The Lycan huntress (3): Rasputin

The daylight had dwindled to a barely perceptible lightening of the room. Each wall of concrete was identical to the next without an identifying marker of any kind. Standing tall with a smirk playing on her lips was Natasha who gazed down at Leonard with a victorious look on her face.

"Nothing to say?." she asked him after he remained silent with his hand clutching his chest in pain, with her grip on the trigger she was about to release it when Leonard finally broke his recess.

"Was it my brother who sent you?." he asked coughing out a lump of blood, his now weakened state was a delightful sight to the cold-hearted lady standing tall and proud before him.

"Yes baby boy, but...I still would have come for you sooner or later to carry out my revenge."

"And.." his words were curtailed by his coughs, "How did you manage to sneak into this school unnoticed even by the witches?." he inquired with a frown.

"Hmm that's a secret baby boy," she said with a wink crouching down to meet his gaze, with a smile she trailed her slender fingers across his defined jawline, wetting her lips with her tongue.

"Come on Natasha, grant this doomed Lycan his final request," he said with a pleading gaze earning a sigh from Natasha.

"I was given the contact of a man by one of my sources, who goes by the name Rasputin, I don't know who he is, never met him, and quite frankly I don't care to, he sent me a letter a day ago telling me he had handled everything and was safe to sneak in inconspicuous...must be one of your many enemies baby boy," she said with a smirk gently running her thumb over his lips.

"Rasputin?." Leonard muttered his name with a frown having no idea of who this Rasputin was, well it wasn't like he knew all his enemies anyway as they were uncountable, turning his gaze back to Natasha who was lost in the feel of Leon's lips against her thumb he harshly gripped her by the hands startling the Lycan huntress.

"Thank you for being generous with telling me this information but the time for play is over," he said with a smile dropping his earlier pretense and feigning a contorted face that seemed to be in agonizing pain.

Bewildered and in too much of a scare to speak she gazed absent-mindedly at him totally confused as to how Leonard wasn't affected by the wolfsbane, she was well aware of his witch genes, but still, he was a Lycan, he should be affected by the wolfsbane.

"Don't look so surprised baby girl," he teased before forcefully gripping her neck and raising her a few feet above the ground, her feet dangling in the air as Leonard stared at her with a crooked smile.

"Impossible!, how can you still move," she said with a shocked expression gripping his hands placed firmly around her neck suffocating her.

"I'm a half Lycan with witch genes, it isn't that I wasn't affected by it, it simply didn't have much effect on me, in comparison to the pain and torture I have endured since childhood this was like a walk in the park," he said tightening his squeeze around her neck.

"You played me to get information about how I got here," she said with a deep frown, "You fucking bastard." she cursed.

"That I'll be soon enough, tell your brother I said hi, you were much more stupid arrogant, and weaker than he was, baby girl," he said with a smile before snapping her neck in two and dropping the lifeless body on the floor, tracking his footsteps towards the far end of the corner where Liam was.

"Hey wake up sleeping beauty," Leon barked at the unconscious boy strapped to a table as he whacked him hard across the face jolting the boy up instantly in shock, with fear in his eyes thinking it was Natasha who had woken him up he darted his eyes around nervously until it fell on Leonard earning himself a sigh of relief.

"Is the fucking bitch dead?." he inquired

"Yes." Came Leonard's short reply as he broke the heavy metal chains around his wrists and legs. with much difficulty due to the throbbing pain at the back of his skull and stomach that had started to heal slowly, he sat up with his gaze on Leonard about to give his thanks when Leonard spoke cutting him on his words.

"Dump the body." He authorized earning a sulky look from Liam.

"But I've badly hurt Leonard, why not ask Jeremy to do it instead?." he asked with a pleading gaze.

"He's busy, do as you are told," he spoke firmly before walking away towards the entrance only stopping to say.

"Also I need you to find someone."

"Who?." Liam asked


"Natasha, Rasputin, what the fuck is happening,?." he asked with a chuckle, "Anyway who is this Rasputin fellow?."

"I don't know, all I know is he wants me dead," he said before exiting leaving behind Leonard and the corpse of the Lycan huntress.

"Liam bury the councilmen, Liam bury the crazy Russian woman, I'm not a fucking undertaker," he grumbled like an old man after Leonard had left before painfully standing up and walking towards the dead body of Natasha, standing tall over it and spitting on it.

"Take that you fucking crazy bitch, who's your daddy now baby girl."