Lilith the skinwalker (5)

She shot her arrow which multiplied into a dozen, many of which managed to pierce through the thick skin of the beast with blood pouring through its open wounds, the beast roared in a thunderous voice shaking the ground beneath it as it charged in fury at the lady in the tree, taking advantage of its rage and distraction Leon launched himself and collided against the beast midair, slamming it to the ground.

He viciously caught the horrifying beast by its neck in his right hand, squeezing the breath from it, he held its face five inches from his, the venomous forked green snake-like tongue of the skinwalker flickered and twisted horribly in and out, but could not reach him, With his left hand he elongated his claws for the strongest blow he could give.

Meanwhile, Asher and Jeremy had prepared themselves for an attack and rushed to his aid, all three attacks fell at once, Jeremy's on the body of the snake below Leon's hand which had pierced through it's heart like a knife while asher's attack had brutally hacked off six of the skinwalker's head with his magical sword which disappeared after it's use.

The remaining head of the horrible beast went on coiling and moving like a bit of wire, screaming in pain and without hesitation, Leonard pulled out its head with his bare hands, gush and a flood of blood had covered the once snowy grounds.

"Why is it still standing?," Jeremy quizzed, the beast although without a head on its neck was still standing on its feet as though alive, following his question was the strangest of sights that rendered the three boys speechless, the once headless best had suddenly grown a head, however, like before it wasn't that of a snake, it was the head of a goat having three eyes, one at it's middle and two at its side and a pair of massive red horn, it was a goat baring long canines with a mouth wide enough to consume a fully grown man, it had a venomous Silva dripping from it's forked tongue which slithered like a snake's and instinctively the three boys leaped backward in defense.

"I can see but yet it's still hard to believe," Asher said with an awkward smile, what sort of beast was this?, it didn't even look real?

"Stand Your ground your feet are shaking princess," Leon teased with a grin receiving a glare from asher, "You shouldn't act surprised, it's the skinwalker, the most powerful known witch in history,"

"Do you have a plan to defeat it?, it's seemingly immortal,"

"There's no plan," Jeremy answered

"What do you mean?"

"We can't simply win against a creature like that, it's immortal we have no idea of how Elder morbius and Leon's ancestor managed to kill it, the best we can do is fight for survival and hope her time wears out," he said earning a confused look from asher making the intelligent boy to explain further "She needs Leonard to perform a resurrection spell and judging by how impatient she seems to be, she doesn't have long before she returns to whatever hell she crawled out from,"

"That's crazy, If your theory is indeed true, we don't know how long she has left, it could be an hour or even a day,"

"This is battle Asher, stop being a princess and fight, if we do nothing we are dead, it's as Jeremy said all we can do now is fight for survival," Leon said with a grin, preparing to shift the goat-headed beast to the bewilderment to the boys brought at fire from its mouth.

"What the hell is this thing?," Asher asked with a frown rolling to the side to dodge its attack.

"The answer is in your question princess, it's a creature from hell," Leon said with a grin before charging at the beast supported by Scarlett who launched arrows at the beast from above while Leon kicked it hard across its face, its bones felt like it was made of steel which temporarily stunned Leon.

"Don't move," Asher compelled the beast which paused its counter-attack on Leonard.

"Why didn't you do this sooner?," Jeremy asked with a frown.

"I didn't know she was immortal and only had a limited time left," He deadpanned strolling towards the motionless beast, sensing something was wrong Leonard screamed

"GET AWAY FROM IT!" It was too late as a root from the ground had stung asher paralyzing him as he fell to the ground while patches of green surfaced on his skin, it was though he was plagued by an illness as he felt his strength weaken till the point his compulsion no longer had any hold on the beast.

"ASHER!!" Scarlett screamed out loud in fear and panic

"You are blessed with the ability of a god, but simply too arrogant and inexperienced to use it," said the beast in a monstrous vibrating tone, "I'll not kill you young witch, for some reason I can't explain I'm not meant to kill you, its as if fate wouldn't allow me to, besides I'd like to see what path of destruction you are going to walk, don't worry young witch the poison would only weaken you,"

It walked away from asher who lay motionless on the floor writhing in agonizing pain and with the snap of her fingers Scarlet was pulled away from the branch towards her fingers which gripped her neck tightly.

"Such a beautiful child," it muttered before slamming Scarlet with full force into the ground knocking her unconscious, "And then there was two," it said rolling it's fork like tongue over its mouth before releasing fire from it which both boys evaded by rolling to the side, Leon quickly glanced at Evelyn letting out a sigh of relief to find her unharmed and still unconscious, about to shift into his Lycan form he heard the voice of a man.

"That's enough Lilith, you haven't changed even after death, still the bloodthirsty bitch who craves pain, death and destruction,"

"That voice," The beast exclaimed while it slowly turned it's head towards the figure, he was here, the man she loved and hated the most, her light and dark, beginning and end.

"Morbius." It was as though her emotions were conveyed by the sky as it thundered violently with the transparent color of rain morphing into blood red.

There was a worldwide rain of blood with it's source In St Donavan.