Words hurt

'It's amazing how words can do that, Just shred your inside apart'.

"Don't you dare touch her!!" An angry voice shouted.

I turned my attention to the woman in her mid-twenties approaching me. She looked beautiful, with a nice figure and an amazing outfit. I became aware of how I looked - not that I cared but you understand....

"Don't touch her!" She repeated. I inwardly rolled my eyes at her, she didn't have to say it twice. "Are you okay Papu?" She asked her dog while squatting to check it.

PAPU - Seriously of all the names to call a dog. She had to name it Papu.

"You poverty-stricken bitch!" She spat at me. "Are you trying to hurt my precious PAPU?"she eyed me.

"No, your dog came to me," I replied quietly.

"Lier! My papu could never come to a piece of shit like you," she spoke with so much venom.


'Maybe it saw something that you are too blind to see' I thought.

I tried walking away from her but she fucking stopped me. 'What now?' I grumbled inwardly.

"I'm not done with you bitch!" she clenched her jaw.

I am not big fan of talking with people or anyone at all. I'm anti-social, if you put it that way. No, I'm mute, my vocal cords are perfectly fine, I just hate talking because you never know what you say to someone that would put you in a tight spot. So the best way is to keep quiet- That's my logic.

"Please let me through," I said. I could feel her accessing me with a digested look.

"Everyone was right about you. You are nothing but a worthless piece of useful space," she said bitterly.

Ouch!!! Again.

"Why did I have to run into you," she said while shaking her head.

I hate this town. I hate this place. Why do they always judge me? without even knowing the full story.

The expression on her face showed she enjoyed insulting me. Why me?

"You don't..." I didn't wait for her to finish her sentence when I dashed away from her. I could still hear her shouting at me but I didn't stop, I wanted nothing more than to be far away from her as quick as possible.

"You witch!"that was the last thing I heard from her. 'Did she want me to beat her up with my broom' I thought.

* * *

I got to school at exactly 9:42AM. Standing at the entrance of the school gate brought shivers down my spine, I could already picture how my day was going to be like. Now more than ever I wished I could turn back and head to the forest and forget that there was a place called school. But, since I was already here there is no turning back - Help me God.

I walked to class silently, not wanting to attract any sort of attention but luck wasn't on my side- it had never been in the first place and it won't change. The eyes of everyone in class was on me even down to the spiders near the lawn.

Glancing at the teacher, I could tell that she wasn't happy to see me. I don't blame her nobody liked me.

"Would you care to explain why you are late?"Mrs Brooke the history teacher asked with an expressionless tone. I thought I wouldn't meet history class but like I said before luck has never been on my side. Mrs Brooke had two periods- Just kill me now!

"I.... um....." I had no idea of what to say to her. 'Should I tell her that i was at the lake and i was patiently waiting for time to fly cause i didn't want to be here' I thought - She won't believe me- I have to come up with a meaningful issues, anything will do. "There were no buses. So, i had to walk to school," I told her.

"Really? She eyed. " You want me to believe that?" she said without emotions.

"I'm telling the truth," I lowered my head daring not meet her eyes.

I could feel everyone in class laughing silently - Get a life people.

"Please believe me," I said quietly.

She scoffed. "You are such a a liar Stevie"She said my name like it was poisonous and saying it alone could make die.

Deep down i hated the fact that i was giving a boy's name. My parents thought they were having two boys so they named me while i was still in my mother's belly.

People tend to make fun of my name, they found it weird. They nicknamed me Stevie steal, Stevie sickly or SS.

I look back at Mrs Brooke who was writing something on the board, trying to clear my head of the bad thought. She looked at me with a bor expression before turning back to whatever she was writing.

"You have two hours of detention" she spoke without looking at me - I was expecting that - "You also have to turn in your essay on Martin Luther king Jr" -What?! I wasn't expecting that, I haven't even started a thing on it. Why does fate hate me so much?- "Now get out of my class and stand outside" she said sternly.

"Yes ma" I looked at my classmates who were sniggering at me. I was the laughing stock of school, the weird one, plain Jane - I kind of agree with them on that.

I went outside and stood by the corner. My normal routine. I glanced at my 'passed down from generation to generation' wrist watch which I got from salvation army. Mrs Brooke had 10 minutes more before her class ends. 10 minutes till I submit that undone essay. 10 minutes of silence. As you know I'm an introvert and I like it way.

I closed my eyes letting the darkness engulf me. It was better than being in Mrs Brooke's class or facing those monsters.

* * *

Splash!! Splash!!!

I was brought back from wherever my thoughts had taken me to, when I felt a liquid rolling down my face. Making sure my eyes shut not wanting the unknown liquid X to get into my eyes.

Splash!! Splash!!! Splash!!!!

This time it wasn't on my face but rather on my uniform, it was sticking to my body - Ugh!!!

I slowly opened my eyes, only to see a smug expression on the faces of my tormentors - My Classmates - holding water balloons ready to throw them at me.

They were mocking me.


"Welcome back to earth Bitch!" one of them shouted. She glared at me.

"Just look at her, she's more or less a walking corpse," Lila snickered causing them to erupt into a fit of laughter.

'Damn you all' I thought.

Lila had been one of my biggest tormentor both in and outside school. She always found pleasure in causing me pain or making feel less than I already am.

"I wonder, why isn't she dead yet?" one of Lila's minions sneered at me. "Just die already!"

I looked at them while biting my lower lip trying to contain myself from looking weak in front of them. I scanned the entrance of the class trying to find Mrs Brooke. She had to stop from bullying me for once, but she was no where to be seen. She left without even telling me to go to class.


I tried moving away from them when another balloon splattered over my uniform. AGAIN! Observing my brown uniform closely, it was stained with blue liquid. 'Nice, Why haven't I thought of this fashion idea' I thought sarcastically.

The thought of how I was going to get the stains off made wince - I'm having a great day.

"Why are you trying to move? Lila roared. "You deserve to be below us. You are nothing!" she glared at me.

I whimpered.

"Stay strong, Stay strong. it's all going to pass," I repeated quietly to myself. "There is nothing to worry about".

looking at them, seeing the way they were laughing at me, mocking me, hurting me. It made me feel so little easily break me.

I began to move away again trying to give a distance maybe - just maybe - they would stop hurting me and I realise that they were wasting their time by bullying me.

"Where the hell do you think you're going Sickly?"A evil voice stopped me.

No no no. Please not again!