Gang of wolves (3): Pleasure and pain

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Standing under the radiant blazing stars, embedded in the serene night sky, she seemed lost in the infiniteness of the dark, gothic beauty and perfectness of the boy who stood beside her carrying her princess style with her hands circled around his neck while boring his beautiful blue eyes directly into her soul, there is an unexplainable solitude all around.

She felt cold wind blows past her, whipping out all her anxiety and fear, Instinctively she closed her eyes to savor the moment, this was one of those rare moments she experienced the calm within her, experience the feeling of relief, the most soothing feeling at such a time as this.

"Leon is it really you?," she muttered with a slow smile and teary eye asking a redundant question to make sure the moment was real.

"It's is little kitty, there's no one as gorgeous as me, you aren't mistaken," He teased with a smile earning an eye roll from evelyn,

"Yep, definitely Leon," was her thought, she let out a huge breath of relief, once again, he was here when she needed him.

"WHOSE THERE!" Sophia yelled out, wincing from the intense pain she felt, blinded she wasn't able to tell it was the boy she was infatuated with, and in shock one of the lycan mind linked her to pass along the information.

"What!, Leonard is that really you?," she asked in embarrassment, she couldn't bear the thought of Leon seeing her face burnt like a barbecue.

"Who are you?" he questioned back with a raised brow.

"I...i...I'm Sophia,"

"And what business do you have with my little kitty Sophia?,"

"I. I'm protecting you from her she's a witch," said Sophia stuttering her words, she felt mortified beyond words, how could she possibly get Leonard to reciprocate her feelings when she looks like fried meat, it was all her fault, that bitch.

"But I'm," he mumbled with a chuckle

"I'm not a witch," evelyn retorted with a frown.

"you can't blame them for thinking so little kitty," he said with a grin

"What?" exclaimed evelyn with an adorable look on her face.

"It's your undescribable beauty little kitty, it's ethereal, it puts us in a spell, myself included, attributing you as a witch isn't farfetched," he said with a serious face boring his words through his piercing gaze making evelyn face flush red like ketchup as she turned speechless at his words.

"This..this isn't the time for flirting," she managed to say avoiding eye contact.

"stay right here, I'll be right back," he said placing her gently on the ground.

"There's seven of them, you'll get.."

"Would you worry for a Lion in the midst of cats?," he cut her abruptly, winking at her before approaching Sophia all the while receiving glares and growls from the lycans, from the first glance he could tell they were male wolves which explained why they didn't retreat.

"Leon is that you?" Sophia asked with tears streaming down her cheeks, "I'm a very pretty lady, please this is only temporary, these wounds would heal,"

"It isn't temporary, you have been burnt and blinded with wolfsbane, the wounds are permanent," he said without a shred of sympathy.

"Wolfsbane, impossible, how did the human come to possess it?" she said shivering in fear.

"Who knows?," He answered with a shrug.

"THAT BITCH RUINED MY FACE!" She yelled out loud, the lycans roared and charged at Leonard startling Sophia.

"No don't attack him, don't attack Leon," she pleaded with her pack members.

"You are the one who likes Leon, we don't, besides we only followed you here to have fun playing catch with a human." one of the lycans told her through the mind link.

"Leon I didn't know they would attack y..."

"Shut up for fuck sake, your voice is like a finger running over a chalkboard it fucking irritates me," he said with a glare before saying, "Sleep," and in an instant, Sophia fell on the floor falling asleep.

"Stay with evelyn," he said to matilda who nodded before moving towards evelyn.

"Okay boys let us once again dance on the thin thread of pleasure and pain," Leonard said rolling his tongue over his lips darting his eyes around the seven lycans surrounding him with intense glares and malicious growls.

"Would he be alright?," she asked Matilda who nuzzled her nose on Evelyn's face to south her worries and reassure her, taking a deep breath she watch the event unfold with her fingers intertwined drowning in worry and fear for Leonard.

"Watch little kitty, watch me prove to you I am more of a man than that virgin asher!" he screamed with a grin at evelyn before plunging himself at the lycans.

Running, at lightening speed he shifted into his white lycan form, a gigantic white fur beast tinted golden furs on it's hands and legs with golden irises, evelyn was enthralled and their jaw dropped at the sight of the majestic beast, like the other lycans she had seen tonight Leon's was different, besides being bigger it was beautiful, a beautiful frightening beast.

"My God he's a monster," she exclaimed in shock and awe at how easily Leonard clawed and shredded the other lycans like they were nothing but puppies against an adult dog and in a matter of seconds the battle was already over with the lycans bruised and unconscious on the bloodied ground as they shifted to their human form, bare naked.

After the fight the once beautiful white fur golden beast was drenched wet in blood, it walked slowly towards evelyn who stood rooted on the ground basking in the glory of the sight and slowly shifted back to it's human form, matilda quickly exited after ordered by Leonard seconds before shifting.

" are naked," Evelyn half yelled with heavy breathing accompanied by rising pulse, her lips parted and pupils enlarged, with flushed cheeks she kept her gaze on his face and broad chest not wanting to look downward, however to her body's betrayal she sneakily took a glimpse downwards and was somewhat disappointed when she saw it covered with a towel?, a towel when did he?

"Magic little kitty," he said seductively, "I can get rid of it, if you want to see what's packing down there,"

"NO! don't" she yelled out biting her lips, his body was too distracting, why didn't he just cover his whole body instead?

"I'm glad you are safe, hell would have broken loose if you weren't," he said softly pulling her into a tight embrace taking evelyn by surprise.