Guilty Pleasure Of His Cravings

When Orga wakes up from his deep slumber, it is already midnight. It is the longest sleep he ever had. Next to him, Frieda is sleeping peacefully without an ounce of worry, unaware of the circumstance they have.

"Oy, wake up, female alpha." He shakes her shoulder. Frieda only squirms as she turns to the other side. 

That ticks him off as his brow furrows even more. "You don't want the king to see this, right?" 

Even if he may be the king's favorite concubine and even if he's on his good side, the Alpha King abides by the law, believing that the law is just.

  If he sees her next to him, Orga knows without a doubt that he would have punished his female alpha attendant without a second thought.

He ruffles his long dark hair as he tries to stand up. Feeling glad that his body strength is back from his long hours of rest, he sighs in relief then turns to Frieda.