Swimming (1)

She dipped her toes in, it felt cold, her nerves and heartbeat rises and spreads like wildfire throughout her body while she watches and waits for the whistle to blow, her mind muting the clashing noises of water splashing, talking, yelling screams, and cheers from the crowds.

Her body shook and screamed from the tension with her heart pounding, nerves tingling, and every muscle contracted.

"Focus Evelyn," she told herself taking in deep breaths, the rise and fall of her chest visible due to her blue swimsuit.

"you can do this Evelyn." She heard asher cheer her on behind her, turning her gaze at him she asked.

"Remind me why I agreed to this again?." She asked earning a loud burst of laughter from Asher, a few minutes ago back at the cafeteria Asher had suggested visiting the school's recreational center to help distract their minds from Liam's situation.

Sadly Jeremy had insisted on tagging along and had been the one to register Evelyn's name in the list of female competitors for today's sport without her consent, at first she had declined and tried escaping which to her disappointment she couldn't as she was cornered and outwitted into joining by Miss Vera, stating one cannot withdraw from the competition after their name had been submitted.

"Thanks a lot, Jeremy," she said with a glare

"Don't mention it," he replied with a wink.

"This is good Evelyn you get to distract yourself with this." Asher coaxed her with his words earning an eye roll from Evelyn. with Evelyn turning back towards facing the water with her feet dangling in it asher's gaze lingered on her nicely shaped womanly figures from the mouth-watering curves of her hips to the roundness of her amble butt squeezed against the poolside.

"And here I thought you were the saint, you fucking pervert," Jeremy whispered to Asher whose face immediately heated up in embarrassment at being caught red-handed.

"It isn't what you think." Asher quickly denied it, regardless of his body's betrayal his member hardened poking out through his trousers, realizing this he immediately tucked it in between his thighs to hide it from the public.

"Much more bigger than I thought it'd be" Jeremy teased earning him a glare from Asher.

"This is crazy I can't even swim that well, it's been about six years since I last did," she said with a frown turning her gaze back to Asher who felt his member harden even further with the sight of her beautiful face.

"Don't worry you've got this." He managed to say giving her the thumbs up, standing awkwardly which Evelyn noticed.

"Are you okay?." She asked noticing his weird leg position.

"He's hard..." Jeremy started with Asher instantly chiming in to complete the sentence.

"Ly bothered by anything, I'm fine Evelyn." He said giving her a thumbs up, with evelyn focusing her gaze back to the water asher sent a hard scowl at Jeremy who chuckled at his actions.

"It's about to start," Jeremy said excitedly clapping his hands like a toddler getting his chew toy.

Closing everything out, she shut her eyes and the turbulent world in which she was submerged went black and silent.

The coach who turned out to be miss vera said "visualize the race. Visualize your ideal race." she started, and with her words the nine other girls including Evelyn assumed their formations preparing themselves.

Though it seemed like a distant memory almost like a lifetime ago, her father would always take her swimming during her childhood and in some cases enroll her in competitions, most of which she won, those were some of the happiest moments of her life which was one of the reasons why a part of her actually felt somewhat excited for this, she wanted to relive those moments again.

"Don't drown little bitch." She heard the girl beside her say, must be one of Leon's Fan girls she thought in ridicule. Choosing to ignore her instead she focused her mind back on the water.

"Women's one hundred yard butterfly." Miss vera's voice echoed, her soft melodious voice enchanting the boys present who couldn't tear their lustful gazes away from her.

"Get ready, Take your mark." Evelyn crouched like a tiger. She grabs the block, knuckles turn white. Every muscle was tight and anxiously ready to pounce at any moment's notice.


And with the whistle she leaped into a streamlined position, she entered the cold chilly water, kicking her legs against the water and spreading her arms as she pulled with force to push herself even further.

"Come on Evelyn you can do this." she could hear the loud cheer from Asher, his cheers giving her moral support as she kept pushing on.

Almost to the surface and way past the flags, Water rushes past her, and cheering becomes a little more audible, she breaks the surface and spread her wings, pulling back the water with full force.

Pull, kick, pull, kick.

She repeated with pace her arms straining,

and hands pulling as her mind wandered off to the instructions her father had given her when swimming.

"Remember to keep your fingers closed, don't let water through. Don't take it out too fast in the beginning. Remember even pace, it's only the first lap. Pull, kick, pull."

His words resonated in her ears as she pushed further leaving behind her a wave of splashing waters, and soon after she could see the wall as she breathe, waiting for her at the finish line was asher cheering

his heart out.

Face back down into the cold water. Black line, water rushes past. Almost to the wall, she said inwardly as she pushed herself further not even once checking to see her position, and seconds later she got to the finish line.

Coming up to the wall Asher was the first to swoop her up in his arms before saying with a smile.

"Congratulations you won."

"What?." she asked with a shocked expression and to affirm Asher's words she was announced the winner, some of the students were obviously pissed with the result, some cursed at her while a few congratulated her.

it didn't matter to her what other people thought either way with Asher's gallant reaction she felt satisfied, after all having a friend who would celebrate your success was better than having a thousand who wouldn't.

"Thank you asher," she said with a smile, Asher was about to reply when he was suddenly interrupted.

"Congratulations little kitty." With a shocked expression and snapping her neck backind, she found Leonard grinning widely at her with Jeremy at his side sucking on a....loli pop.

"Still I'd have preferred seeing you using the breaststroke technique instead," he said, his words making Evelyn's cheeks heat up in embarrassment, knowing full well his nasty thoughts.

"Leave her alone she can't do that technique." Asher came to the rescue.

"She can't?." he asked tilting his head to the side, "Then I'll be more than willing to teach her tonight little kitty."