A Warning From The Vindictive Father

"Hello, father."

Straight-laced, void from showing any emotions once more, he makes sure he continues to keep this way especially that he is in the watchful eye of Agon.

"Dimitri. I'm glad that you weren't captured." 

In these rare times, his father shows his concern towards his son. Dimitri had his first experience witnessing that his father could show some kindness whenever he pleases. And that is why he could never consider hating him even once.

After all, he has a deep respect towards a man who is so well-liked by the people around him.

"Agon filled me in on the details and I sincerely apologize for doubting your judgment of your concubine."

Without beating around the bush, he dares to ask, "Aren't you disappointed that I disobeyed your order, father?"

After all, if he hadn't left and the king was there to save Maridawn, he would be the least suspicious if they could create an alibi of his disappearance.