The Resurrection (1)

Somewhere far away from St Donavan.

Deep inside the dense eerie forest was an old haunted-looking house with clumps of rotten leaves clinging to the base of the house and was shrouded in a pale mist which leaked from its cracked panels and splintered beams, With every cloud of swirling vapor, the house seemed to be breathing deeply, like a dragon with smoking nostrils.

The inside of the house seemed to have been abandoned for ages due to its dusty air, the squeaking sounds of rats, cobwebs on the ceilings and walls, sheets on furniture, broken tables, chairs, windows, lamps, and holes in the walls.

walking through the floors towards the basement with her footsteps creating a creaky noise against the wooden stairs, due to its foul rotten smell of decaying rats mixed with a metallic smell of blood she covered her nose feeling a slight itch of irritation on her throat

"Fuck Alex, couldn't you clean the place at least?." Said a woman seemingly in her early thirties judging by appearance, with dark long hair and pale blue eyes she was a woman of average looks, she gazed at Alexander who sat on a rusty dusty chair with a bottle of wine in his left hand.

"It's been a while since I saw you drink." she said with a chuckle walking towards him, "What calls for the celebration?."

"This," he said with a smile on his face dangling a small bottle filled with red liquid which she could easily make out to be blood....blood? it couldn't be.

"You have his blood? how did you manage to get it so early?." she asked with a grin on her face taking the bottle from his hold and bringing it closer to her face for close inspection.

"Hmm I have my ways ava," he said with a smile, standing up on his feet and walking towards a coffin on top of a table placed at the center of the basement, embedded around the coffin were strange inscriptions.

"She'll finally be resurrected," he said with a smile moving hands across the surface of the coffin, "I can finally be free," he said with a nostalgic gaze.

"What if doesn't work?." Questioned the dark-haired woman.

"Hmm From my experiments and research Leon's blood would only be able to resurrect and keep her alive for a few hours, but not to worry, immediately she's resurrected I'll take her to Leonard to complete the spell," Alexander answered calmly taking back the bottle from Ava's grip.

"Why didn't you bring Leonard here instead?." she asked with knotted brows

"Jared watches him like an owl." he said with a sigh "I can't take him without Jared's suspicion, and I'm in no mood to deal with that bloodsucker." with his reasons ava nodded her head in understanding knowing full well the history between them and their respective ambitions.

"Are you sure this is a good idea Alex? what if she comes after us instead, she was an unpredictable witch." she voiced out her concerns earning a chuckle from Alex.

"Do not worry, if any of us were to die tonight I'll know, remember what I am." he said with a lopsided smirk sending shivers down the rigid spine of Ava who knew exactly what he was, "And besides the most powerful emotion to exploit is hate, and trust me no one hates the Lycan more than her."

"Have some faith Ava when have I ever failed you?" he said before turning his attention towards the coffin, "Start the ritual."

"Yes elder Alex," she said with a slight bow before placing incense around the room using red candles wafting the air around them with its scent, Alexander with chalk held firmly on his hands crouched drawing on the floor beneath him a pentagram and placing burning candles on every five points of the pentagram which represented the five elements of earth, air, water, earth, fire, and spirit.

With his eyes closed, he opened the bottle containing Leon's blood and emptied its contents into the coffin which he had placed at the center of the pentagram, to ava's bewilderment Leon's cascaded blood almost like having a collective mind of its own gathered at the center of the coffin morphing into the shape of a key, distracting her gaze was the sudden incantations of Alex.

"King of the dead, by your grace, grant me, I pray thee the power to conceive in my mind and to execute that which I desire to do, the end which I would attain by thy help, entreat thee to inspire the skinwalker to manifest before me that she may give me a true and faithful answer, so that I may accomplish my desired end, this I respectfully and humbly ask in Your Name." he chanted with his eyes closed elongating his claws and slashing his wrist stretching his hands over the coffin to let his blood spill into it.

Seconds passed by with an eerie dead silent atmosphere.

"Nothing's happening," Ava said with a frown on her face, her eyes darting around nervously in fear of being attacked by a spirit dwelling in this haunted house.

"Hmm it wouldn't cause it isn't complete yet," he said with a smile.

"Complete what do you mean?."

"There's one final piece, a sacrifice," he said turning his gaze towards ava who staggered backward in fear already knowing his implications.

"W..wh..who?." she asked to stutter nervously


"Elder...Elder Alex I'm an ally of yours, you can't do this to me," she yelled out loud in fear, and in the blink of an eye, Alexander was standing inches in front of her gripping her neck and raising her above ground.

"No, no please I love you, Alexander, you can't do this to me, I kept all your secrets, I have done all you asked of me, please do not do this to me," she said feeling her life slowly fading away using her last bit of strength to repeatedly hit Alex's hand to free his grip around her neck which to her dismay had zero effect as the cold-hearted man didn't budge.

"Love? Do you call this love? this is an obsession, you aren't in love with me ava, you are sicklily obsessed to the extent you are willing to help me destroy your race." he said with a chuckle.

" told me you loved me," she said with a teary eye.

"I lied." And without a word further he snapped her neck in two, releasing his grip around her neck and dropping the lifeless body on the ground.

With her lifeless body dropping to the ground a heavy gush of wind blew past Alexander crushing him against the walls, the earth beneath him trembled like an earthquake was about to happen, and the burning candle lights flickered with the wind until it blew off, making the room dark and chilly, the once sealed coffin had suddenly busted open with a figure stepping out of it, a woman, with long silky blonde hair at waist length as radiating as the morning sun, her blazing golden eyes piercing through the blue eyes of Alexander's which for a moment enchanted him.

With her body naked and left exposed Alexander couldn't help but trail his sights from her pink cherry lips, her glossy radiating smooth pale skin to her amble twin peaks, she swayed her wasp-like waist towards him seductively with her gaze fixated on him, she was a goddess, the most beautiful of creatures he had set his eyes on, was this truly the skinwalker he had heard of in the myths?.

"Name yourself Lycan?." her sweet soothing feminine voice echoed through the silent room making Alexander slump in his knees at how majestic and enchanting she was.

"Alexander, the name's Alexander."

The main villain for The lycan Academy volume one finally shows up hehe, The Skinwalker.