The Lycan huntress (1)

"Don't you think it'd be better to comfort her as a normal lover would?." With the suggestion, Leonard whirled his gaze away from the book between his palms towards Jeremy, after Evelyn had exited alongside the superhero brat Asher he had left for the library to help distract his thoughts. He had also informed Jeremy during the morning hours about Evelyn's past and her adopted parents.

"speaking of it would only worsen it, there's nothing I could do or say to comfort her, what's done is done, my condolences wouldn't bring back her biological parents." Leonard answered simply, "Any word on Alexander?."

"No, not yet, from what I heard he left the school premises immediately after yesterday's event," Jeremy replied with a sigh

"Have any idea where he might have gone to?." questioned Leonard with Jeremy shaking his head

"No idea..." his words were left hanging with Leonard's sudden question.

"Where's Liam?." Leonard questioned abruptly cutting off his words feeling something off and amiss with his connection to Liam, with both Liam and Jeremy Joining his pack and through the alpha bond he was able to somewhat feel their consciousness and a few seconds ago it was like his connection with Liam was suddenly snapped, there was only two explanation for it, either he had gone unconscious or in a worse scenario was dead.

"I don't know, probably with some girl named Becca at our pack building." Jeremy answered, "What is it? is something wrong?"

"Go find Evelyn immediately, don't let her out of your sight, that's an order."

"Wait what's happ..." he left his words hanging as Leonard suddenly dashed away from the library leaving behind Jeremy who stared blankly at the disappearing figure wondering what had suddenly turned him so moody and what connection Liam had with it.


"Oow what the fuck!" came the soft weak muttering sounds of a boy slowly fluttering his eyelids open, squinting his hazy blurry sight to adjust to his unfamiliar surroundings.

How long had he been out cold? His lips were parched and hunger growled in his stomach. He cracked open his eyes to better perceive how deep in shit he was.

He came to with a thudding headache, eyes closed against the dull pain. The back of his skull throbbed like a whore's heart, he bit out a curse and moved his hand to inspect the damage except that it didn't move. Something was restraining his arms. His legs, too, were immobilized, as he had noticed when he tried to get up.

A tremor of panic vibrated in his core. He was motionless and restrained. He was as good as dead, a lamb awaiting slaughter. Poultry breathing its last lungful before the bloodied knife would steal it forever more. That slight tremor increased in intensity until he physically shook in time with it.

He tried recollecting how he had ended up in chains in the first place, however, all he could remember was making out with some hot brunette until he felt a sudden hard impact against the back of his skull knocking him cold immediately.

"Hey, who the fuck is there?." He yelled out in panic, his restrained body which was left exposed from his upper half was sweating profusely but at the same time shivering in fear.

"HEY FUCKING ANSWER ME!." he yelled out much louder this time with no reply from his previous question, "FUCKING LET ME OUT OF HERE!."

He snapped his head back, the impact dizzying him for a moment. He hit the metallic table again and again with the back of his head, pounding away at his restraints. He yelled out, a shout mingled with fury and panic. The stuffy air invaded his mouth, causing him to gag. How hadn't he noticed before? The metallic scent of blood mixed with the stench of excretion, like fingers of decay forcing their way down his throat and lodging in his heart.

"you're awake baby boy." the voice of a woman echoed through the dark room filled with the stench of blood and excretion.

"Baby boy?." he repeated her last statement in question having a feeling of nostalgia with the word, and the voice, that voice sounded all too familiar to him, that Russian accent mixed with her evil dangerous voice, it couldn't be? no, it couldn't, he shook his head in denial his fear increasing drastically that he felt he was going to pass out.

His suspicions were short-lived as it was confirmed when the lady came to stand in front of him staring down at him chained to a metal table like the devil she was with a smile on her face, there was no mistaking, it was her, it was the rouge huntress Natasha.

"No! no! no! fuck no! I'm not getting fucked today, FUCK NO! SOMEBODY LET ME OUT OF HERE!" He screamed out in horror as he had suddenly seen a ghost, well his words weren't too far-fetched as the woman before him was sometimes referred to as the lycan grim reaper, a sadistic psychopathic bitch that derived pleasure in torturing and killing unfortunate lycan victims, one of which he seemed to have sadly become.

"Shush baby boy," she said with a smile placing her finger over the top of his lips to shut him up.

"What the fuck do you want?." Liam managed to say to the lady wearing black lipstick dressed in an all-black long-sleeved shirt and black pants designed with Many pockets where she stuffed in her weaponry such as guns and knives embedded and mixed with Lycan's poison wolfsbane.

"Your Alpha, but don't feel jealous we going to have our own special time before he arrives," she said with a smile and without warning pulled out a bottle of liquified wolfsbane before pouring its content on Liam's stomach, burning and melting his skin immediately.

"FUCK! FUCK! YOU FUCKING BITCH!, FUCKING SON OF A FUCK!." He screamed and cursed out in agony while he trashed around trying to free himself from his restraint.

"I love your type, much more preferable to the ones that beg for release." she said running her hand over his hair, "We are going to have so much fun young Lycan" she was about to pour some more wolfsbane into his body when he finally arrived, the brat she had been waiting for.

"Natasha, I should have known," he said clicking his tongue in distaste. "It seems you have missed your brother I sent 'ahead' of you, do not worry you'll be reuniting with him soon enough."

"Leon?, Leon is that you?, oh fuck, oh fuck yes, oh thank goodness," Liam said letting out a sigh of relief, "save me, Leon, save me from this fucking psychopathic bitch..." he trailed off on his words after been knocked out by the rouge huntress.

"Thank you for doing that, he talks too fucking much," Leonard said with a chuckle

"I have been waiting a long time for this moment, having wet dreams and fantasizing about having you mutilated with your skin flared to pieces while you beg for death," she said with a devilish smile.

"So hardcore, ooh I'm so scared." he said with a chuckle, "It's strange though, those were the exact same things I did to your brother before beheading him."

"Son of a bitch." she cursed out in fury before blindly charging towards him.