Goddess under the moonlight

"Leon?," She called his name softly, it had been over a minute in his embrace, she had tried pulling away but his grasp tightened with each try making it impossible to, she couldn't deny that she enjoyed the feel of his warm well-toned body against hers.

"Your cheeks are red as cherries little Kitty," he said with a smile hesitantly pulling away from her, she gave him warmth like no one could, it was like basking in the hues of the morning sun, his words made her cheeks burn even further, "Are you okay, are you hurt?,"

"Yes I'm fine just a little bruised, thank you for coming, how did you know I needed help?," she asked craning her neck to meet his gaze.

"Matilda, she belongs to my pack which makes it possible to sense when she's in danger," he answered taking strands of her hair twirling and playing with it between his fingers, "And you are welcome little kitty, I was awesome wasn't I?"

"Don't get full of yourself, but yes you were," she said with a giggle, Leonard somehow was always able to ease her burden after a long dark storm.

"I love it when you giggle," he said out of the blue as he leaned towards her lips,

"Umm.....Leon we shouldn't," she said with a shaky breath, her gaze locked on his red full lips approaching hers.

"Why?, what dictates we shouldn't?," he whispered into her ears nipping her earlobes, making evelyn flinch from shock and a slight tingling pain.

"Ouch, not funny." she shrieked.

"Then let me take the pain away," he said and in the blink of an eye slammed his lips into hers.


Her heart began to pound in anxiety and a deep sense of excitement as she stood there, feeling a desire run from her heart to her chest, and down toward her inner thighs, it was a sudden rush of pleasure one that ignited her womanly desires.

His finger touched her neck and her hair as it was moved away nearly gave her the chills. His hands went from the sides of her head and down to her neck, out to her shoulders, and down to the hands while he tasted every inch of her warm mouth with his tongue, its taste was heavenly and one of a kind, he had spent days imagining what Evelyn's lips would taste like, regardless, he never expected it to be this heavenly, he felt as if being consumed by the flames of passion.

He grabbed her hands gently yet firm, pulled them in front of his sturdy chest while Evelyn's mind was sent into the realm of bliss, she felt safe even though he spoke no words. she felt her heart about to beat out of her chest, running out of air she closed her eyes and took a deep breath out after Leon slowly pulled away from her to let her catch some air.

He kissed her shoulder earning a low moan from evelyn, "Fuck you are so damn hot," he muttered sexily making evelyn bite her lips to hold back moans as he ran his lips across her skin towards her ear, but doesn't quite make it that far, she tilted her head and after his deep breath out he bit her gently, it didn't hurt instead it only made her want more, was this what it felt like to kiss someone?

He gazed at her, both of them facing each other, he stared into her eyes and smiled. His two hands grabbed her left hand and he places her open palm on his heart, holding it there, his eyes showed love, protection, security and safety, it left evelyn confused, did Leon have feelings for her?

"Leon...why..why did you kiss me?," she asked with flushed cheeks, he had been so gentle with his kiss, almost as if conveying loving emotions through it.

"Why didn't you pull away little kitty?, your answer when you come to accept it is my answer," he said with a gorgeous smile, his answer left evelyn speechless, could it really be?, no it wasn't possible, wasn't Leonard a playboy?, he could literally have any girl he wanted with that devilish look of his, why would he choose a broken girl such as herself?.

"Do not ruin this moment with thoughts, savor this moment, it's your first kiss I believe," he spoke with a grin making evelyn cheeks burn red for the one-millionth time, it was indeed her first kiss, which probably was the reason why she was thinking too deep into it, it didn't matter if he didn't like her as she did, all that mattered was she was able to share this special moment with him

she couldn't deny though the boy was arrogant and quite annoying, regardless, he was always there to save her from life-threatening situations, something she hadn't experience until now.

"You look like a goddess under the moonlight," he complimented earning a smile from evelyn as he let go of her hands and with one hand ran his fingers through her silky white hair and gently guided her face closer to his, eventually leaning her in to rest her head on his chest, his other arm wrapping around her, albeit it was a silly thought knowing Leonard was probably just satisfying his manly needs, she hoped he'd never let go.

While at that moment against his chest, she was lost in the sound of his heartbeat, listening to its sound until she felt drowsy and her eyelids heavy exhausted from tonight's events, and shortly after she fell limp to be caught by Leonard before her frame crashed against the hard ground.

"Sweet dreams little kitty," he muttered with a smile, today was the best day he had ever experienced, "Seems I'll be taking you back again, such a troublesome girl," he muttered before lifting her up princess style and disappearing into the trees. On this night he tasted heaven.

Little did he know he wasn't only being watched by the full moon, within the shadows was another pair of eyes staring witness to tonight's events as a frown crept up between her brows, her golden irises turning shades darker in jealousy, it was the skinwalker, It was Lilith.

Sorry guys update has gotten a little slower than usual, been busy with exams and spend most of the day eye glued to my books sigh, thanks guys for the powerstones