The Resurrection (2)

"Alexander," she spoke calmly staring down at the figure beneath her on his knees, "And what is it you want Alexander?."

"What do you mean?." He asked with a smile craning his neck to meet her gaze.

"I assume I wasn't resurrected from the depths of the underworld so you could admire my perfection." She said twirling her long radiant blonde hair with her fingers, smiling sweetly at him, without knowing the beautiful creature one would easily mistake her to be an angel at first glance.

The elder chuckled in humor at her words before saying, "No, what I want and what you'd want aligns, we have the same goal."

"Which is?." she asked crossing her slender arms around her chest.

"Annihilation of the Lycan race." her lips pulled up to an amused smirk as she gazed at the Lycan before her intrigued by his ambitions, it wasn't hard to tell the man before she was a Lycan, she could smell it on him, it begged the question as to why he was willing to destroy his race, the race of cursed beasts which she had created over five thousand years ago.

"You are a strange man Alexander, why would a Lycan be willing to destroy his own race? what sins have the Lycans committed against you that you'd wish to wipe them all out?." she asked with a smile crouching before him, running her fingers across his smooth defined jawline.

"Tell me, my poor child." She persuaded

"My reasons are none of your business Skinwalk..."

"DO NOT CALL ME THAT!." She gripped his neck firmly and cut him off on his words, she despised the name, it was a name forced on her by the man she once loved Morbius, "That is not my name." she glared at him for a few extra seconds before finally releasing her grip around his neck.

"Morbius and Luke Donovan Sealed you for thousands of years, trapping your soul in the very depths of hell, I know you want revenge, I can help you with it, I can help you fulfill your desires," he said standing up on his feet and staggering backward.

"Help me?." she said bursting out in laughter, "You said it yourself, I'd want nothing more than to destroy the Lycan race and save Morbius for Last, so tell me why should I spare or trust you? you are filthy Lycan like the rest of them." She said with a raised brow.

"And what if I told you I'm not fully Lycan?." He asked earning a confused gaze from the Skinwalker who stood up from her crouched position walking towards him with a smirk coming to play on her seductive pink lips, she looked young like one in her early twenties which made Alexander have his doubts about the woman's true identity, did he perhaps take the wrong coffin?.

"You are a Mysterious man Alexander," she said whispering to his ears sniffing in his scent before licking his right cheek with her snake-like tongue.

"What are you doing?." he asked staggering backwards taken aback by her sudden actions and her snake-like tongue which was green in color changing from its original reddish color, it seems he thought wrong, the woman before him was indeed the skinwalker, known to the Lycans as the most powerful witch it wouldn't be ridiculous to think her young angelic appearance was simply a mirage.

"Hmmm," she hummed rolling her snake like a tongue over her lips, "It seems you are telling the truth, I can taste it, something else, something much darker than that beast inside of you, what is it, Alexander?."

"What I'm is of no concern to you," he said with a smile, "You'd be at a disadvantage if you kill me."

"Why?." she asked with a frown.

"Well you see you have only 7 hours or at best a day to remain alive before the seal placed on you starts kicking in again and inevitably claims your soul," he said walking towards the chair at the far end of the room and taking a seat on it.


"Is it though?, you never even bothered to ask how I could break a seal placed on you by the strongest of witches." She frowned deeply at his words as he continued with his legs crossed, "There is this boy Leonard, he was the first and only child born of the union between witches and Lycans, he's a Donavan and not just any Donavan, a Donavan that was able to unlock the recessive Morgan Donavan's magic gene thanks to his witch mother."

"Impossible!." She exclaimed with widened eyes knowing full well the true forbidden and hidden history of the witches.

"So far you are only sustained by his blood, to truly be free we'd need him to complete the ritual."

"Who are you, Alexander? how did you come to possess such knowledge?." she asked in curiosity.

"You'd need my help to find him," he said ignoring her earlier question not wanting to reveal his true identity to her, though he had only told Ava a portion of it he had fooled the girl into thinking it was all of it.

"It's strange, I can't help but wonder why the boy lives, as a half-witch Donavan wouldn't the other lycans want him dead, how has he survived this long?."

"I managed to trick them into thinking he would be crucial to defeating you if the seal on you is one day broken," he said earning a raised brow from the Witch who couldn't help but be impressed with Alex's cleverness.

"How old are you, Lycan?, For someone as smart and knowledgeable as you, I'm certain you are someone.....Ancient."

"1,200 years old but to the lycan world I'm 900 years old," he said with a smirk.

"Interesting." The skinwalker said with a crooked smile.

"What is your original name witch?."Questioned Alex

"Lilith." she replied softly, "Where can I find this boy, Leonard?."

"Not so fast, I need your word that you wouldn't make a move against me at least until the Lycans are eliminated." he requested with a smile coming to settle between his lips.

"You have my word, besides it would be a waste to kill someone as intriguing and mysterious as you Alexander, now where can I find this boy?."