Curse and scourge

"Thank you." She said in between sniffs pulling away from his embrace which she had spent the last few minutes sobbing in. with her eyes reddened and cheeks swelled she craned her neck upwards to meet his gaze.

Leonard with a smile nodded before placing a soft gentle kiss on her forehead, a gesture of course which startled and left evelyn dumbfounded, not knowing how to react she smiled sheepishly staggering a few meters backward away from him. his earlier gesture seemed too romantic.

"Such a shy little kitty," he teased with a smile stepping forward to close the gap between them, his perked-up ears picking up her now accelerated heartbeat which made his grin widen even further, however knowing how sad and sensitive she was after reliving a traumatic event he restrained from teasing her further.

Though he could already guess evelyn was sent to an asylum at such a young tender age due to fear of her abilities by her parents he was still oblivious to the tortures she had endured in that place for over six years.

With the thought of her parents, he couldn't help but ponder and wonder the question of if they were actually her biological parents, judging from their reactions it would mean they weren't banshees which in turn would mean not her biological parents. if they weren't then who? and why abandon their own daughter? his thoughts questioned.

Diverting her attention to Leonard was the sudden loud echo of thundering sounds clashing through the sky and with it the sudden drop of heavy rainfall creating a pitter patter noise on the rooftop as Leon's room was located on the last floor of the boy's domitorium, slowly as she rubbed her palms together to create friction to offer warmth to her freezing body she turned her watch back to Leon who briskly walked towards the burning firewood, adding more wood to add warmth into the cold chilly room.

"Are you still cold?."

"No...I feel better now thank you," she responded

"That's a shame." he said with an exaggerated sigh receiving a knitted brow from Evelyn who stared down at him in question which was answered with his added statement, "I was willing to offer warmth to you in bed."

"Gosh Leon!" she clamored with reddened cheeks and a glare while Leonard laughed out in humor, to divert the topic she asked

"You said you knew what I was?." she stared at him in hopes of finding out what she really was, for as long as she could remember she had believed herself to be a curse, that was what everyone thought of her afterall

"You are not a curse Evelyn." he spoke firmly as if reading her thoughts, "You are a banshee."

"Banshee?." she repeated his last statement in the question of its meaning not knowing or even heard of the term before now.

"Race of humans gifted with the ability to predict death," he said walking towards the bed slumping his butt on it with his both foot on the ground.

"A race? there's more of my kind?." she said exuberantly, her face glowing with the hope of not being the only one with this gift, knowing who Leon was and his connection to the supernatural she doubted his words to be lies.

Giving attention to her question Leon's once brightened gaze from seeing his mate delighted suddenly turn gloomy and dampened in regret knowing how his answer would completely devastate her.

"I'm sorry Evelyn but there isn't anymore." his answer as anticipated turned Evelyn's mood dismal as he continued "There once was a time your kind existed and walked this very earth, but due to greed and lust for power, my kind had haunted down and killed every last one of them," he added intentionally leaving out the story of Claudia Jean Olivia not knowing how evelyn would react to it, so far his mate had been accepting to everything much better than he hoped she would, he didn't want to push his luck.

"When was this?." she asked in curiosity staring earnestly at Leonard

"Like a thousand years ago."

"Then how can I be a banshee? isn't my race supposed to be extinct?." she asked in confustication, her question earning a sigh from Leonard before he replied

"That's what everyone thought but it seems they were wrong, perhaps a few people of your race somehow managed to survive the genocide and went into hiding."

"But my parents aren't banshees, they were frightened of me the first time I used my abilities, they wouldn't have been if they were." she voiced out her thoughts with a frown

"They aren't your parents Evelyn." he said taking out a sigh "You were adopted."

"YOU'RE LYING!" She yelled out shaking her head firmly in shock and doubt at his words even though deep down she couldn't refute the very thought it crossing her mind before now, no matter how much she tried to justify it, it didn't make sense how her parents had never once visited her during her stay at the asylum and had even gone as far as to enroll her in a notoriously juvenile delinquent's populated school just a few days after her release almost like they couldn't wait to get rid of her.

Still, even with the doubts she shook her head vigorously trying to shake off the thoughts and denying Leon's words as accepting it would mean not only had her parents abandoned her but her biologicals as well, it was almost as if she was a curse and a scourge, neither wanted nor loved by anyone, a plague meant to be distanced by the ones closest to her.