Who am I ?

'Nobody knows who I really am. Neither do I?'

Here i was sitting alone on the grass while staring at the lake to clear my thoughts. I love the way wind caresses my face and blows my hair, it's so amazing. Looking at my feet that was immersed in the water, enjoying the way the tides sends current to it.

'Pure euphoria' I thought.

I gazed around the lake, a small smile appeared on my lips. I loved being surrounded by nature; The tress, the flowers, the grasses, the waters and singing birds - The birds were singing melodiously and I wanted to listen to it for a very long time.

I glanced at my wrist watch noticing that the time was 7:45AM.

"Shit!!" I uttered. I had no idea that I had spend a long time here, time really flies.

I got here around 6:00AM and school doesn't start till 8:00AM. So, I have 15 minutes left before the first bell rings.

Getting out of the water, I began picking my things. I put on my shoes which was the last thing on my list, I didn't care if I was late or not. In fact, I was always late to school which made them give me the nickname 'QUEEN OF LATENESS' - A very nice name. Don't you think?. I had a special sit in detention for always coming late. Lucky me.

Resting my back by the tree not planning on leaving now. School wasn't a fun place for me, I didn't have anyone waiting or expecting me. Having no friends meant less drama or trying to fit in. I stick to myself a lot and it was better that way.

After a few moments I looked at my watch and guess what? time really flew. It was 8:48Am.

"Just keep on flying okay" I said to my wrist watch- like it could hear me.

I stood up from the the grass, dusting the dirt from my uniform while picking up my bag.

Sighing deeply, I began walking out of my hide out- The Forest - it wasn't something new to me.

I walked slowly once I was out of the hide forest not caring who was looking at me, I looked so awful, my hair was so untidy; like i haven't been to the salon in ages, my school uniform was rough with ugly stitches and my shoes were end of discussion. I looked absolutely terrible.

I adjusted my school bag after walking for about 10 minutes or so. At least I still had 15 minutes before reaching that hellhole. By now the second period would have started which was History.

"Thank goodness, I wasn't in that class" I whispered. I hated all things history. What's my business with what happened so many years ago or what transpired between two countries or the life history of a particular family or generation or how or what killed a person. It's none of my business. So asking me to write an essay about past events were nothing but pure torture.

I was more of the English language and Mathematics person. I do very well in these two subjects. I could express myself with these two subjects; I solve equations to keep to myself and write to express how I feel- it all depends on my mood.

I'm not a nerd neither am I a straight A's student. I fail in every subject apart from mathematics and English - Pretty cool. Right?.

"Bark! Bark!!"

I was brought out of my trance by a cute little dog which was standing close to my feet. It was staring at me with those cute eyes as though it could see through me. Damn! I want to cuddle it so bad. Deep down I knew better than that; NO SORT OF ATTACHMENT TO ANYTHING OR ANYONE - That's my Motto and I better stick to it.

"Bark! Bark!!!!"

The dog barked again.

"Oh my God! Why does it have to be so cute?" I mumbled. I do have a heart not stone. So, I'm bound to have feelings and this dog was messing with it.

I looked at it again, seeing it wagging it's tail. "Don't do that?" I said quietly to it. "Stop acting cute". But it didn't listen to me instead it curled around my feet.

Motto! Motto! Motto! I echoed in my head. I kept looking everywhere else trying my best to ignore this little kryptonite. I don't want to feel anything; should i kick it or chase it away, better still I would definitely scold the owner for not holding it properly and letting it lose. Oh God, What am I saying? I really need a way out.

Screw it! I can't take it anymore. I bend down to touch it's fluffy fur. It feels so nice, gosh! I'm literally loving this.

"Don't you dare touch her!!" An angry voice shouted.