Gang of wolves (2)

Her purse raced and her heart turned cold as a tingling dread crept through her body, "What should I do?," she screamed repeatedly in her head, running away wasn't an option knowing how quick the lycans were rather was fighting, there wasn't a thing she could do, was this it?, her end?, had she survived all that horror In the past only to end up a meal for giant beasts?

Evelyn wasn't foolish not to see the absurdity and lies behind Sophia's words, there was no way the black-haired girl had come all the way here alongside seven Lycans to simply break bones.

"Leave while you still can Matilda, our business isn't with you," Sophia said with a crossed arm, her gaze stern and malevolent.

"I can't take them all at once," Matilda mumbled, yes she was a spoiled princess from a respected pack in the lycan world and yes she could be childish nevertheless she wasn't a heartless girl who could sit back and watch her friend get mauled to death, on the brink of despair without a way of escape, a thought finally came through, the pack bond.

Joining the silver crest pack, a bond had been made with Leonard which makes it possible for him to detect whenever his pack was in danger, unlike the mate bond which could feel any sort of emotion, mild or strong, an alpha would only feel the pack bond if it's a member is in grave danger or pain, and sneakily without Sophia's notice she slashed her wrists with her claws wincing a bit from the pain, it was only a matter of time till Leonard gets here, all she needed to do was buy time.

"Evelyn hop on my back immediately I transform," she whispered to evelyn who looked at her in question, what does she mean?

"I'm losing patience matilda, I don't want to hurt the precious baby princess of the maverick pack," Sophia said with a frown while the lycans behind her growled loudly and violently at evelyn.

Matilda stood rigid in the moonlight while evelyn stared at her in fear as her eyes began to change from their normal bright blue to an insane yellow glow, she screamed violently as her knees reversed direction and the bones shifted inside her, her face contorted as the lone wolf's muzzle extended out in front of her, It was both frightening and fascinating. her screams turned into a long howl as white fur sprouted from her body blending her with the moonlight and her clothing tore itself from her body as her muscles increased in size.

"You idiot why transform?, are you seriously thinking of fighting seven Lycan shifters on your own?, it's stupidity not bravery," Sophia yelled furiously at matilda.

"Matilda?," Evelyn muttered wide-eyed, matilda noticing evelyn was in too much of a shock to do as instructed picked her up with her left arm and launched deeper into the forest.

"She's escaping with the bitch witch, get her," she screamed earning a loud howl from the Lycans before chasing after the white lycan.

Stopping midway matilda halted and gently placed evelyn on her back and instinctively she gripped its furs as tightly as she could to maintain balance and without a second delay matilda sprinted with Sophia's lycans chasing after her,

She felt the violent wind blow past her as matilda ran at inhumane speed, along the way her skin was cut several times by branches however she didn't for a second loosen her grip on matilda knowing it could cost her, her life.

They ran a great distance until the lycans behind her finally caught up, and running from the right one of the lycans forcefully pushed matilda, making her lose balance as she crashed into a nearby tree while pulling evelyn into a hug to protect her from the fall and crash.

"I can't believe you'd protect the witch Matilda." Sophia said with a frown, "Don't hurt her, we can't risk the wrath of her father, take the witch from her," she whispered to nearby lycan who growled in understanding before walking towards matilda whose leg had been fractured with the crash, and gently she released evelyn.

"Matilda?, are you okay?," she asked in concern, and in lightning speed matilda was dragged and pinned violently by two large lycans, leaving her defenseless in a den of wolves.

"what do I do, what do I do?," she screamed inwardly and in panic clutched her jean when she felt a bottle, the same bottle Leon had given her, wolfsbane.

"Leave her she's mine," Sophia said with a smile ordering the lycans to stand down from harming her while she walked with a smirk on her lips towards evelyn.

"Are you frightened?," Sophia asked reaching evelyn and running her fingers across Evelyn's lips while Matilda roared out loud trying to free herself from both Lycan's grip.

"Tell me witch are you afraid?" Sophia yelled at evelyn annoyed at the silent treatment, getting no reply from evelyn she gripped Evelyn's neck.

"Now!," Evelyn screamed inwardly as she pulled out the bottle from her pocket and poured its contents into Sophia's face burning and blinding her in an instant.

"FUCK! MY FACE! MY PRETTY FACE!," She yelled out in agony as she released her hold on evelyn while trashing around and screaming at the top of her lungs, "MY EYES I CAN'T SEE, I CAN'T SEE A FUCKING THING, KILL HER BURN HER, SHRED HER TO PIECES, MAKE HER DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH!" she screamed out in rage and without a second further the lycans launched themselves at Evelyn.

"So this it?!" Evelyn muttered with fear, she closed her eyes finding comfort in the fact that she had inflicted permanent damage on the girl who'd murdered her.

"TEAR HER FROM LIMBS, I WANT TO HEAR THE BITCH SCREAM!" Sophia yelled out loud however seconds passed with no screams, "Why isn't she screaming?,"

"Open your eyes," Evelyn heard his voice, his devilish yet enchanting voice and in disbelief, she fluttered her eyelids open.


"Such a sexy fierce tigress, you did well little kitty, I'll take it from here."