She's a fucking badass

"I wasn't aware we're still taking in students," said the woman in glasses, she gaped at the girl named Lilith in suspicion, her appearance certainly wasn't human, it was simply divine, ethereal even she thought, was she perhaps a witch or a lycan?, she speculated.

"Miss Lilith over here is an exception, I'm a friend of her father," the Elder said with a smile, "It's good you are here Leonard, she's in the same year as you, could you please do me a favor and give her a tour around the school?."

"Why not the virgin over here? isn't he the class rep?," Leonard looked askance, Lilith swerved her gaze at the boy named asher who sat at the chair next to Leon's with a frown on his face and immediately gasped out in shock and horror.

"Are you alright?," Alexander asked in concern.

"Yes I'm fine, forgive me if I seemed rude, I thought I had seen a ghost," she said with a reassuring smile after letting out an awkward laugh as she lied smoothly, earlier after setting her gaze on the white-haired angelic looking boy she had seen a hoard of immense darkness hovering around him, to an experienced and powerful witch such as herself she could immediately discern its meaning as a sign of great evil and bad omen fated to happen.

"The one who was once an angel would become the devil himself," she muttered to herself, it seemed St Donovan held mysteries, she smiled widely with the thought.

"I would like you to show me around Leonard," she said with a bright smile, Charlotte hearing her words rolled her eyes backward in annoyance, she could tell the new girl had already fallen for the devil's charm.

"Show her around Leonard, It seems asher needs behavioral schooling since he can't seem to control his childish self," said Charlotte earning a sulky look from asher and a burst of laughter from Leonard.

"You are right Charlotte,"

"It's vice principal you arrogant brat," She retorted with a glare.

"I'll remember that Charlotte," he said with a smirk as he continued, "our cute little princess here has been a really bad girl, he needs to be spanked."

"Fuck you, Leonard," Asher in annoyance spat out harshly, he had thought his hatred for Leonard couldn't deepen any further, seems he thought wrong as he felt his hatred deepen, "You are lucky magic is prohibited in school or you'd have been dead before you even know it half fucking breed."

"Cry harder virgin," he said with a chuckle walking towards the entrance and stopping to say

"Aren't you coming new girl?" he asked with a serious gaze while Lilith giggled and glowed, although Asher's fate had caught her attention, at the moment Leonard was more valuable to her resurrection.


Lilith strode out of the vice principal's office alongside Leonard who she couldn't help but peek sneakily at once a while with an admirable gaze completely enthralled by his beauty into the hall, walking through the busy hallway filled with the sound of shoes squeaking against the floor, talking and laughter sounds of students hanging around the hallways she inhaled the tell-tale scent of bleach, pine sol, and perfumes, the world truly had changed from how she last remembered it thousands of years ago, luckily she was able to blend with this new world by taking in a little bit of the elder's memory of how the new age worked.

The afternoon glowing sun streamed through the glass front doors, gleaming off the freshly buffed floors, and rows of lockers stood like proud sentinels, displaying their uniforms of fresh paint, she smiled, it was peaceful, completely opposite to the era she once lived, almost impossible to believe.

"Why are they staring at us like that?" she questioned Leonard noticing piercing gazes from the students most of which who couldn't help but gawk at how impossibly beautiful she looked, if Leonard was a boy straight out of a woman's wet dream then the girl before them was one of of a man's dream, although the girls sent glares at her burning with jealousy they couldn't deny how good they looked together, like a forbidden love of an angel and the devil, with Leon being the devil.

"Who knows?," Leonard answered with a shrug.

"Aren't one for talks are you?," Lilith asked with a chuckle, the mortal intrigued her both physically and mentally.

"Heads up,"

"What?," she questioned back with a frown before almost crashing into a boy with short brown hair dressed in a long black coat and stripped jeans who stared at her with a wide grin on his face completely smitten by the beauty in front of him.

"Hello there beautiful, I'm Jackson," he said licking his lips, "What's your name darling?."

"What are you trying to do?," she questioned with a frown, was this his way of wooing ladies?

"Come on don't be like that baby girl, besides what are you doing hanging out with the likes of him?." he asked sending Leonard a hard glare, Leonard chuckled mildly with his words, from the first glance he was able to tell the boy named Jackson was a lycan, "Come hang with the big boys beautiful, a creature such as you don't belong with the likes of him."

"Does this usually work with the ladies?," Lilith asked Leonard in curiosity.

"Not really, no lady in their right mind would date this trash excuse of a man." he said with a smirk.

"Watch your fucking tongue half bree.." in the blink of an eye the boy named Jackson found himself on the floor with a foot on his face and his left arm twisted till it's bones had dislocated earning a loud scream of pain from Jackson before passing out.

"Nice moves, I didn't take you for a fighter," Leonard said with an amusing smirk as the students gazed at Lilith in disbelief at how easily she had taken down a boy twice her size with ease.

"You'd be surprised," she replied as she walked away with Leonard trailing behind her.

"She's a fucking badass," muttered one of the students who bore witness to the whole event.