Love and curse

A Few Minutes ago.

"I heard you've been getting close to Leon," He said with a smile, laid back on his chair, the atmosphere gloomy and sinister like his intentions, at first glance one could tell he wasn't a man to be trusted as trusting him was like trusting the devil himself.

"You had me followed?, that's very unkind of you Alexander," Lilith spoke with a simple yet frightening smile dropping her nice new girl facade, she stood up from her seat and strolled casually towards the windows gazing at the distant sky, "There's this girl Leonard seems attracted to, she's has a hair white as snow, beautiful as a siren who is she?," she asked turning her gaze to alexander.

"Evelyn, she's Leon's mate," Lilith's expression turned sullen in response to the elder's words as a loud growl vibrated in her throat, she felt anger, the skinwalker wasn't one to share what she felt was hers, nevertheless it explained why Leonard never responded to her advances, there was no sign of admiration or lust with Leon.

"Matebond," she uttered with gritted teeth, her mind wandering back to the memories she had long buried deep in a box, memories she hated reliving, Alexander's words triggered a certain memory as her mind wandered back to when it happened,

The mate bond was a spell cast by her and intended as a curse to the man she loved the lycan king Morbius who at the time was still human, it was a time three thousand years before now, a time of war between the witches and mankind who haunted them down like dogs, wanting to rid the world of magic. King Apollo with the aid of his first son, heir to the throne Morbius sought conquest and domination of the world hiding his greed and ambitions behind the delusion of fear of the witches.

Lilith although being the youngest of the three siblings, one of which, the eldest by the name Johan who died in battle was made the leader of the witches feared and respected for her unmatched prowess in magic, her abilities were seen as godlike and second to none.

It was during this period she first laid eyes on prince Morbius, albeit being enemies with a long history of a blood feud between both races she nonetheless fell in love with him at first sight, he was majestic and his beauty second to none, he swung his sword and cut down enemies like a raging god, the moment their eyes locked on the battlefield and their swords clashed against the other she felt overwhelmed, though in his armor she felt comforted in his presence like the early morning sky and clouds.

He was like the gentle river and the birds that sing, she felt him in the air and longed for his touch, recalling him in a way that sends electricity to spark her mind, body, and soul, he was her light, laughter, and hope in such dark times of war and endless death all to satisfy the greed and ambitions of the mad king, King Apollo.

Lost in the feel of love she had completely let her guard down giving Morbius enough time to strike her down giving humanity its long-needed victory and the beginning of an empire while she was captured alive and taken to the king's Kingdom, Baronia where she spent the next seven months tortured and locked in a dark cell, forced into slavery and months of servitude to the emperor, there wasn't a way to fight back as she was constantly being weakened to prevent her from using powerful spells to free herself and destroy the kingdom of Baronia.

Though an unfortunate and tragic event for Lilith, light shined upon her fate as the prince of Baronia Morbius fell in love with her during her time in her cell and in desperation for love he assassinated his father at the bewitching hour, usurping the throne and taking Lilith as his wife to be despite the oppositions from the kingdom's council.

Years passed as both races, the witches and humanity united under one empire ruled by Morbius, and Lilith flourished beyond imagination, however, driven by lust and desire for Lilith's sister Luna who fell in love with the king and was revered as the most beautiful creature with Lilith being the most powerful he mated with her.

Lust and desire soon blossomed to love as in a few years the Boronian king in fear of his wife transpired with the queen's sister to have Lilith assassinated, however to both their dismay it was unsuccessful as the queen had grown exponentially in power beyond the comprehension of the human mind and in rage and heartbreak she placed two curses on the man she loved Morbius, the mate bond and the curse of a night beast, the Lycanthrope.

placing the mate bond on Morbius was done to tie his feelings to her sister luna who she killed shortly after for eternity, blinded by rage she wished for Morbius to share the pain of heartbreak for all of eternity and after cursing the King she fled the kingdom, despaired and broken forever cursed to be a beast with a broken heart for all of eternity Morbius branded Lilith the name Skinwalker for her unique magic to turn into any creature, to be hunted and burnt on a stake, his hatred for Lilith soon spread to the witches in his kingdom as in a few years later the persecution of the witches began.

Morbius was broken to love for infinity, a curse which the lycans after him inherited, to them however it was seen rather as a blessing than a curse.

Tears slowly streamed through her cheeks, she wanted to take away the power of the painful memory of hurt, and prove to herself that she could to move on from it, however, no matter how hard she tried she couldn't, perhaps it could be the reason why she desperately wanted to anchor her heart to the first beautiful and powerful man she met, Leonard, perhaps she wished for her feelings for Morbius to be replaced by Leonard.

However how could she truly move on when the man she was starting to love already had his heart captured by another?, was history repeating itself again?,

"Do not entertain emotions of the weak Lilith, you'll drown in them until you run out of breath and fade away into despair, do not falter from your true desire to eradicate the Lycans who have wronged you since the beginning of time, destroy them Lilith and put an end to the misery of the Lycan king Morbis, only then will you be free," Alexander said with a smile, he spoke like the devil whispering to the ear of man, leading them to self-destruction and his own selfish benefit.

"I'll deal with Morbius soon enough, his time would come, I have to eradicate this Evelyn to have Leonard to myself, I'll not let history repeat itself, I'll not let fate rob me of love the second time," she spoke fiercely

"Time is running out Lilith, you have to get Leon to complete the spell, you have just a day at best left on earth," Alexander said with a callous smile.

"That wouldn't be a problem,"