The purest form of a soul at peace

"Leon?, what....what are you doing here?, where is Asher?," she stammered her words unable to keep her gaze on Leonard as she nervously darted her eyes around her overwhelmingly beautiful surroundings without focus.

"Does it matter where he is?, what matters is the thing before you," he said with a smirk as he approached evelyn with slow and steady steps boring his deep blue eyes into hers, she felt paralyzed unable to move as her heartbeat increased with each step, "Asher is fine, do you want me to leave?, would you be more comfortable with him instead?,"

"I... I didn't say you should leave," she said with lowered gaze flinching in shock as Leonard placed his fingers against her chin tilting her head upwards to meet his gaze, his mind-blowing beautiful face.

Falling in love with Leon was the easy part, admitting to herself that it happened and real was hard, she had placed very efficient defenses for so long around her fragile and broken heart for as long as she could remember only to be trampled and destroyed by the boy before her, what was the point in denying her feelings?, shouldn't she own up to her feelings and accept it?

"It's a beautiful place for our date, I always had this place in mind but knowing how....uncooperative the witches can be I dropped the idea,"

"I didn't take you for someone who respects other's wishes," she said with a chuckle

"Hmm you are a right little kitty, it seems you are starting to understand me, almost like we were destined soul mates," he said earning a loud cough from evelyn and flushed cheeks, why did he always have to be so shameless? she polled.

"The forest is protected by a protective barrier cast by a very powerful witch, I cannot step in unless invited, switching with asher was the only way," he said and in response she questioned.

"Switch?," her brows furrowed, her question rhetorical, it explained why asher had suddenly gone missing, he simply switched place with him, she couldn't help but feel impressed by Leon's abilities, still it paved the question

"Why didn't you switch with Matilda last night?,"

"Using this ability completely drains me of energy," he resolved, "Were you jealous?, today at class?,"

"What!, no..of course not, why would I be?," she asked with a shy expression, had she been caught red-handed?, no it couldn't be, she was sure he didn't notice her stares while he was preoccupied with Lilith.

"Well for one your brows knitted deeper each time you took sneaky peeks at me and Lilith," he said placing his hands around her waist and pulling her closer to him,

"Relax little Kitty, you'll pass out at this rate," he said listening in on her unsteady and increased heartbeat.

"How did you know to find me here?," she asked to divert her attention stepping backward and releasing Leon's grip around her waist, she felt lewd thoughts stirred up in her mind and a burning sensation between her thighs any closer and she felt she might pounce on Leonard like a starving Leopard, to save herself from such an embarrassment she decided keeping a distance between them, gosh why was it so hard to control her womanly desires with him?, she whined inwardly.

"I had a feeling Asher would bring you here," he answered with a smile, he could easily tell the effect he had on Evelyn, "Aren't we going to talk about our kiss?,"

she felt like she was running a marathon as her heartbeat increased, his question had come too sudden, and she felt numb and dumb unable to respond

"It was the best night of my life," out of the blue he confessed earning a widened eye from evelyn who felt taken aback by his sudden words, she doubted she had heard him correctly, or perhaps was this another one of his clever teasing remarks?

"it was paradise evelyn," he continued taking her delicate smooth hands and placing them on his chest, he couldn't wait any longer, after their kiss last night each second spent withholding his feelings felt like an eternity in darkness, it seemed kiss had intensified the mate bond to the point he felt the precipice of insanity being away from her

There was no better time than now, there was no better place than here, under the bright blue sky and the beautiful wildflowers blooming in a patchwork of bright yellow, azure blue deep rose, and dazzling orange adorned by the magical snowfall, it was a beautiful setting completed by the ethereal beauty before him, his mate, Evelyn.

She could tell he was being serious by his steady heartbeat which soothes her beyond words, like the sound of the ocean washing against the shore, she felt at peace with it, Love is the purest form of a soul at peace.

About to speak the thought crossed his mind, the thought of the harm that would befall evelyn if he confesses his feelings to her, she undoubtedly would be targeted by enemies to get to him and how was he supposed to explain the mate bond to evelyn?, how would she react to it?, perhaps he shouldn't push his luck and instead take things slow until he was sure evelyn had adapted to his world.

He loved evelyn too much to put his needs before hers, If he could describe the love he had for her and use lyrics of love songs and even the sonnets of Shakespeare, It still would be impossible, because the love he has for her cannot be put into words. she captured his heart from the day they met as time went by, his heart and love for her kept growing stronger, brighter, and bigger which made the wait worth it.

"Leon.." her words were left hanging as she felt a sudden violent invisible pull from Leonard, she felt a gush of wind as she flew in lightening speed towards a figure standing with her arms crossed, and although her face held beauty beyond words, it was as clear as crystal, she wasn't who she who she seemed to be as her aura exuded incomprehensible dark power which made evelyn tremble from fright suspended in the air.

"Lilith let her go," Leonard yelled with a glare.

"I will, happily in fact, but first you'll need to do me a little favor," she said with a cunning smile.