Sunshine after days of rain

Hello guys, check out the auxillary chapter, Is he worth it, the event takes place a day after chapter 40, the night Evelyn discovered the existence of the Lycans.

At the girl's domitorium

The early sun rises accompanied by the morning ritual chirping sounds of birds, morning sunbeams peeked through the clouds illuminating the once darkened sky as golden light beamed everywhere, covering natural and man-made creations, full of beauty and magic and filled with the promise of a new beginning, it was a new day in St Donavan.

Standing by the window side gazing at the far distant golden sky was evelyn, her hair swaying gently by the gentle push and pull of the cool morning breeze, she had woken up a few minutes before dawn. Her thoughts subsisted on yesterday's kiss with Leonard who she was certain had brought her to her room.

Her mind was a mess utterly confused about what to feel, she was conflicted, she felt both mortified and excited, mortified for giving herself so easily to Leonard, someone she was certain had no feelings for her, and excited for kissing him, it was no use denying or fighting her emotions towards him.

"But why him!" she said letting out a loud sigh, shouldn't be someone else?, someone more....responsible?, perhaps was her feelings for him so strong because he provided the feelings she had longed for, for years?, Care and protection?, but if it was why wasn't she sexually interested in asher?, he too provided those same feelings, why Leon?

She turned her back at her sleeping roommate matilda who snored loudly in her sleep making evelyn chuckle mildly, how would Matilda react to it?, she had constantly denied having feelings for Leonard to her when it was the opposite.

She couldn't help but admit the feel of Leon's lips against hers felt ethereal, it sent a wave of pleasure she hadn't felt before, and the feel of his well-toned muscles against her fingers left her wanting for more, was this what it felt like to kiss one's crush?, she wanted more even knowing it was something she might come to regret later, it was like eve taking a bite from the forbidden fruit knowing it's consequences.

"What do I do?," she thought, how was she supposed to behave when next they meet in class? unable to satisfy her raging thoughts she left her room and headed toward Annabelle's.

Getting to Annabelle's room located on the second floor of the girl's Domitorium, she knocked gently against the doors, over the past few days she had come to convince herself about her vision of Annabelle's death was a mistake or simply an imagination, it had been days and not a thing had happened, usually, her visions manifest after a few minutes or hours, it made her believe Annabelle's death wasn't meant to happen.

"Who is that?," she heard her ask from the other side of the door.

"It's Evelyn," she responded

"Evelyn?," Annabelle exclaimed and quickly slipped the key off from around her neck, and slid it into her door lock, hearing a faint click, almost not audible she gently turned the lock, scraping and clicking sound could be heard, Like a grey parrot rolling its tongue and imitating the sound of a trigger on an empty gun as the door swung open.

"Good morning," Evelyn said with a smile.

"Good Morning," Annabelle replied embracing evelyn with a smile on her face, "What are you doing here at such early hours of the day?," she inquired while evelyn sighed deeply.

"I don't know really, just need someone to talk to," she said earning a wide grin from Annabelle.

"Then you came to the right place," she said enthusiastically, "Are you up for a stroll?,"

"Yeah sure," she answered politely as she watched the girl dash into her room to get a change of clothes from her pajamas to something more outgoing.


At the boy's domitorium

"What the fuck, you've been standing at that spot since midnight, it's creeping me out," said Liam with a frown shielding his eyes from the morning piercing ray of sunlight staring at the figure standing idle at the window side in a trance-like state.

"Morning Liam!" said Leon with his gaze still fixated on the window view of St Donavan.

"What's up with you, did something happen?, you disappeared without a word last night, all matilda said was evelyn was attacked by one of your crazy fangirls, did something happen to evelyn?," he asked unable to tell what got Leonard so.....distant, more distant than usual.

"Not evelyn, but to me!"

"What happened?" Liam asked in concern

"I saw, tasted, and felt heaven," Leonard said with a smile, he had spent the past few hours relieving the moment his lips tasted evelyn's, the moment the gates of heaven were opened to him, he rolled his tongue over his lips remembering the feel of her delicate skin against his lips, if as little as a kiss could feel this way he couldn't imagine what sex with evelyn would actually feel like.

Being the one affected by the mate bond, the feel was ethereal, he was unable to put it into words, it was the perfect kiss, It was one that came after long anticipation, one he had been moving towards, slowly, for what feels like years, one that he had closed his eyes to fully experience, It felt like sunshine after days of rain and the first soft rain after a drought. It stole his breath.

"What the fuck?, did you die or something?," he asked puzzled.

"Something like that," he said with a smirk, "I kissed evelyn,"

"You did?," Liam asked with a raised brow, was that what made him all weird and thoughtful like a philosopher? he couldn't help but wonder what would then happen to Leon if he consummated the mate bond by marking and having sex with Evelyn, would he go crazy?, he chuckled inwardly with the thought.