Dragon and flames

Shock registered on their faces before they could even hide it, it was unexpected, almost hard to believe like a hallucination, it was the original lycan shifter Morbius, his presence was more of a shock than the now pouring rain of blood, Lilith consumed in rage shifted back to her human form and approached the man who had held her heart captive even in and after death.

"I had a feeling you'd come," she spoke coldly, her once radiant and silky hair now sullen with the moist of red, she halted her steps a few feet away from him, locking eyes with his, he barely changed in appearance since she last remembered him, it made her want to kiss him yet at the same time kill him,

"Did you miss me?," He teased, boring his sight through his alluring purple irises, his crescent-of-moon eyebrows were thin and narrow, he carried a high-handed nose well and his angular cheekbones carved down towards a flinty jaw, bulky in nature he possessed a manly Samson physique,

His voice was deep and husky possessing a dominant tone able to subdue anyone to submission, he was dressed in a long red coat, which made him appear younger than his years, he was over four thousand years old yet his appearance looked to be one in his mid-thirties.

"Tsk, I'll deal with you later, my business is with the boy over there," she said pointing to Leon, "So get the hell out of here and wait for me like a good little dog,"

Morbius was unfazed by her insult and instead said to Leon, "why is there a human in this place?,"

"She's my mate." came Leon's short reply, he couldn't quite understand how the elder had managed to enter Sabrina's hallow in the first place, didn't it ward off other creatures besides the witches?

"Doesn't mean she belongs here," he said frowning in disappointment, The laws of the witches and Lycans were to be absolute, what the hell was the boy thinking bringing a human to such sacred grounds he thought,

"We can argue about this later, we have a much more pressing issue to attend to," Leonard said casually before turning his sight to Lilith, "It's good you are here Morbius.."

"It's Elder Morbius to you boy," He corrected, fighting back the urge to smack the boy hard across his mouth,

"I'll remember that Morbius," he teased with a smirk earning bulging eyesight from Jeremy while the elder couldn't help but sigh in frustration, he wasn't one for arguments or wars which made it possible to ignore Leon's disrespectful words.

"Morbius the bitch seems immortal how do we kill her?," Leon asked with a frown watching the skin walker keenly

"It would require a sacrifi...."

"I won't let you take him from me Morbius, like you have taken everything else," she screamed in anger, "I'll be reborn and take back everything you stole from me while I seal you in the bottom of the ocean to rot for eternity," her words were filled with hate as droplet of tears rolled down her cheeks, the heart throbbing pain she had tried burying had resurfaced with his presence, it hurt even more seeing now little the man cared for her, viewing her as nothing but an evil that needed to be put down like a sick animal, she hated It, she hated him.

"You took everything from me morbius, I gave you my heart, soul and body, I offered you the world yet you betrayed me for that snake Luna, even going as far as hunting me down like an animal with that donavan," she said with a glare, morbius however remained silent with her words, it no longer had any effect on him,

"I loved her, there was no way you were going to simply let me have her, I could see how sickly obsessed you were with me," He said without a shred of regret for his decision

"Obsessed?, is that how you justify your selfish and evil acts?, you truly are one heartless creature," she said with a chuckle, "I'll be reborn and have that boy by my side while you continue to suffer for eternity desperately wishing for death," she said with an hysterical laughter, she released a blast of energy which trembled the ground beneath them with some cracks surfacing on it, the dark sky reddened as though painted by blood.

"What is happening?," Jeremy asked staring at Lilith who screamed out loud and shortly following her screams were the sound of breaking bones as she increased in size, she was transforming, however to what creature? he puzzled

"Impossible!" He muttered gazing at the beast before him

A gentle azure eyes sit delicately within the creature's hard, long skull, which gave the already frightening creature a more intimidating-looking appearance, two horns sat at the side of its head, just above its enormous ears, and rows of crystal growths run down the sides of each of its jaw lines as a few large canine teeth poke out from the side of its mouth to reveal only a fraction of the terror hiding inside.

He was jaw dropped at the sight of its thin neck run which ran down from its head and into a massively large body covered in thick scales and colored slightly lighter than the rest of its body, it had two slim limbs to carry its body and allow the creature to stand mighty and sturdy.

Colossal bat-like wings grew from just below its shoulders and ended at the end of its shoulder blades which glowed as if made from the fire itself and curved talons sprouting from each ending like a giant scythe, it was the sight of a dragon as large and tall as a fully grown forest tree.

The beast opened its mouth and directed its blazing fire towards Morbius and Leonard who quickly conjured a protective shield to shield them from it's melting flames.

"What did you mean by sacrifice?," he asked Morbius who responded.

"She was defeated in past by using the brand of sacrifice which was placed on your ancestor Luke Donovan, It's a spell which ties a person's life force to another, and if that person was to be killed it would kill the other, the skinwalker isn't immortal, she can be killed, it's just that we have no knowledge on how to do so, only she holds the knowledge, which is why the spell wouldn't work on an immortal like me," he explained,

He had tried this exact spell on himself sacrificing his own son years after the death of luke Donovan, a man who he considered a brother, unfortunately to his dismay it didn't work, his son was sacrificed for nothing in his quest for death which made him believe the skin walker was not an immortal like him, only a mortal can be killed by such a spell.

"A spell?,"

"Yes, but we'd need the help of a witch, luckily we have you, however...." he cut his words

"However?," Leon pressed

"The brand of sacrifice needs to be placed on the one closest to you,"

A few more chapters to conclude the first volume of The Lycan Academy, thank you guys for your support this far.