The Lycan huntress (2)

Thanks dearies for the power stones.

Dazed off in a daydreaming state while peeking through the window at the distant view so much that the conversation and chattering sounds of students echoing through the cafeteria had been completely silenced, her distracted mind lost in the thought of yesterday's conversation with Leonard. it was too much of a mental and emotional blow to heal from.

"Are you sure you are okay Evelyn? you've been dazed off since class," Asher asked, his manner laced with concern with his gaze on the white-haired girl who hadn't taken a single bite from the food placed on the table.

"Yeah I'm fine, nothing to worry about." she said feigning a calm and carefree facade, "What class year is your sister? I haven't once seen her in class."

"She's a science student in her final year." Asher's answer seemed to have taken Evelyn, by surprise as she gazed wide-eyed at him, if she was a final year student wouldn't that make her two or probably three years older than Leonard? she thought in ridicule

"Sorry for interrupting." without a moment's notice a boy with the greenest of eyes and brown hair dressed in a black t-shirt and black striped jeans said grabbing a seat next to Evelyn, his attitude carefree and nonchalant as he stared lazily at Asher before trailing his sight towards the food untouched by Evelyn.

"Hmm, looks yummy, are you going to eat that?." He asked with an adorable smile at Evelyn who still had a hard time wrapping her head around the plausible reason why Leon's less annoying henchman in comparison to Liam was here. about to question why Asher instead questioned beating her to it.

"What do you want?."

"Gosh so uptight, you're like if superman and batman had a baby, both virtuous and annoying, relax I don't want any trouble, just here to hang out with a fellow gang member," he said with a shrug earning a glare from Evelyn and a confused look from Asher who was still unaware of yesterday's events.

"Gang member? what the hell are you talking about?."

"She didn't tell you?." Jeremy questioned back with a chuckle, "Leon brought her to the pack yesterday, she's one of us now..."

"I'm not." she cut him on his words with a sharp and curt reply, "What do you want? I'm not in the mood for another one of Leonard's games."

With her blunt reply which was so unlike Evelyn, Asher couldn't help but furrow his brows in worry and concern, the Evelyn he knew was a mildly shy, polite, and reserved lady in contrast to her current harsh and cold demeanor, although she had constantly assured him she was fine with nothing to worry about he could tell there was something serious weighing on her mind, a visible burden she wasn't willing to share.

"Aren't you getting bold?" Jeremy said with a raised brow before adding, "Something's happened to Liam, I was told by Leonard to keep an eye on you."

"What happened?." Asher and Evelyn questioned in unison with a frown settled on their faces awaiting Jeremy's reply.

"I don't know, Leon felt something off with Liam which meant something must have happened to him," he said with a sigh feeling a little annoyed and worried for his friend.

"Is he okay?." Asher questioned for Jeremy to reply

"Who knows." he said with a shrug " Liam somehow always successfully gets himself into trouble and in turn gets us into trouble." his tone sounding a little upset.

"He's like to people what pantyhose is to finger fucking, he fucking ruins shit."

"What the fuck?." Asher said with a frown not seeing how Jeremy's words related to his earlier question.

"Well we can only hope he's fine, the last I saw him he was about to bone some girl named Becca, maybe he had a stroke during intercourse and collapsed."

"....." Evelyn gazed at Jeremy in doubt, she always believed he was the most normal and decent of the three boys, seems she was wrong, who knew the quiet calm and intelligent-looking boy was a fan of sex jokes?


Claws and knives clashed Midway against each other, the sound creating a loud echo around the unpainted four corner walls where the only structure that stood was a metal table placed at its center which Liam was strapped on, from the ceilings leaked droplets of water which stank of piss and excretion.

Some part of the wooden floor was painted red like it had been stained with blood which wasn't farfetched as this low-structured building was usually used as a torture room for rouge lycan students who often broke the school rules put in place by the elder, Alexander.

"How did you manage to sneak in without anyone's notice?." Leon asked as he punched her hard across the face sending her flying a few meters back.

"That should be the least of your concern brat," she spoke menacingly spitting out blood from her burst lips as she snapped her dislocated jaws.

Taking out a gun with its bullet laced with wolfsbane gunpowder she unloaded the bullets on Leonard while he quickly invoked a magic shield to defend him from the bullets and with the flicker of his hand pulled Liam's table away from the middle towards the far end of the wall to prevent him from getting grazed or worse shot.

Angered by Leon's prowess she brought out a ball-shaped metal from her pocket before tossing it across to Leonard which created a loud bang explosion blinding him momentarily, with its explosion a powder-like substance containing wolfsbane was released filling the air with its foul stench which made Leonard immediately grip his throat feeling the air around him being suffocated.

"It's wolfsbane baby boy." She said with a crooked smile, her appearance even more sickening with her black lipstick. in slow strides, she walked towards Leonard who had slumped on his knees with his hand clutching his chest writhing in pain as the wolfsbane had not only affected his skin but had gotten into his lungs as well shutting his airflow off while causing a burning sensation inwardly.

"is this all the great and powerful Leonard can do?." She mocked with a smirk pulling out a gun from her pocket filled with wolfsbane bullet as she pointed it directly at his forehead

"This bullet would knock you out, the next time you'd be awake you'd be at my torture chamber, so....any last words?." she asked arrogantly with her fingers on the trigger ready to fire at any moment.