Gang of wolves (1)

Music recommendation: After dark by Mr.Kitty

The night crept up when she wasn't watching, First, the sun ducked down behind the buildings and under the large fences of St Donavan, refracting its golden hues until it was gone with one last tiny blaze of warmth and light on the horizon.

The night's familiar ocean wind had a scent like salt, concrete, and green foxtails, rejuvenating Evelyn's skin with its soft breeze, It thundered heavily in the sky like a clash of titans raging war against the other in the darkened skies, the cool breeze and thundering noises gave her a reprieve from her daily burdens and tied her to one place, a peaceful place.

She gazed at the night sky through the windows engulfed in her thoughts about Leonard and her somewhat questionable feelings towards him that she failed to notice maltida creeping up behind her and placing her hands on her shoulder jerking her immediately in shock,


"How long are you going to keep acting like this?," Dressed in a pink t-shirt and blue jeans Matilda asked with a grimace on her face, it had been hours since evelyn discovered her secret and for some reason had been silent ever since, she couldn't tell if the girl was simply frightened of her or irritated by her existence. "I won't bite you, you don't have to be scared of me."

"I'm not scared,"

"Then why the silent treatment?," She polled further, evelyn sighed before telling

"I don't know, I thought you might be upset with me, you know, for being close with Leon,"

"Well I was a little jealous at first there's no denying that,'s not your fault, besides you are his supplier aren't you?, it's only normal that you get close to him, at least now I know Leon isn't sexually attracted to you, he's simply your business partner which means there's still hope in getting him," Matilda said gleefully

"Supplier umm," Evelyn nodded her head awkwardly, she still couldn't wrap her head around a possible reason why Leonard had fabricated such a lie to introduce her to the pack, nonetheless it seemed it had its windfalls as she didn't have to worry about explaining Leonard strange interest in her to Matilda.

"Aren't you coming to the pack house?"

"Yes, are you leaving now?," evelyn asked receiving a nod from her, "Give me a few minutes to change clothes," she said letting out a frustrated sigh before walking towards the wardrobe, tonight was going to be a long night.


They walked through the umber-brown, ancient forest under the dark sky illuminated by the full moon, It reeked of age, one could easily tell the school had existed for centuries from Its woody incense and snapping branches crashing to the forest's floor and rotting silently, the composting, organic smell rising in waves like a miasma.

Every sprawling tree she passed under reminded her of a watchful guardian, a silent sentinel of the groves as both girls ventured deeper into the tangled heart of the primeval forest, the further she went, the more mystical and spellbinding it became, it was like an enchanted forest, the songs of chirping birds echoed through the dark forest.

"Stop!," maltida asserted suddenly stopping in her tracks with evelyn doing the same shortly after staring at maltida in question.

"What is it?, why are we stopping?,"

"I can sense it, we are being followed," Maltilda said with a frown, evelyn not able to sense any presence beside theirs looked around the forest to check for a hidden or moving figure.

"There's someone up in the trees," Evelyn said with an increased heartbeat able to detect a moving figure in the tree swinging elegantly from one branch to the other, and instinctively she quickly picked up a broken branch stick from the ground to defend herself.

"We know you are there, show yourself," Matilda half yelled at the moving figures swinging across the tall trees above them, getting no response she yelled out, "Are you fucking deaf?, show yourself."

From the shadows, seven figures emerged, and at first glance, evelyn thought them to be human, however, after coming to light they were revealed to be.....Lycans and in horror she staggered backward, it was the first time she had seen a Lycan's true transformation, they were wolves in a humanoid form towering over 8ft, most of which blended with the darkness, their dark as night furs looked much more hideous and frightening than she had expected, she shivered in fear not able to tear her gaze off their feral elongated teeth and claws which could easily cut a man in half as they growled loudly at her with saliva dripping through their mouth, she knew she was going to be dinner to the gang of wolves.

"We didn't expect you to be here with the bitch Matilda." reverberated a feminine voice above them, emanating from the tall trees.

"Show yourself," Matilda demanded with a frown trembling from fear.

The girl up in the trees jumped downwards and landed gracefully on the ground stepping into the light and revealing herself to be...

"You, it's you again," Evelyn said with a scowl, it was the same girl who had harassed and assaulted her the night Leonard had erased everyone's memories, the black-haired girl, "What do you want this time?"

"This time?," she asked, "Are you high on drugs bitch, we haven't met before,"

Of course, how could she forget, their memories of that night were also erased which meant to them their alteration never happened, seeing the black-haired girl with a pack of wolves it made sense why she exhibited so much strength that night.

"How strange, you don't seem surprised by the sight of giant wolves witch." said the black-haired girl

"What is this Sophia, what are you doing here?" Matilda asked with a frown.

"What does it look like we're doing, we are here to teach that white-haired witch a lesson, she's been getting too comfy with our Leonard, it's time we made her realize who Leon belongs to."

"She's one of us Sophia she is under the protection of the pack, there would be retaliation if you kill her," Maltida said with a glare.

"Kill? who said anything about killing her? we simply are going to break a bone or two that's all,"

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