Now or never

"Hey Evelyn wanna hang out?, we're done with classes for today," Five hours had long passed since Lilith's arrival with each passing second feeling like an eternity to Evelyn as she couldn't help but burn with jealousy at how giggly and flirtatious Lilith was with Leonard

she had taken sneaky peeks at Leonard throughout classes disappointed to find him all smiley and lovey-dovey with the new girl, not that she could blame him Lilith was simply breathtaking, it wouldn't be a surprise if Leon was already smitten by her.

She quickly turned back to find Leon who to her dismay was nowhere to be found alongside Lilith and Liam, perhaps Annabelle was right after all about him?," I'm kind of tired asher, how about tomorrow?," she asked politely,

"Come on!" Asher exclaimed with a pleading gaze, "It'd be fun I promise, I have something I want to show you," Today was the day he decided on telling Evelyn his feelings, he had waited long enough, any more and he feared Leonard might steal her heart.

"What is it?, wait don't tell me...magic?," she asked gleefully with a wide grin,

"Yes, so what do you say?," he asked with a smile, his question receiving a nod from Evelyn who felt nervous and excited for the minutes to come.


The setting takes place in the woods of St Donavan a great distance from where classes took place, it was a place mysterious to Evelyn as she had never been here before, it was a completely different route from the path to Leon's pack house.

"Where are you taking me?," Evelyn asked with a slight smile admiring the tall beautiful trees and the streaming ray of sunlight, unlike the woods leading to Leonard's pack house which to some extent was eerie, dark and frightening this was the complete opposite, it was haunting yet beautiful, like a forbidden fairyland.

"Just a little longer we're almost there," he said with a smile, walking past the tall trees Evelyn was greeted by an unexpected breathtaking sight.

"It's...snowing?," she muttered in disbelief, it was like being in a completely different place,

"It's a magical place, it's the forest where we witches train," noticing her uneasiness he quickly added, "don't be afraid there's no one here but us,"

"It's beautiful," she said with a dashing smile, the gentle wind blew particles of snow

until she was covered with them, the sunshine held her feet with its warm hands and the gentle breeze brushed her hair, it was like being In the fantasies of her dreams where she'd climb the tallest tree all the way up and reached the clouds, the white cotton candies plucking and eating from it carefree and worry-free, the sight before she gave her that same feeling as everything seemed so beautiful in her eyes.

she felt mother nature with her filling the absence of her real mother during her childhood, With only the songs of birds for a company, she felt completely isolated from the crowds and troubles of life as she walked over the deep carpet of leaves.

The small patches of sunshine pouring through the tall trees soon began to filter through the giant oaks, promising that the rest of the day would be pleasant.

"This is it," Asher said reaching his destination, the part of the forest known as Sabrina's Hollow created by his mother, the current leader of the witches, it was colorful stunning Evelyn making her speechless and unable to describe its beauty, wildflowers were blooming in a patchwork of bright yellow, azure blue deep rose, and dazzling orange adorned by the magical snowfall.

"I don't understand, isn't this risky?, don't you worry about students finding this place?" she asked

"It cannot be found by humans, a human would simply be redirected to another path if he were to follow the same path as we did," he answered with a smile, he felt excited seeing how smitten Evelyn was with his home, perhaps it might help make his confession easier, Closing his eyes he muttered a spell which apparated a long stick in his palms.

"How did you... never mind, what is that?," she asked enthusiastically, her beauty blending with the snowy atmosphere, she was perfect at least in asher's eyes.

"It's called a witch's stick, we use it in flying." there was a moment of silence following asher's words as Evelyn gawked at him in shock.

"AWESOME!" she yelled out with a smile.

"Marry me Evelyn," asher screamed inwardly feeling a large burst of emotion within him, "Fuck you Leon there's no way I'm giving up something so precious to a half-breed like you,"

"Want to try it?," he asked with a smile and in response, Evelyn nodded hesitantly, "I'll fly with you, it's completely safe,"

"Umm okay," she answered with a smile, the whole experience had momentarily distracted her from thinking about Leonard.

"This is it, this is my chance, it's either now or never," Asher thought with a smile, he felt confident his confession to Evelyn was going to be as smooth as a glider, releasing his grip on the stick it floated horizontally stunning the white haired girl once again, about to cross his legs over the stick he was taken by surprise when his surrounding suddenly changed.

"What the hell?," he screamed out loud, puzzled he turned his gaze to a figure standing at the far end corner of the empty room with a smirk on his face, it was Liam, and judging by the filthy and disorganized appearance of the empty room he assumed it was the pack house, which meant this was Leon's doing, Leonard brought him here

"WHERE IS HE?, WHERE IS THAT FUCKING HALF BREED!" Asher yelled out stomping his feet towards Liam who quickly rose his hands in defence.

"Oi oi oi calm down witch, don't take out your anger on me, Leon simply switched places with you, it's one of his special abilities, he can't teleport instead he switches places with things, though he doesn't do it often because it drains all his energy in the process"

"He switched?," he muttered, which meant he was currently with.....

"Leon?" Evelyn muttered with widened gaze, wasn't asher in that positions seconds ago?, how was this possible.

"Such a nice witch, that asher fellow, setting up this place up nicely for our date Little kitty," Leon said with a smile. Dressed in a black t-shirt and black pants and a coat is worn over he looked breathtaking.