I am not a weak woman

The bright light shining through the window with a thin curtain blocking it full entrance into the room, forced her to move uncomfortable as she tossed to the other side of the bed.

It was so bright and she felt her skin burning.

Slowly, she opened her eyes but groaned when a sharp pain hit her head but she was forced to forget the pain and shut her eyes when the strong smell of blood filled her nostril.

Her body and brain went numb for a while, processing what was going on. She was still alive. How could that be?

She jerked up and took her surrounding into sight. A simple room that just had a medium sized bed in the center, a wooden book shelf by the side of the room. The paintings where light blue color and the cotton where darker blue.

As she took knowledge of everything in the room, it came to her notice that it wasn't one in her castle. She wasn't in the castle.