What does it look like?

"This is the class hall," Leonard said with an uninterested expression striding into the classroom with Lilith stepping in shortly after, the hall was empty with no students in sight making the classroom dead silent, "Who exactly are you?,"

She turned her gaze backward to answer with a seductive smirk coming to play on her red cherry lips, "What do you mean?," she questioned back as she approached him, swaying her hips seductively while she played with her long blonde hair.

"Do not play games with me new girl, Jackson wasn't human yet you took him down with so much ease, no human can achieve such a feat," he said pulling out a cigarette from his pocket bringing and settling it between his lips, puffing out smoke Lilith bit and licked her lips to tame her wild thoughts, how could the elder leave out the part about Leonard being so hot?,

"Can you stop admiring me and answer my question?," Albeit Lilith was simply a woman to die for, Leon's heart had already been taken.

"Why don't you fall for my charms pretty boy?," She asked with a smile running her fingers across his cheekbones, her gaze locked with his while she felt a burning sensation in her womanly region, it had been ages since she had sex, she felt consumed with the desire to be filled by the pretty boy before her.

"I know you want me, I'm irresistible," she whispered as she leaned towards his lips for a kiss.

"What do you think you are doing?," Leonard questioned with a frown

"Kissing you what does it look like?," she questioned back with a smile staring at him through her charming golden irises which reminded one of the glowing sun as she slowly unbutton Leon's clothes, inches away from his lips she was interrupted by a loud gasp making Leonard pull Lilith away from him to better perceive the person who had interrupted them, it was....

"Evelyn?," Leon said with a glint of shock which he immediately replaced with a smirk, what was she doing here?, did she perhaps follow him?, he thought with a grin.

"I...i...sorry for interrupting," she stuttered her words, he was the last person she had expected to see, a few minutes ago after asher and Leonard had been sent to the vice principal's office after being separated by the school officials she had decided to wait for asher at the cafeteria, however receiving a lot of stares from students at the cafeteria who were probably jealous of her victory earlier and the spreading rumor about Leonard and asher both fighting over her she decided to wait instead at the classroom knowing it would be empty, who would have thought she would be meeting him here?, she didn't understand why they always seemed to meet at the most unlikely of places.

"Who are you?" Lilith asked with a grimace somewhat upset with her sudden intrusion while evelyn gazed in awe at how beautiful she was.

"She's my little kitty," Leon said with a grin as he approached her in long strides, "have you been searching for me?, worried about me little kitty?," he teased with a smirk tossing the cigarette in his hands."

"I wasn't, just got bored of waiting for asher." she answered curtly, "Sorry for interrupting you," she added about to leave when Lilith spoke.

"Are you his woman?,"

"HIS WHAT?!" she yelled out mortified at her question, "No, of course not," she defended quickly trialing her sights towards the pretty boy who grinned at her adorable reaction.

"There's no need to be shy about it little kitty," he said with a wink taking her slender hands into his before walking away pulling evelyn along with him, stopping at the entrance to say, "Welcome to St Donavan Lilith, I'm sure you'll love it here," he said before stepping out of the classroom alongside evelyn who for some reason didn't protest at his advances.

"Oh I certainly will pretty boy, it seems there's more you have to offer me than your delicious power," she muttered rolling her tongue over her lips.

"you can let go of my arm now," Evelyn said with her cheeks burned red, to her relief Leon acquitted his hold without throwing a teasing remark.

"Were you jealous little kitty?,"

"Jealous?.....why would I be?," she said with a stutter, her answer the opposite of her true emotion, finding Leonard alone with that girl she couldn't help but feel a sense of jealousy, no matter how hard she tried denying it, her feelings for Leonard had slowly begun to blossom, "No, no...I don't like him," she screamed inwardly slapping herself across both cheeks with her hands to snap the silly thought.

"What are you doing?," Leonard asked with a raised brow.

"Nothing nevermind, who was that girl anyway?, I haven't seen her before." Evelyn asked with knotted brows.

"Hmm who knows," he shrugged his shoulders, "She's a new girl, you won't be seeing asher for the next few hours,"


"Who knows...." he said with a cunning smile, "Why don't I walk you home little kitty?," Leonard proposed.

"Umm, no that won't be necessary," she quickly replied, he had caused more than enough trouble for today she thought, she wasn't sure she would live till the next morning if she is seen with him at the girl's domitorium.

"Hmm suit yourself," he said earning a sigh of relief from evelyn who was about to sprint from the hallway when Leon spoke with mischief.

"I'll see you later at the pack house, and don't even think of declining, remember your secret is best safe with me when we are on the same page."