Swimming (2): The windigo

Flushed cheeks, wide doe eyes, and jaw dropped she gazed at Leonard in disbelief at his words, it was like the boy before her had no boundary to his shamelessness, Leonard, on the other hand, winked with a smile coming to play on his lips, his delicious looking lips.

"Get a hold of yourself, evelyn." she admonished herself for her stirred-up lewd thoughts, to distract herself and to divert the topic she asked, "Where is Liam? is he okay?."

"Aside from being hot what else do you do for a living? hmm little kitty?." he asked out of the blue making evelyn cough out in shock, couldn't he go one whole day without flirting?

"What?." she asked for asher to chime in.

"Just answer the question and stop flirting Lycan," Asher said with a frown

"Shoo away witch, it's almost like you were the reason God created the middle finger." He said with a chuckle making asher's veins twitch in annoyance, he was about to attack Leon when the echo of a feminine voice was heard through the speakers fixed around the walls of the recreational center.

"Okay students the commencement of the men's one hundred yard butterfly would begin Shortly, participants do well to register your names before the next five minutes." The voice of miss vera was heard through the speakers with some of the boys willing to participate rushing towards the submission list to enlist themselves.

"How about this young witch, you join the race, and if you win, I'll kneel before you." He said crossing his arms across his steady chest.

"What's in it for you?." Asher asked with a narrowed gaze knowing full well the crafty arrogant boy had some other motives up his sleeves.

"Hmmm we are a little short on dealers, most of my pack members are too chicken soft to do it, if I win you'll help deliver drugs for a week," he said

"So do we have a deal?." he asked

"Yes," Asher replied quickly not wanting to miss such an opportunity to disgrace the arrogant boy who stood in his way of winning evelyn's heart, being a good swimmer himself he was quite sure he would come out victorious, how could he pass out an opportunity to make Leonard kneel before him?. besides evelyn would get to see Leon kneel before him.

"What?." Evelyn exclaimed, "It's not worth it."

"It's fine, I can't lose to someone like him," he said with a smile before walking away with Leonard leaving behind Jeremy and evelyn who waited an extra five minutes by the poolside before the race began.

With asher and Leonard stepping out with their upper bodies exposed and wearing only a pair of shorts as coverage the ladies present gazed at them in awe-struck and gaping eyes staring shamelessly at their flawless physiques, they were like two gods walking among men, albeit asher was admired by some Leonard had the most simps.

The ladies were lost in the gaze of his midnight jet black hair, his roman nose and half-dome cheekbones that sat above his oaken jaw, his wrestler's titan shoulders that were part of his bulky physique as he walked with slow elegant steps, his black hair swaying back and forth with the wind and his kill shot Saturn round deep blue eyes twinkling. He stole the girl's glances including evelyn's whom he noticed with a smile settling on his lips.

"She can't seem to tear her gaze away from me," he whispered to asher as they made their way towards their spots all the while with piercing drooling gazes.

"Don't flatter yourself," Asher said with a frown receiving a laughter from Leonard.

They took their respective positions awaiting the go signal and as soon as it was given they plunged into the water with vigor, their hands pulling the water behind them and their legs pushing their weight forward.

"10 bucks on Leonard." she heard Jeremy strike a bet.

"I'm not betting." She said with a pout, noticing most of the cheers being directed toward Leonard she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"You can do it asher." she cheered him on repeatedly.

The game finally came to an end and it ended in a close tie between asher and Leonard with Leon being the winner and getting to the finish line just seconds before asher, in admiration some girls drooled, and others gazed at him in lust, while some screamed at the top of their lungs cheering him on his victory.

"A deal's a deal." He said to asher with a smile tailing his sights towards evelyn who walked towards them with a towel held in her hands handing them over to asher who received it with a smile on his face drying his wet long hair with it. evelyn who hadn't seen asher's exposed physique until now was amazed at how perfect it was, he had a physique similar to Leon's with Leon being a few inches taller.

"No towel for me little kitty?." Leonard asked with a frown, strands of his hair sticking on his forehead making his appearance even more seductive..

"Hope you are going to hold your end of the bargain?." he asked to which asher nodded in commitment.

"What happened to Liam?." questioned evelyn with a frown.

"He was captured and tortured by some woman who wanted me dead." He said earning a gasp from both evelyn and Leonard.

"Is he okay?." she asked in concern

"You don't have to worry about Liam's little kitty, he may not look like it but he is as resilient and hard to kill as a cockroach," he said with a chuckle

."And the woman?." asher asked already having his guesses.

"What do you think?." he questioned back for asher to let out a frustrated sigh.

"Any way to more important matters," he said making evelyn furrow her brows with his nonchalant words, did he seriously consider his life being threatened and Liam being tortured as not important matters? she thought with a grimace, also the thought of Leonard killing the woman didn't sit well with her, she knew this was a norm in the lycan world still it didn't make it less feral and inhumane to her.

"Have you heard of the name Rasputin?." he asked earning a frown from asher

"How did you come across that name?." he asked staring intently at Leonard.

"Whoever he is, he wants me dead, so tell me, have you heard of this Rasputin fellow?."

"It's not possible." asher said shaking his bead in denial, his whole aura changing into one of fear like he had just seen a ghost.

"What isn't possible?." Leonard asked with a frown sensing the gravity behind Rasputin's identity.

"He's a dead witch that has been sealed for hundreds of years, his existence was kept a secret only to be known by the witches." he said with a deep frown, "He goes by the name Rasputin, the wandering spirit of the living dead, The windigo."