Come to me darling

A young man who had his nose covered with a nose mask and a hood on his head, stood by the road, with his eyes fixed on the forest.

He had a backpack with him. Everything he wore were all black. A black jean pant, a black plain t-shirt with a black hoodie, a black boot and a pair of black gloves.

He exhaled deeply and fearlessly walked into the forest. Making everything quick was his plan. He just wanted to get in, get Isabel out and go back to his normal life in Texas.

No one knew about his visit to the death forest and no one would have to know.


Ambrosia walked back to her room, dressed in a red sleeveless long gown, reaching down her feet and her straight hair reaching her waist.

Dark and breezy nights were her favorite as she always seem to get relaxed during those nights. The night was just like the nights she loves. It was dark and breezy. 

Well, the night was good and all, but not with the human roaming about in her forest. She had since sensed him when he first stepped his feet in the forest.

She rolled her index finger round the glass filled with red blood as she stared at the forest with a blank, distant gaze.

The human was still walking about not knowing the danger ahead of him. Humans never seem to keep their businesses to themselves and let her forest be. Why was he alone anyway?

She shut her eyes and rest her head on the chair letting him roam about and get deeper into the forest so there won't be any escape for him.

Suddenly she shot her eyes opened when she felt him drawing nearer. He was drawing closer to the castle, directly to the castle. Which should be impossible.

He wasn't a vampire as she could sense that. He is human.

Ambrosia stood up from her throne seat and vanished, reappearing in her room. She hurried to the window and looked down at the forest.

Her eyes caught sight of a young man, dressed in black. He didn't possess any power and wasn't special. 

How is he walking to the castle as if he knows where it is?

In curiosity, she leaned on the window sill, still having her eyes fixed on him. She wanted to see the end game and wanted him to try to get to the forest.

The young man stopped some few distance away from the castle and looked towards the moon. He opened his backpack and brought out a black ring.

Ambrosia leaned closer, watching him interestingly as he went on to try to make the castle visible.

The young man raised the ring to the moon and waited for some few minutes but nothing happened. He looked at the ring and raised it up again but still same result.

"Darn it. The fuck is with this ring? I am not planning to waste time here." His hoarse voice made her brow knit and a corner of her lips lifted.

What was he trying to do with the ring anyway?

He stomped his feet and pulled down his hood, revealing his black curly hair, that he tied into a small bun. Few strands fell on his face but he was more eager to get the ring working.

He rose the ring up again and stayed longer, waiting for a miracle, or something to happen. Well if it doesn't, then that meant one thing, there was nothing and no one in the castle. His sister Isabel must be somewhere then.

Seeing no reaction, or little or any phenomenon produced by the ring, he threw it away in annoyance and cursed under his breath.

"Fuck you Justin, you made me believe that ring would do the magic. Was I so stupid to believe there is a forest witch who kidnapped my sister?" He scowled.

Suddenly, the ring lit up and the castle before him became visible. 

Ambrosia crossed her arms in amusement, seeing how determined he was even though it's impossible to see the castle. 

He would leave anyway, but then, she wouldn't let him. He seemed like a handsome prey and just the perfect person to be her messenger. After waiting for him to give up, surprisingly, the young man with the blue-grey eyes looked up at her.

He wasn't just staring anywhere but directly at her face, his eyes meeting hers. Well, a little part of her wasn't surprised he finally saw the castle even though it was impossible.

Curiosity filled her as she wonder who the young man was to be able to do what he did and make the castle visible to him.

Could he be, a special search agent, a special human with some abilities, an hybrid or.....a smirked appeared on her face when she thought about the girl upstairs.....Or her brother, she concluded.

Darren couldn't keep his eyes off as it were glued to the lady in red staring at him. He never expected the trick to work and had even thought Justin was crazy when he gave him the ring to further push him to believe his stupid superstitions.

Justin had advised to go into the forest until he got deeper, at a clear ground under the moon. He gave him the black ring and told him to raise it up that he might find something interesting and, he shouldn't lose the ring as it would keep making the castle visible.

Justin definitely knew much and Darren thought he might know more about the witch queen. 

He made to move towards the door but pushed the ring, forcing him to take his eyes off the woman whose piercing gaze were beginning to bore holes into him.

He picked the ring up and wore it just as Justin instructed.

Ambrosia moved back until she was lost in darkness. He tried to see where she went to but she moved so quickly.

"Darn it. I just want my sister." He muttered and ran fearlessly towards the entrance.

"This is about to get interesting," she muttered, standing in the dark. "Come to me darling. I will make you mine." Her lips were curled up into a smug grin.