It's the new girl

"YOU KISSED LEONARD?" Anne yelled out loud while snapping her neck at evelyn with bulging eyes, quickly Evelyn placed her hands against Annabelle's lips to halt her scream, taking a stroll outside they were surrounded by a few students who like them came out to enjoy the early morning walk before preparing for classes.

"Shush!" Evelyn whispered.

"Sorry, it's just....unbelievable, don't blame your self my dearest friend, no girl would be able to resist his charms, I'm kind of jealous you got to taste those sweet looking cherry lips of his...Still isn't he a playboy?" she said with a sigh

"I didn't kiss him, he kissed me," evelyn argued knitting her brows, perhaps telling anne was a bad idea, the brown haired girl made it seem she made all the moves, throwing herself shamelessly at prince charming

"Doesn't matter you kissed him back. I thought you weren't interested in him?, what did you call him again?.." she said with a thoughtful expression placing her fingertips against her chin, "Oh yes an arrogant pretty brat." she muttered her last words with a wink at evelyn.

"You are no help at all," Evelyn muttered with a scoff, "What am I supposed to do?, how do I act when next I see him?, what if he tells his friends?," she asked frantically, her heartbeat rising while she nervously bit her nails.

"Hey calm your tits," said the brown-haired girl on glasses, "If Leon kissed you, it could possibly mean two things, either he likes you were simply another of his conquest, kind of leaning towards the later," she said wincing her brows earning a gentle nudge on the shoulder from evelyn along with an adorable glare.

"What?, I'm being realistic, rich pretty boys like him are always the same, spoiled, entitled, and psychopathic thinking they can toy with girl's emotions, beside didn't say you saw Leonard with some hot new chick?," Annabelle asked gently trying to be careful with her words.

she could see it, clear as crystal the girl had feelings for Leonard, the truth hurts but she needed to say it, she considered evelyn a friend and didn't want her to end up heartbroken and end up as another conquest for boys.

"Well...yes," Evelyn replied letting out a frustrated sigh, "I don't really think they kissed, I intruded before they did."

"Still doesn't change the fact that he would have kissed her if you haven't interrupted like he had kissed other girls, word of advice if you really have feelings for him stay clear of him at least until you get to know him better, his secrets." evelyn chuckled mildly, she already knew his secrets at least most of them, nevertheless, she decided to withhold this information.

"I might be wrong," Anne said with a smile, "Who knows he really could have been smitten by your beauty," she said with a wink earning a loud burst of laughter from evelyn.

"There's a lot of pretty girls in this school, girl's way prettier than me, Scarlett, and that new girl for one," said evelyn with a smile, "Thanks for the advice Anne, perhaps it's probably best if I keep a distance from Leon at least until I know his real motive."

"You are most welcome," Anne responded with a bright smile as bright as the glowing morning sun above them.

Perhaps St Donavan wasn't all bad as she had initially expected and thought, it had gifted her a close friend, one she could trust.


"Excuse me, who are you?," Mrs Lauren the school's English teacher asked the beautiful lady whose arrival was unprecedented, it was a student she hadn't seen until now, The stunning girl dressed in a yellow t-shirt complimented her long radiant blonde hair and a knee-length black jean that hugged her womanly curves tightly smiled sweetly before replying

"I'm a new student, just arrived yesterday, forgive me for being late, locating class was difficult." her unexpected presence stunned the whole room, they gaped in awe at her sculpted figure which was twine-thin. Her waist was tapered and she had a flawless radiant complexion, pair of arched eyebrows looking down on sweeping eyelashes. she was simply breathtaking.

"It's the new girl from yesterday," Evelyn muttered grabbing asher's attention.

"You know her?," he asked curiously, wasn't it just yesterday she arrived?,

"Umm nevermind," she said sneaking peeks at the boy in the back who had been staring back at her since the beginning of class with a smile on his cherry lips, subconsciously she licked her lips remembering how delicious they tasted and with burning cheeks, she returned her gaze back to the front.

Unbeknownst to Evelyn Leonard had erased Sophia's and her delinquents memories of yesterday events, the girl had simply woken up unable to recall how she had scarred her face and lost her sights.

"Why is he staring at you like an owl, it's creepy," asher said with a frown, he had noticed how the arrogant half-breed hadn't once torn his gaze from evelyn.

"I..i..don't know," she stuttered her response earning a narrowed gaze from asher.

"I'm Lilith," she said with a sweet harmless smile revealing her set of dazzling, angelic white teeth, she swerved her sights at the boy in the back seat Leonard, her enticing golden eyes gazing at him over her puffy, heart-shaped lips, noticing her stare Liam asked.

"Do you know her Leon?, this new girl?,"

"No," He replied curtly boring his sights at the back of evelyn's head.

"Ah you must be the new student the school principal talked about, please come in," Mrs Lauren, seemingly in her early forties said with a smile,"It seems Jeremy isn't in class, you can take the free seat at the back next to Leon,"

With a slight nod and a bright smile Lilith walked elegantly towards the back seat stealing glances from the students present in the classroom.

"It's good to see you again Leon." she said with a smile while she took her seat earning a slight nod from Leonard.

"Hi, I'm Liam," Liam said with a smile, his hands outstretched for a handshake

"Lilian nice to meet you," she replied with a harmless smile receiving his handshake, Liam grinned widely at her positive reply as he blushed uncontrollably,

"My God she's hot," muttered one of the girls in class and the other beside her couldn't help but agree with her words.

"Ahem focus class!" Yelled Mrs Lauren to get back the attention of the distracted students as she continued with her teachings.

At that moment Evelyn felt the burning feeling of jealousy.