hell on earth for the past six years.

"Evelyn!, Evelyn!" her thoughts and mind were sent to the present by the worried voice of Leonard screaming her name with his hands placed on her shoulders to snap her out of her reverie

"Fuck little kitty you really have a thing for getting lost huh?." Leonard asked taking in a breath of relief, after his earlier question his mate had spent the last few seconds lost in a daze

"Where did you go this time little kitty?." he asked however instead of answering Evelyn had suddenly plunged herself into his embrace sobbing profusely as Leon stood rooted surprised at her very reaction and a few seconds later reciprocated her embrace as he gently ran his hand over her smooth silly hair wondering what must have suddenly made her look so broken.

"Shh, it's okay little kitty I don't know who might have hurt you in the past but you don't have to worry, it won't happen anymore, I'm here, the big bad scary wolf would always protect you," he muttered softly feeling his cold-hearted heart warm up that for the first time in his life he had subconsciously showed the emotion of concern towards another.